Should a woman propose?

Should women propose?

Is it emasculating for a woman to ask a man to marry her?


I think that woman can propose.

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Monica did. Chandler seemed ok.


Can a woman be emasculated?
And to answer your question, no.

I personally don’t think a woman should. But good luck and sending love if that’s the choice you make!


I mean, I don’t see why a woman can’t ask a man. But think of the reasons why he hasn’t asked yet. So are you asking him just because he hasn’t asked yet? What if he just doesn’t want to get married?


I proposed to my husband with a wedding band (it was a leap year)


Depends on your man? :man_shrugging: I wouldnt mind but I know guys that would NOT like that at all


I don’t see anything wrong with it but my husband always said if I did it to him he would’ve been very embarrassed and said no so I guess it depends on the guy :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I feel like it’s traditional for a man to ask a woman but at the same time a man faces some of the same fears, what if he asks and is faced with a no? It’s not like women are always ready for marriage.

However to answer your question, to each their own. If you have a proposal idea I don’t see why not?


No. Its 2019. Why is this even an issue. Lol.

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I did​:woman_shrugging:t2: his divorce was finalized on a Friday and we got married on a Monday :joy::woman_shrugging:t2:

Probably depends on the man… Talk to him.

Theres no rule saying a woman cant do the proposing


No that is a Mans Job!! If


Everyone seems to be breaking with tradition these days.
It’s completely up to you.
Remember,if all goes well, you’re making great memories and stories to tell.

I personally would never. But, like Lisa Wendorf said, best of luck. It’s your decision!!


I have heard of it. Personally I wouldn’t.

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I gave my husband 5 months to propose after he knocked me up, and when he didn’t do anything on new years, and it was time that he had to go back to work (out of state), I just told him we were getting married and when to show up. That man is still lazy about that kind of stuff. :roll_eyes:
But we’re married 10 out of our 13 years now with 2 kids, so… :woman_shrugging:
However, he also still gets an earful anytime anyone we know gets proposed to / proposes, and I’ve made it clear that’s just his cross to bear… he made his bed. :joy::joy::grimacing: I :heart: him.
Good luck!:+1::crossed_fingers:


I purposed to my husband. We had a long discussion beforehand and he didn’t want to ask because he felt like he couldn’t give me all the things I needed or wanted. (Children) I asked, he said yes. We will be married 18 yrs. in a few weeks. However, I regret it. Not because I regret being married to him but I feel that I missed out on something.


Discuss marriage with him first and see where he’s at. But why does it matter what a group of strangers thinks of someone else’s relationship?:woman_facepalming::rofl: Do what makes you happy! And if this wasn’t about you… mind your business​:roll_eyes:

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I don’t think my husband would have care ether way.

I’ve been begging my sister to do it! Her man is loooooong over due so I told her to get on it.
Have fun with it! Man it up! Give him a porterhouse with “Marry Me?” on it!

If your boyfriend can be emasculated, then do you really want that douche in your life permanently?


If a man feels emasculated by a woman proposing then he’s not man enough to be a husband


My husband says I asked him to marry me

To each their own, but do so at your own risk!!the majority of the man propose when they’re ready, so even if y’all been dating a while they may not be ready and you may be rejected!! JMO

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I finally got the man that I always had a crush on to date me so I gave him no other option but to marry me lol I simply said let’s go get married and he asked when so I said tomorrow! We’ve now been married 3 great years but I agree with someone above I feel as if I missed out on something, every time I see something about a proposal I get a little butt hurt because I will never get that because I was in a hurry to get him lol

My 1st marriage didn’t turn out that well. But my late wife wouldn’t just shack up, for her reasons. I wanted her in my life forever, more than I was against getting married again. I would give up my life to have her still alive. She was a better person than I could ever be.

Of course! But be careful, don’t ask any question if you can’t handle the answer!