Should bills be split 50/50 if you make more than your spouse?

My ex was like that, he made nearly double what I made and he thought it was fair to be 50/50, but everything for the kids, for us, for the house, finding childcare, etc fell on my shoulders. He drove me to needing a second job to afford living in his lifestyle. Then he’d sign up for more and more bills like subscriptions and things. He was ridiculous. My relationship now is our money, our bills, he gives me his money to deposit where we need it and I make sure everything is paid on time because I am better with budgeting than he is. He asks me “Do we have money for this or that” but never ever makes me feel bad that I don’t make as much as he does. It’s waaaay less stressful this way than the other way. And we always seem to have more money where I was always scraping by in my last relationship.


I only work part time and my husband has a fantastic job with great pay so my check is deposited in our joint account then he will deposit most of or all of his check and then we pay the bills out of that, some of them he pays off his pay card but its all documented and we have a bill calender of what needs to be paid when, it helps immensely. We budget better and can do more as a family now.

If your keeping track of who makes more
And wondering if the one that makes more should pay more then that’s not a loving relationship…just my opinion

We put all our money together
Make sure bills are paid then decide on what’s needed for the month
Whatever is left we decide on a day out all together as a family …a day trip. Or we save it for emergencies.

My husband and me when we got married we became partners for eternity so we put all of our money together and paid what needed to be. It was not your or MI e it our bills so we pay as one

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Me and my husband do it that way tho sometimes i pay more bills bc I make more and we have two separate accounts. I don’t care what others say, if by some change we separated I don’t need to worry because I have money and pay bills myself

Theu aren’t split 50/50 in our house. We each pay our own personal bills and then contribute to the “house bills”. Its whatever works for you as a couple. It’s unlikely you both make the same exact income or have the exact same personal bills like car, student loans etc

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You pay bill when they are due’ there is no yours and his’ its ours


If you make more than your partner, your partner needs to find a better paying job.


What needs to be played for should be played for. It dosent need to be cut any particular way.

I take care of all the finances my husband direct deposits a certain amount in for bills and what is left is his to spend however he wants to with no complaints from me he does contribute more than me if not I would not have anything left after bills he does not mind because he knows I’m good with the money I set money into savings as well he has a spending problem and admits it I don’t and we always have what we need so I guess it’s whatever works best for your house our big thing is we both want money in our pockets after bills are paid to spend guilt free for our hard work we have been together for 10 years and never fought over money

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I personally liked it when we threw all our money together, paid the bills, and split what was left equally.

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I’ve been married 16 years and we’ve always had a joint account. I pay everything when it’s due. I’ve only worked part time since we had kids and my husband has NEVER questioned us having our joint account because I work outside the home less than he does!

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He pays everything and whatever is short, is taken from me. We save my salary and keep for emergency and future.

No. Married bills should be paid from married income.


My partner and I split bills 50/50 such as rent utilities groceries But bill that are mine I pay like my car payment n stuff but if I need help he helps… we make about the same though but I have more personal bills

Why do they keep their money separated? That seems strange to me. All of our money goes into the same account. Same bills.


In a marriage all money goes into same bank it’s “our” money. Nobody halves any of it or pay more.

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I believe married folks should do whatever works for them. No right or wrong way. Lots of variables involved.

I don’t work my partner does, there’s no his or hers, it’s all our money and we discuss purchases before we go and make them.

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We don’t split bills, or incomes. We’re on the same team. We pay what needs to be paid.


50/50 if you a joint acct then everything come out of that acct. no questions ask.

All our money goes to the same place, whatever bills are due get paid with whatever money is in there, lol

Will never ever have a joint account as I have heard wayyyyy too many stories about how that’s a bad idea.
If I made more I’d be willing to put in more. The less stress I can give my partner is what matters

Our bills have always been whoever can pay them, does. Its always been our money. Regardless of who makes more

The way we do it, is whoever’s check comes first in the month,we use it to pay those bills due at the time and then catch with the rest by the next check. So 50/50


Oh geee shouldnt
have to worry about that
The thing you should be doing is just pay
Shows where you stand in your relationship

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All money to one account and all bills get paid from there.

