Should family be able to spank my daughter?

Your child your choice. The decipline come from the parent. Raising a child is not a free for all by anyone who happens to be around!


If you aren’t comfortable with it say so. But instead if saying outright no, give a list of alternatives? Things you are happy with being used as a discipline technique x

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I know that my kids are not only bad with me and Dad, so if they are being bad when you’re not around you can’t spank them when you get there… So with my kids if they around someone all the time they have every right to spank if necessary, however most my family isn’t comfortable with that so they don’t, but if they need to they can. With people who have never met my child like distant brother sisters or grandparents now they are not allowed to simply because they do not know them well enough to know if they are acting out or just tired or something. Just us though


I would not let anyone spank my kid. Im not comfortable with spankings unless neccessary. And I know a good amount of family that would do it immediately and I told them all that I dont want them to spank my boy.

Nope, spanking if needed done by mom and dad only.


It’s like teaching your kid it’s okay to let anybody put their hands on them nope I don’t think so if you’re going to get spanked it’s going to be bad mom and dad and mom and dad only


Nobody else…you cant trust anyone elses judgement but youre own

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I see nothing wrong with it. They are family. If you don’t want them to discipline her in their way while at their house under their supervision then don’t send her over there. Otherwise, understand, as long as they aren’t beating her there should be no problems. Honestly, I guarantee you if she does do something that requires a butt spanking, it’ll only take her once or twice to never do it again. Every time she goes over their she’ll know what behavior is allowed and won’t do what gets her in trouble. Not a terrible thing honestly.


I am not going through every comment, but a quick skim has me asking… Am I alone in thinking that being okay with “physical training” but not spanking seems a bit odd and hypocritical?
If you’re okay with physical punishment by you (even spanking) and not by family then I think that spanking isn’t the actual concern here.

I think wall sit and running laps sounds like you’re trying to torture the child but you are the parent and this is your discipline chose


Nope, I would not allow even my own family to spank my child. There are other ways they can discipline them, they do not need to be causing them physical pain.

Oh hell no. I’m the only one allowed to spank my kids

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Yes that is your child. If you for Any Reason are uncomfortable with anyone besides you and the father physically discipling your child, Do Not let it happen. That is your momma bear right.

Kids kno what they can and can’t get away with with you. If someone else wants to discipline my child because they acting up go for it. I’d rather have family help than have the cops knock on my door later on in life saying my child did something.


Yes . I let my family or whoever’s around to spank my kids . If my kids are acting up nd I ain’t around please discipline them because I dont want the to think they untouchable &&’ they NOT . Cause when they get older nd do some shit the REAL WORLD will not tolerate they BS .

If I’m there I’ll do it. I’m pretty good at setting limits. I know what works with my child. I’m not a huge fan of spankings tho

I think you and your husband need to sit down and have a real heart to heart on discipline - you NEED to be on the same page otherwise your daughter will be able to play 1 against the other. but I feel that if spanking is required, then ONLY parents should do it. plus -= what’s daughter’s age?

Only certain people. Such as my mom. She is around my son constantly and knows how I discipline. One of my sisters would never, she thinks hes just the sweetest thing even when hes a little terror, my other sister hell no.

Hell No! He shouldn’t do that at all

Hell no thats abuse sick out of your mind mental distruction for ever should be jailed.

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So, last resort punishment in one sentence, then ask complete strangers if you should give others permission to spank? The logic behind these questions is baffling to me… next. You already answered your own question.

Why in hell does anyone think it’s ok to raise their hand to a child? Also, why on earth do you think wall sits are running laps is a good idea? These are kids…this isn’t boot camp. FFS planning on how you and others will discipline your child is ridiculous. Maybe raise her to be a strong woman who doesn’t need to be hit or treated like an object is a better idea.


Just you and the father, family can take it to far.

no wouldnt let anyone lay hand on mine or grankids

It takes a village to raise a child.

HELL NO! If any of my family puts their hands on my kids, I’m putting my hands on them.


Sorry, mom and dad only…


Dad and mum only have spanking rights if you have to tell them you’ll sue them for assault!

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You are absolutely right.
No one, not even family has the right to endorse any form of capital punishment on YOUR child.
Stand your ground and protect your child

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I agree it will teach her not to trust grownups they’re just bigger than her so they’re bullies and you don’t know how hard they’re going to spank her spanking is out of the question that is not an option time out or something like that spine does spanking can get into violence I know I had it with my kid’s dad he didn’t know when to stop he didn’t stop till they had red welts on their bottoms and that is on reasonable completely unreasonable and very scary to me and violent and it just teaches them to pass it on violence begets violence I don’t care what anybody says these are the kids that grow up to be bullies to other kids and be bullies to animals sometimes they end up being killers is very threatening that’s the way I feel Carol Christensen

I wont even let my husband/father of my kids spank our kids. I have gave a small tap on the butt before, but nothing that hurt them. Just enough to get their attention, then spoke to them to correct their behaviour. I would be pissed if ANYONE else were to raise their hand to our kids.

