Should bills be split 50/50 if you make more than your spouse?

Our money goes into one account. We pay what needs paid!

We don’t split anything we just make sure they paid :woman_shrugging:t2:

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It’s one big pot and somehow we aren’t homeless :woman_shrugging:t2:

If you are having this discussion there is already something wrong with your relationship skills. :woman_shrugging:t2:

You both live there, you both eat and take showers and get laundry washed. Does it really matter who makes more and pays.more? You’re supposed to be a single unit. I pay rent and buy food and my phone bill… He pays all the bills that come in the mail. So I really don’t know who pays more and pays less. But he makes more and works more than me. :person_shrugging:

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:roll_eyes::thinking: IDK what kind of relationship you all have, but when we got married we buy vehicles together, the house is on both our names, and so are the banking accounts. Both our paychecks are direct deposited into OUR joint checking account and the bills come out of there, along with leisure things.


We put our money together they were our bills and we paid them

We have a joint bank account so all the money is together and all the bills are paid by both of us

We don’t pay half and half … we just put all our money in one acct and share …

What we do in our house is pay personal bills seperate as in phone, car, insurance, ect. After that we pay what we can meaning I pay electric usually and that’s all I can afford whilst he can afford the bills by himself in total and pays the rest of them no questions asked. We sorta go back and forth on who pays for groceries

Not following… in a marriage, it’s Our money.

Start with a goal.
Set a plan to reach the goal

Just pay the bills… who cares who money it is…you are together :woman_facepalming:

Share a bank account. That way it’s no longer yours or his, it’s both and the bills get paid. Whatever is left over you discuss.

If you are in the mind set “my bills their bills” dont ever settle down and marry :relieved: its “our bills” once rings hit those fingers

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It depends if paying half leaves the other person broke while one person has loads left over. For example if one earns £1000 a month and the other earns £2000 a month it seems fairer to split it 1/3 -2/3 so you both have some left but also depends how much each partner works for that money and any over time should be kept for themselves (unless it’s for something specific like a family holiday etc) if you are earning a similar amount with the partner only earning slightly more than I would say 50/50 seems fair. Also depends why the partner earns less for example do they have to work around the partners schedule to save on childcare costs? Hard to advise if we don’t know the whole story and what works for some may not work for others x

In my house my husband pays for everything!

The way we do it works great. We pay all the bills go grocery shopping and whatever is left gets split right down the middle. We are a team.

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We put all the money in one account, and pull a set cash allowance for each of us each week. We don’t spend money for things we just want unless we’ve saved up the cash or discussed it between each other. All excess each month goes in the savings account.

We live on my husbands pay and mine is the fun money and when s@&$ breaks money :joy:

I make more & pay more.

If I did it al over again, big if, I’d have separate accounts paying equal amount of bills. There’s no right or wrong answer here.

I make less and my man and I split 50/50

Pool money, pay Bill’s & half remaining…lol

If I made more, I’d volunteer to pay more, bit he wouldn’t let me

We just pool and pay everything from our joint account. There’s no who’s paying what and who paid what…it’s OUR bills that WE are paying TOGETHER. We build our bank account together, we pay the bills out of it together, and we live in peace and harmony that way lol

It’s whatever you’re comfortable with. Me and my fiance share all of our money, have a joint account and pay all of our bills from our accumulated money. Anything left is for both of us, anyway :tipping_hand_woman:

If it is your spouse isn’t your money combined? I would never be with someone who “split” bills :woman_facepalming:

put all the money together

Wait what? We have a joint account

It should always be 50-50

Whoever makes more pays more. Gender doesn’t matter.

Love is not equal to money

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All our money goes in one account. It’s OUR money.

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Should be 50/50 in my opinion

Ummm your married
1 pot
You don’t divide bills once you’re married

if you are not yet in a position to pool money or you choose not to


We direct deposit money into the same account and pay bills but we also talk to each other before making a “big” purchase


We pool everything, sometimes he spends more, sometimes I spend more. I make twice as much more than him but I don’t want us to be on uneven ground with our livelihoods. If I. an afford to go grab makeup and chipotle at the mall, I want him to be able to buy a new videogame. We’re not married but we do have a kid, and I never want him to struggle financially for the sake of his mental health because that effects the whole family.

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Me and my husband, for the past 30 years have always shared a checking and savings account. Paychecks are direct deposited and 99% of the bills are automatically deducted each month and paid. There is no “MY” or “HIS” money. It’s OUR money and OUR bills.


Our money goes into one account, bills come out of there and a large portion goes into retirement accounts. My spouse makes more than I do but we put an equal amount into out IRA accounts, our daughters accounts and vacation fund

We split the rent. He pays phones I pay internet. We split utilities and food. Everything else is separate
If we go out we take turns paying.

Mortgage is 50/50 but we split other bills like power/internet/phones and then pay individual bills like credit cards etc.

My husband pays all the bills, the money i make working goes into his account to help cover what ever else needs to be paid or bought. He makes way more money than I do. I also maintain the home and all the kids appointments.

1 account put all the money you make in it. All the bills come out split the rest between savings spending money for each and whatever.

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Do you have a spouse or a roommate? Roommates split bills. Couples just have one account and pay the bills.


Has nothing to do with who makes more…why can’t it be 50/50 regardless. You both live there.
Or just pay whatever is due with whatever is in the bank…why does whi makes more matter so much

Money should be pooled into a joint account and paid from there…that’s marriage.

Still? Lol. No no, marriage isn’t 50/50. You give when you can. My husband and I don’t split the bills. Whatever money we have gets put in my wallet and we both pay the bills we have with however much money we earned.