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We have a separate account for bills and he and I put money into it every pay for the bills

I am in favor of separate accounts.Just because.


In my relationship if one has it We both have it We just pay whatever is due and one needs something and doesn’t have it the other takes care of it :woman_shrugging:


We don’t split anything. OUR house, OUR kids, OUR money OUR bills.

I think if y’all are in a relationship it shouldn’t be yours or his it should be together things. Your both living together. I live with my boyfriend of two years. We may not have joint accounts but it is ours. If I need something he will help me and vise versa.

We don’t do 50/50. We just do who ever can afford it. I’m currently pregnant and not able to work due to health issues and my man now covers every bill. When I was working whoever had the money at the time of the bill covered it and then we just used the other money when it came in for whatever was needed for the household. :woman_shrugging:t3: it’s never really “50/50/“

IF you want it separate then you need 3 accounts. Household, his,hers. Then contribute equal amount into household.

My husband makes more money than me. But he lets me control how the money is spent. Its not his money or my money its OUR money. And he trusts me to make sure that bills are paid and food is bought.

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It’s always been our money here.

Always should be 50/50 but really you both should be helping out and If you make more… didn’t you get that career so you could have a good future with your spouse? So why deny them that little extra luxury :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:xx

Pagsabot mo kay basin maputlan mog kurente…

It’s whatever works for ur family

I spend to much on the side us having a joint account would be damaging lol

What ever did people do before Facebook? Oh ya, talked to their spouse, their child’s other parent, talked to an attorney, etc. not give a little bit of information and ask a bunch of strangers what their opinion is on a situation. :person_facepalming::person_facepalming::person_facepalming:


Is he your husband? If he’s your husband I’d think everything goes into one account and bills are paid out of that when they’re due. Nothing should be split because everything belongs to both of you


What I get from my job pays all bills my fiancée gives me 3/4 of his money without asking he just does it. I have all bills going out of my checking so he just hand me cash and says do whatever with it. Currently saving for a down payment on a house!

My man makes more than me, but I always try to do the 50/50 but he definitely picks up the slack when I can’t do it without any complaints. He knows what I make and he knows what bills we have together and have made together. He knows they need paid with or without me and vice versa. Now if you can both easily afford the bills without any worries and have extra money then I don’t see why it can’t be 50/50. But if you’re partner is struggling and you’re making more, that’s where teamwork comes in. They’re both of your bills. If I was rich and my man wasn’t he wouldn’t pay a single bill :sweat_smile: but that’s just me, I’d like to be able to spoil him one day, and I know he’d do the same for me.

It’s the sarcasm that’s irritating for me. There’s someone asking for help and some of you are being jerks about it.

50/50 IMHO
I’m a spender, my ex hated spending on anything so we had even share in household expenses and this way there was no arguments over my enjoyment of the rest.

It depends on the relationship and the person. Im the kind that says. You in 100% or ya out 100%. I don’t get it. I mean y’all sharing life and Married. Why split? He might make money more but it might be me who makes more later. It’s all team. If it’s not together. What kind of team is that. But hey. I ain’t saying it’s wrong. But it’s wrong for me and no we don’t split.

Spouse that makes more money than she does he should pay all bills

My SPOUSE? No. You’re not my roommate

Me and my partner spend the same % of our income on bills

We share by percentage of income to bills

Wait…You’re married and you keep your money separate?

Smh :woman_facepalming: it should be whatever works for your relationship. There is more to factor in then money itself.


My husband pays all the bills. My money is for little extras of what is needed in the house.

I’ve never understood couples who split bills or have separate bank accounts. It’s one thing if you’re dating but if you choose to get married you’re supposed to be in this thing together. In my experience almost every couple I’ve known who was petty about money and kept things separate are now divorced. My husband and I have never fought about money because every cent that comes in is ours.


