FTM my daughter is 2 months will be 3 months on the 12th and I put her to bed around 6 or 7 last night and she slept all through the night up until 5 to feed then back to sleep and just woke up. Is it okay for her to sleep through the night this soon ?
Enjoy it because sleep regression is right around the corner lol
You’re blessed lol
It is wonderful! My oldest slept all night once when she was 8 years old…
My daughter slept all night at 6 weeks and when regression happened it was only a week until she was sleeping all night
Reply I believe she went through it because there was a time where she would take good 5 hour naps and then bam she would not take any naps but now just last night she slept through the night I didn’t mind her not napping I love spending every moment with her it took everything to not wake her up lol
Both of mine slept through the night at 2 months, hoping to have the same luck with #3. The dr always told me thast as long as they are continuing to grow and gain weight to enjoy the sleep
Yes. My youngest slept through the night around that age. Enjoy it while you can!!
You are BLESSED enjoy it while you can!!!
Yes. Savor it! Kept mine awake til 8 with a bedtime routine that started at 7:30 - so he’d sleep til 6.
A warm bath with a baby lotion rub and last feeding worked like magic on all my babies. My kids kept that routine well into their school age years.
My daughter slept theough the night at 6 weeks old. It is normal…
Mine all slept from 9pm/6am since they were all 2 weeks old still to this day, they sleep amazing from 7pm-8/8:30am
Yes my two oldest slept through the night from day 1. I would have to wake them to feed them. My youngest started to sleep through the night around 4 months with no feedings. He is 8 months now went to sleep around 9:30 last night. He is still asleep & it is 9:04 am my time.
Enjoy my son started around 3 months but ever since 12 months he hasnt hes now 18 monthd and i now have a 6 week old too…thank goodness my husband helps in the night
Yes u are blessed haha enjoy it while I can! Totally normal
My first 2 kids slept through the night at 6 weeks old…take advantage of it…babies go through growth spurts about every 2 weeks so be prepared for her to wake up from time to time
Mine slept through the night starting at 2-3 months, she’s 26 months now and the only time she wakes at night is if she’s not feeling good.
I’ve heard that while they are capable of sleeping through the night, you should still feed them. Not necessarily wake them, but give them the chance to feed.
It’s dangerous for their blood sugar to drop and their metabolism gets messed up. Not to mention if you’re breastfeeding it messes up your milk schedule. My little one is only 8 weeks and has been sleeping from 9pm-5am and I still let her suckle at midnight and 3 to keep her blood sugar up and my boobs producing milk
My firstborn slept all night from birth. I had to wake her up to feed her.
Count your blessings! A lot of us weren’t that lucky lol. She will not like sleep too long and not eat enough or anything like that so no reason to worry.
Lol yes it’s alright. My son was only 6 weeks old when he started sleeping a good 6hrs straight at night. Hoping my other son I just had on the 1st is they same.
You’re a lucky one! I was as well, with all 3! Ine all started sleeping all the way through around 2-3 weeks. Don’t worry momma, she’s good!
My daughter was 6 weeks when she started sleeping thru the night she’s 3 in June my son only.jjst started sleeping thru and he’s 9 months
My daughter sleeps thru the night since she born… she just wake up for feed
Be lucky on no losing sleep baby will wake up if they are hungry
My babies slept thru at 6 weeks! So nice!!
Yes. Just check on her. My kids slept through the night from day one.
Wait my boy started sleeping from 8:30 to 1am or 4am … he only eats twice thru the night now. He’s 7weeks now. He’s a whopping 13pounds so i never thought about waking him. I did last night tho bc I went to bed at 11. so why not feed him before bed. And then I woke up to pee at 2 so why not feed him again then… he ate both times. and didn’t wake until 6am…
Once the child weighs over there birth weight (cuz they lose some then gain some) you don’t have to wake them up anymore.
Newborns do not wake themselves to feed. The hospital told me that. However, as long as they’re past their birth weight and your doctor is happy with the weight she is putting on, than your fine.
Count your blessings.
My youngest has slept through the night once. Although I loved the uninterrupted sleep I worried about my supply. Even tho I know one night won’t affect it.