I only allow the grandparents to do this other than me & their daddy, no one else. Especially if the grandparents keep them every once in a while. If my kids are going to be in their home then they need to mind them also & also have the same punishments we give them.


Discipline won’t work if it’s not constant. If one person lets the child get away with something and the other corrects the child is going to be confused you, your man, and everybody else have to have boundaries or what is and isn’t okay and all have to agree on what kind of consistent discipline is appropriate.

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Ya, no, fuck that real hard. If I ever found out a family member of either of ours ever laid a hand on our daughters, they would never be allowed to see them again. Totally inappropriate and completely wrong.

Why is spanking ok at all? We don’t punish children. There is consequences for actions. Punishing is shaming and hurting your child intentionally if they did something you feel is wrong. Try teaching them it’s wrong not hurting them. That teaches fear of being hurt not learning it’s not ok. Everyone can be on the same page and teach the child without them fearing pain. Parents have to think… Hmm if I did something someone else didn’t think was ok would it be ok for that person to hit me? Nope I’m thinking not. Imagine if adults hit each other every time they thought the other one was wrong… Umm that’s called ABUSE! JAIL TIME! WHY IS IT DIFFERENT IF ITS A CHILD??? Because they are a child?


There is very little tolerance today for spanking. It is, and should be an acceptable form of discipline. Spanking, not beating. One or two swats on the butt. No more. The bleeding hearts are likely people who are maladjusted because they were never spanked. The discipline should come from mom, or dad, and not random strangers.


In my opinion (and a lot of y’all ain’t gonna like it), those of you saying not to punish your child ARE THE PROBLEM WITH THE WORLD NOW DAYS! Thats why there are kids shooting up places, not respecting their elders and their parents, and why the prisons and jails are full of defiant little brats. Since Y’all won’t punish them, the law is having too! I am not saying spanking is okay, but children do need some sort of punishment so they know there are consequences to their actions. Most don’t realize that these days untilthey’re behind bars and some don’t even know it then because mommy and daddy are going to come running to bail them out! Y’all wanna act more like friends than to act like a parent and that is the problem! I have told my children that i am their parent first and then their friend! No, i do not beat on my children, but if they do something wrong, they’re going to stand in the corner or something else to show them there are consequences to their actions before the law has to!


If you feel that way then no your wishes need to be adhered to.

Absofuckinglutely not! Parents only! Not even grandparents would be laying their hands on my kid. The kid isn’t theirs, and so, they don’t get the “right” to punish using spanking. As for other forms of discipline, even then I’m weary about (my aunt and uncle tried to do it when I was a kid and I still don’t like them to this day) . I’d rather be called when my kid acts up and then I’ll instruct how to discipline as how I see fit

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my siblings of four brothers and four sisters were brought up by my mom and dad,all my dad had to do was rattle his belt and we knew we were in for a whoopen because we did something wrong. I beleive the worse thing the Super smart IDIOTS THAT LISTENED TO DR.SPOOK AND THE GOVERNMENT AT THE TIME ENACTED THE CHILD PROTECTION LAW TO STOP CHILDREN FORM BEING ABUSED BY THERE PARENTS,SPANKING IS NOT ABUSING IT IS TELLING THE CHILD THAT THERE IS RESULTS TO YOUR WRONG DESIONS

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Spanking is not about causing a child pain. It is more about the surprise effect, to startle the child, getting their attention, so they will listen when being instructed about why a certain behavior is unacceptable.

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If anyone spanked my child they wouldn’t get to see them ever again

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They might resort to spanking sooner than you would if they don’t share your parenting values, so I wouldn’t trust them to use such a punishment appropriately.

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Only dad and mom !!!

Nobody touches my kids but me. Period. That’s my opinion on it.

I could never spank someone else’s child and I would be pissed if someone other then their father or myself spanked my kids.

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Sorry people but if you touch my daughter you would to fight me!!!

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I’m the oldest of 5 grandkids. 5 years between me and the next, 12 years between me and the last. I didn’t see the next two very often. I’ve seen them more this year than I have in the last 10. But the younger boys, I was a consistent part of their lives. They’re 9 and 10 now. The 10 year old is almost perfect. And always has been. The nine year old has known how to push my buttons since he was about two. Their father swears, every other word. So it’s to be expected that they do too. Nope. But the little one, on a vacation day, does this:
Him: fuck
Me; no, we don’t say that. That’s a bad word.
Him; fuck?
Me: yes, that is a naughty word.
Him: fuck… fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
At this point I’m chasing him down the hall to smack his ass. He slams the door in my face, crawls under the bed, I pull him out like he’s Liam Neeson’s daughter, put him over my knee and whack. Did he deserve it? Yes. Was his mom mad at me? No ma’am. Why? HE DESERVED IT. It’s about if the child really deserves it or not. If you trust your child with said person, then said person has the right to discipline that child for whatever rules they break or disrespect. 