My husband and I just shovel all money from all sources into our joint account. We don’t do “his money” and “her money”. It’s all our money. We know how much all our bills are going to be so we always keep that figure plus an extra $400 in there. Also some of each of our check goes right into savings account. Anything above that number is extra and either of us can spend it however we want within reason. Like we don’t have to have a conversation with each other if I am out at the mall and want to buy a cute shirt or he wants a new video game; but if it is a big purchase like around $100 or more we always talk about those before spending.

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I think all should go into one pot, as long as both have access to funds if needed

I don’t understand the separate bills and money thing with married couples. When you get married, you’re supposed to be joining your life together. How do you do that completely if you can’t even share money?


What’s his is mine and what’s mine is his! We are 100% in this together! We pay our bills with our money…


i’ll never understand the whole 50/50 thing… aren’t you 100% married?


Wait what. Even when I worked we just pooled our money and paid the bills. We have one checking account and if we want discretionary spending we pull it out and just let the other know.


My ex and I had separate accounts because he had a spending problem. We had a household account also but that still didn’t work. He would make large purchases with out saying anything and then we would end up overdrawn. I make about 15000 more a year than he did and he was good at spending it all. If I ever get married again there will be NO joint accounts. I am very responsible with money and have saved A LOT since we divorced. He is now so far in debt that he is considering bankruptcy. Thank goodness I left when I did.


It makes no difference how much money you make.if you split all usage in home equally you should each pay half

Since he litterally makes 2x the money i do. He pays 75% and i pay 25%. We have a joint account and i just put the 75% ÷2 paychecks…so 37.5% of bills out of each of his pay checks…and 12.5% of bills out of each of my paychecks

We combined the money cause after all what’s his is mine and what mine is his.


I think you should just pay bills where bills need to be paid. We don’t do that “well I pay for this” or “well I make more” shit. We both live here, we both pay the bills that need to be paid. But also, if you didn’t have your partner, you’d pay full amounts for all bills. So I like to be grateful I even have a partner to split bills with :smiling_face:

We pool our money but have separate accounts. I recently started budgeting everything. We each get 100-150 for ourselves on payday, they rest goes to the budget. This budget includes everything that would need through the month.

I pay my Bill’s he pays his and house expenses are 50/50.

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I don’t understand the question. Money goes in the bank…bills come out what is this his and hers


Me and my fiance have separate accounts, I work part time, he makes way more and I still pay 50/50. I have nothing left of my check, whatever he has left gets groceries and Miscellaneous things

My husband and I are equal but I work and he is retired. He makes the big bucks tho as a retiree from Hanford. It’s a gov’t job. He pays most the bills including 1250 for rent. Why? Because he makes more. Plus we are married so his money is mine and mine is his. My job just pays left over bills and extra gas or extra groceries and fun $$. So no we don’t do 50 50. He takes care of us and I take care of helping him and providing until he gets paid again. That is fair to me. If he required me to pay 50 50, I wouldn’t be able to afford it. That’s not love. Love is buying your wife pads and deodorant until she gets her check. Somethings I do pay him back! Lmao!

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What’s his is mine and what’s mine is mine😂


Why, as a married couple, you don’t just combine your money and use it as needed makes no sense to me.

It all goes into the same account

Is this even a real question??? Who ever asked this question had no mother or father or anyone to educate them any manners. In a family unit, there is no mine or his. Everything he owns is mine and vice versa. Thats what commitment comes down to. If you can’t commit, don’t get married. The answer the question, the bill wouldn’t be split, it would come out of the same account that both people share together.

I dont have a job so he pays everything but when I did I payed mine he did his and house was 50 50

50% bills 25% save 25% disposable (if possible) it’s a good way to percentage it. Some may need 80% bills ect.

We each put part of our paychecks into out joint account. That account is used for our bills then the remaining of our pay goes into our own account for us to spend as we want. It also help to have one person pay the bills and do the check book. We sit down every Friday ill pay everything and do the book but we are together doing it so each of us knows what’s going on. We are a team.


Pool your money and pay bills from that. Then discuss how to spend the rest.