My bf makes way more money then I do… we split our bills 50/50

I’ll never share money 50 50. I know it sounds rude my when I was married he drank the money away barely covering bills. Now I’ll never share money again.

When we were dating we split everything. Now that we are married we have a joint account and bills are paid from there.

If you can’t figure that out between yourselves without the help of internet strangers…should you even be together?

No. If one makes a significant amount more than the other then it should be a percentage.

None of this makes sense… Its our money tf

All our money goes into one acct and we pay the bills. My husband makes more but we don’t look at that. We both contribute and we both pay bills and pull our weight.

No, I pay what’s in my name he pays what’s in his. However we don’t have separate individual accounts we have 3 joint account

No. You should be living whats mine is your whats yours is mine. You pool both paychecks and pay bills TOGETHER.

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Everything goes in one account because we are a team


It’s COUPLE CHOICE. Each one is different and unique.

They should split however you and your spouse chooses to split them

If you’re dating it should be 50/50. If you’re married I thought all money goes into 1 account and extras discussed?

All of it is both of their money though? No one’s really “paying more” if you’re married especially. Your money is my money & vice versa. :face_with_monocle:

I love how some say if your married you just share an account…not everyone does.
I don’t and never would do such a thing.

I just transfer money over to him and he takes care of everything.

Put all the money together and pay bills from the joint account.

we dont split $
all of our $ goes into one acct and bills get paid from it as well as fun stuff🤷🏻‍♀️

whatever works best for your household. if something needs to get paid one of us pays it and we share all of our extra money.

Just pay the bills :woman_shrugging:t3:

#1 issue. If you’re married EVERYTHING should be 50/50
Never should be “mine and yours”

My hubby is the one currently making the majority of the money (Im a stay at home mom and go to school. ) He pays the bills and I help out with smaller stuff and food bill. I’m also in charge of saving money. It works for us.

Our paychecks and bills go in and out of the same joint account. We add our incomes together, no splitting. Makes it way easier that way to take care of bills. We budget out bills, groceries, gas, then we make sure we each have a safe and fair amount of play money to take out and spend on whatever

I don’t think so. I make more and no way do I expect 50/50.

My bf works full time. And im a stay at home mom and only have my sons medical ssi for income and we still split rent 50/50.

We have one joint bank account.

It’s our bank account our savings our bills :woman_shrugging:t3: we are in it together but everyone is different


Our finances have always been pooled. Paychecks, windfalls, bonuses all go in a joint account. Bills are paid first, then savings goals, then sinking funds for repairs/fun/goals. Our house, our kids, our bills, our life. We also talk to each other before spending $100 or more. Financially we are set and this works best for us. It’s a team effort regardless of who makes more.


Does he do HALF the household chores? "The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that Americans earn an average of $26.82 an hour. This means that if men and women were compensated for their unpaid labor, men would earn an extra $469.35 a week, and women would earn an extra $761.69 a week — which comes out to nearly $40,000 a year."Here's how much more women could earn if household chores were compensated if he does not do half of the household labor he is STEALING HER WAGES therefore he should PAY EXTRA to cover those wages!

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My family splits everything…

We put all the money in the checking account. Pay the bills. We have a savings account and add to it. If something comes up that we need money for its in the checking account. Works for us

I make more than my boyfriend (I get paid every week, he gets paid bi-weekly). He pays the rent and then I get the gas, water/electric, and wifi bills

Our finances are combined. All of our money is in our joint bank account. :woman_shrugging:

We just share a bank account, bills get paid, And we ask each other before we buy anything. It works for us.

We’re not in your relationship. You are.


Each home should come to the best financial decision that suits them and their needs

My husband pays the bills, I just buy stuff the kids, him or I want.

I don’t think it’s fair to say “yes” or “no” to this. Finances are something that are individual to each relationship. I don’t think it’s a “one size fits all” scenario. It’s whatever works for a couple.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should bills be split 50/50 if you make more than your spouse?

If you don’t shear money as a couple are you really all in??

And if you love that person it shouldn’t matter what is your is his and what is his is yours.

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Unless someone has a spending problem I don’t feel it should be separate. But that’s just me. You do what works for you :smiley:

It should be shared bills anyway. I would question why you feel the need for things to split. When I was married wages all went into the same account and bills came out the same account. But it’s whatever works for you.


You’re a partnership, you should BOTH pay and not give all of the financial burden to the side that makes more just because they have a greater income. It doesn’t necessarily have to be 50/50 either but it should be fair to both ends.


My bf pays electric gas internet and a little half of rent. I pay water and a little less then half of rent. I also stay home with our baby during the week so he can work and I only work weekends. When we go to the store we usually split it unless I am short on money then he pays more

In my first marriage we shared a bank account. Now I’m single and in bankruptcy. I’ll never share an account with a man again.

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Our money is one. There is no his or her money. It’s ours! Works great for us, and no one fights over money lol


My husband and I pay the percentage based on our pay, he makes a bit more than I do so he pays a bit more than 50% .

my hubby and I have a great arrangement he pays all the rent,lights,gas and phone bills, I pay for all groceries and household items, like towels, sheets, cleaning supplies plus we have seprate bank accounts also. plus if needed we share any extra expensives if one of us gets short of money. it is perfect and we have been married 15 years almost and never have argued about money.

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Everyone works out things differently and in the right relationship that shouldn’t matter

My husband and I have a joint acct so all money goes in and bills are paid. He makes way more than me.

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There’s literally no perfect answer for this question because it’s going to depend on the couple and what works for them in their relationship


For my family, We combine finances. What’s mine is his and whats his is mine. Love isn’t about keeping score. We love, live and play together. We encourage other hobbies. We take care of bills but then we spoil the baby and then spoil each other. Rest goes to savings. :person_shrugging: Works for us.