It’s normal. There’s times my son will sleep 4-5 hours before a feeding and he’s almost 2 months
Yes it’s perfectly fine. My first didn’t start sleeping through the night til he was almost one. My second was about a month or two months old when he started sleeping through the night
Yup!! Enjoy the sleeping baby:)
My son did it at exactly 2 months!
My kids were even younger
All three of my kids did… as long as she is gaining weight and what not, she should be fine. If you still feel uneasy about it, contact her pediatrician
My 2 week old daughter only wakes up about once to three times a night to eat she goes right back to sleep though my son however woke up every two hours on the dot to eat
Yes. I would just check on her a few times in the night.
Absolutely. All my little ones started sleeping around 10 hours a night by 2 months. I think some little ones just love their sleep…nothing wrong with it at all!
Yes momma. Maybe she can teach my 6 month old lol
Omg yes lol, let her mine is 6 months and doesn’t sleep that good! Leave her be and get some sleep lol
Yep! My little guy was a geat sleeper early on. He regressed around 5 months, teething and stuff, but he got back to the awesome sleeping around 9 months. If they let you sleep, take it lol!!! That’s what everyone told me.
Possibly a growth spurt. Sleep is just as important to their development as eating. My LO has been sleeping through the night since about 6 weeks old and Dr said as long as he’s getting his recommended ounces during the day that it’s perfectly fine to let them sleep. My son was born 1 month early at 4 lbs 3 oz 16 in long, he’s now 3 1/2 months 14 lbs and 24 in long so think it’s safe to say it’s not hurting him one bit consider yourself lucky if it continues
Girl. If she sleeps let her lol its never a bad thing to get a full nights sleep
My baby that is now 4 months has slept through the night since the day he was born. On the other hand my 1st didn’t sleep through the night till he was 8 months. All babies are different.
U can get much needed rest when they get older u will need the energy to keep up
My two daughters slept through the night around 3 to 4 days. I was blessed.
Yes! Babies need lots of sleep. They are using tons of energy to grow its normal.
I think its quiet normal for some infants at this stage.
My daughter is a bit like that… I’ll put her to bed around 7, and then she’ll wake up around 11pm or 12am to feed then back sleep, and then wake up around 7-7:30am
But i still check up on her though, after our midnight feed… just to make sure she’s 100% ok.
Yes!!! My daughter only woke up once in the night, from the time she was a newborn until 1 month. then she started sleeping completely through the night.
As long as she eating good, I would still mention to pediatrician, so he or she knows her schedule
Yes yes yes she will wake if she is hungry x
Yup! You’re one of the lucky ones enjoy!
My daughters been a q
10-12 hour a night sleeper from birth.
No problems except when shes with my ex partner who is her biological mother.
No! My daughter did that from 6 weeks to 6 months and it’s a blessing!!! We moved cross country when she was 6 months and it messed all that up and I miss it
My daughter was 4 days old and her and I both slept throughout the night except for once at 3 am, she needed fed and changed then we went right back to sleep. When she was around that age, she woke but about twive a night and sometimes slept through the night. It’s normal momma bear.
Girl you are blessed let her sleep!!!
Omg… Why wouldn’t it be ok for a baby to sleep all night? You should find yourself lucky. Lots of mothers only dream of this.
I wish my kids would have slept through the night at that age!
Enjoy it while you can, it may not last
Yes!! My daughter since 3 months old slept from 7-7 had a bottle then went back to bed for another 2 hrs. Now at 19 months she goes to bed between 7-8 on week days wakes up at 545(because I have to wake her) then takes a nap about 9 foot 2-3 hrs. Weekends sleep until usually 8 or 9
Let her sleep my little one has done that right from the start count it as a blessing they will wake when they are hungry or wet
as long as she’s over birth weight.
Not to sound like a bitch… but totally hate all of you with your unicorn babies and your sleeping through the night lol. My son has not slept through the night since birth. Just turned 5 months and is giving longer stretches but def not a “full” night
Be happy while that lasts. Mine slept through the for a few months now she usually wakes up at least once