My daughter was the same age. And yes it definitely helped. Listen to your doctor not Google
Doesn’t hurt to try. Do whatever you can to help your baby
Yes by 18 months kids should know and regularly say at least 10 words. Early intervention is great and really helped my son
Maybe let her start school and see how you feel after
I didn’t talk til i was older either, I don’t think many 18 mo olds carry on conversations yet
You’re doctor is after that referral fee.
It won’t hurt nor harm her so why not ? Any education or early intervention is never too early or too late.
Why not get a head start if there is a delay with your child? It’s to help the child. So, help the child.
I don’t think it’s necessary at all at that age.
My daughter is same age and barely speaks my son did the same and he is 12 now and fine
Or go to a different doctor and get a second opinion or a third to ease your mind
Maybe see an audiologist first?
No she doesn’t need it. Kids talk at their own rate. Why force her to do something she isn’t ready for?
I didn’t talk until I was 2. Now I don’t shut up.
If your baby can understand what you’re saying but doesn’t talk- I was told not to worry too much. But it wouldn’t hurt to try- whatever you’re comfortable with.
My little one was the same. He’s 3 and won’t stfu.
Maybe… but also encourage speech. If she wants something… have her say " apple, please" or “milk please”, etc. This is actually the best way… READ to her !!! Read, read read.
Considering wait lists, if there’s an inkling of an issue, go for it now
I worried for my son too and it turned out he DID need speech therapy! Even at that age! He’s 4 now and still in it through the public schools here. Look into getting a free speech eval done through the state. Mo first steps program did a free eval and we paid around $30/mo for them to do speech therapy 2x’s a week with my son until he started a pre preschool program with speech therapy at our early childhood center.
I would rather do it sooner because there may be another reason she isn’t talking. They will help you figure it out. Extra therapy can’t hurt.