I make more than my fiancé but we split rent, electricity & water bill 50/50 and I pay my car payment and insurance. He likes to pay when we go out but I do sometimes.

I am self employed, so it depends on what kind of month I’ve had. Sometimes I do warn a bit more than him.

My husband pays all bills from his pay and mine is savings.

it all depends, obviously neither needs to struggle but say i make more and bills are 3000 and most of it is their unnessary stuff it would be 50/50 necessity and help when they need it. we don’t have a joint account but i’ve never had issues handing money/ my wallet for something but it does come down to trust and situation.

i make more income than he does. he used to pay half the rent. and groceries i paid rent and utilities insurance etc. he must of not liked paying me so he left the fam. to sleep in his car :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:

If you live together your money should be all put together and then Bill’s paid with it‼️
Now is okay to have a savings account to the side for yourself.

Who makes more is irrelevant in my household. We have a joint bank account and the bills just get paid. When purchasing things for ourselves we just communicate so we don’t overspend.

Doesn’t matter who makes more as long as bills get paid, what we have left over after bills is just our money regardless of who’s account its in lol
He makes more but my account is usually the one that has left over money

I pay 90% of bills. I make significantly more than my spouse. But I work a lot of hours and he runs the kids to all of their activities and maintains the house. He has a mon-fri job while I work swing shift.

Every situation is different so it depends on the entirety of the circumstances.

In some situations putting everything into one account so it’s shared money, then paying from there works well.

For others that’s not a great idea, especially if someone is paying or reviving child support or alimony etc.

I don’t think just saying someone makes more gives enough information to make that judgement. You may both make a lot where even if one makes more, splitting the bills doesn’t make a difference because you both still have a lot left over.

Maybe your income is more because you get child support for children you already had and that’s not communal income.

Maybe he makes less because he has to pay child support.

Maybe he’s paying alimony.

Maybe you make more but also have other expenses that led you to make more like student loans. Then that should be taken into account.

It’s all circumstantial.

You should both spend the same percentage of your income on bills. Equity over equality. Equal amount isn’t equal strain.

Whatever works best for you.

I am a stay at home mom. I cook. I clean. I keep the kids alive. I do school drop off and pick up. Take kids to music lessons.

I also help my significant other with his business for a small paycheck so I can pay taxes and have a 401k and I use my money to pay for small bills (Netflix, Disney+, cellphone) and I always paid for my own gas. We split food costs when eating out or getting fast food, take turns paying, but he pays all of the big house bills.

Whatever you are comfortable with. You could prorate the expenses too. Most fair so that the lower paid partner pays a comparable share.

All my partners money comes into my account, and with both of our incomes we pay the rent, power, phone bill, daycare cost, petrol, food, kids savings, credit card and my Nana for the car that she got us and after all that we don’t have anything left over, once the credit card and my Nana have been paid we will be putting that money towards a house deposit

Husband paid all bills. Mine went into savings. No excess spending. Now retired, thank God for money. SS don’t go far.

When both my fiancé and I worked full time, he paid all the bill expenses and I got everything else
I decorated and bought home supplies we needed
Baby supplies
Dinner outings

50/50 can be perceived so many different ways, and it should always be up to the couple to discuss and determine

Listening to what others say their expectations should be, can also cause unnecessary strife in a relationship

My husband and I have 2 joint accounts. It all goes in the accounts each month together. Bills are paid and the rest on whatever else is needed and sometimes wants when we have the money for it. We don’t do anything 50/50 when it comes to finances. It’s all OUR money not mine or his. If a big purchase is to be made We discuss that. Even small things like ear buds (last night my hubby discussed replacement buds for his set on Amazon before he paid for them. They were literally only $8 :rofl:) We usually discuss. I was like ok whatever they $8 man. :rofl::rofl:

All the money goes directly into the checking and the bills come out of there. We don’t do the half and half thing.

I works full tims my spouse is stay at home. The money i make is our money, even when he had a job.

Regardless you should be putting money together not separate

I think you both should quit keeping score and just do the best you can loving each other