I would give consent to any adult to smash my children if they were acting like a couple of cunts


Yes i agree chris. Morales the poor child can be abused by hoever No no be a good parents and just be firm with your child not any willy nelly can spank her Wake Up

You BOTH should agree on who can discipline you child and what methods those people use. If you can’t agree then they cant do it.

I believe that there are alternatives but I do also believe that when push comes to shove sometimes last resort should be spanking. Not beating a kid but like I said there are other ways but sometimes it needs to be done. Only by the parents thougg

Here is my 2 cents. I am a product of spankings. Never been arrested, no illegal drugs in my body, always had decent grades in school…fast forward to me having kids. I have a 12 year old and a 7 year old. They are both products of spankings. Neither has ever been in trouble at school. My mom and dad get them off the school bus everyday. They have full rights to spank them. My Mom has spanked them maybe 3 times. She doesn’t do a spanking like we do. She just pops them on the butt with her hand and they know, they better straighten up. In my opinion, these kids today need more spankings. That’s what’s wrong with them now. Your kids will respect their grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc a whole lot more.


Hope u guys are proud of spanking ur kids. Just disgusting just saything. Its It’s called patience . Repetitive . Thats That’s life lazy ass fucks

Spanking is not abuse. Spare the rod spoil the child

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Hold up, l agree, parents only…BUT, what’s up with the child, how old? Why does everyone want to spank her? Are there unresolved, ignored behavioural issues? I’ve got a feeling there’s a lot more going on here.


I came for the comments but geesh every comment is : “Eyem a produck of spantink and eyem fyne”
It shows


Nessa Lee is absolutely right. NO ONE has any right to put hands on your child to administer discipline, except mom and dad.

NO! Don’t let him allow this. This opens the door to abuse of your daughter. No one should lay a hand on a child, let alone alllow anyone to do this.

Flat out, I’d say absolutely not. Not everyone shares your values (corporal punishment being a complete last resort) so they most likely won’t follow your guidelines. Best to be safe than sorry.

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absolutely agree. Otherwise you weill teach her that hitting is the answer to problems.

NOT to scare them. Never. To get their attention, so they realizemom, or dad, has an important point to make. Spanking should be a parents last resort, and should be a surprise, not painful.

You or husband completely in control of themselves…

Of they touch her break their arms.

Up to the parents. As long as you give the ok and know the individuals and trust them. When I was young I had trusted neighbors, extended family and even a principal that had the green light if I got out of line, and I rarely did get out of line because of that possibility. Spanking/disciplining is not always a dramatic event, sometimes it’s just a couple of swats on the butt, a smack of the hand, or even a slight pop of the mouth to get a child’s attention and to make them realize that actions have consequences.

Edit: I’m an '80s kid.


I got beat when I was a child it has stuck with me my whole life. Just DON’T DO IT PERIOD!

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3 out of 5 grandkids were never spanked by my grandparents BUT the 2 that were were unruly children. The 3 that weren’t knew we’d get even worse spankings at home. My mom spanked my daughter only 3 times and each one was deserved and she very quickly learned what was expected of her at grandma’s house.


Only the parents should spank the child!! Everyone else needs to find another way to deal with her behavior!! As adults, I’m sure we can come up with a resolution!! Think outside the box!!


Your husband is out of line for even suggesting this, you have no control over how hard, how long a child will be spanked, it could get out of control and end up badly. I know if anyone other than me touched my child, I would be going to jail, No one spanks my child including me.


She is your child. You’re her mother, you have the most important say. If someone disciplines your child in a way that you asked or told them not then that’s complete disrespect of you.


Correcting your child yes they should be allowed when you’re not around to correct your children but putting their hands on your child no way. My husband and I are the only ones ever allowed to do that.


No spanking. Has been illegal in my country since 1982 I think. Today teens in my country smoke less and drink less alcohol than any prior generation. People are doing better mentally because they were never hurt by their parents.


Only my daughter’s dad and I were allowed to spank her. I rarely left her in anyone else’s care. I knew how my mother and some of my family was, and I also knew what kind of people my husband’s family was. Some thought they could put their hands on her, but I put a stop to it as soon as it was mentioned. When her dad or I am right there or near by, we decided if she needed punishment or not, and what kind of punishment. If a guest didn’t like our rules for our own child, they were free to go home. Our daughter is an adult now, and a good decent person. She remembers when she was little and spankings were a last resort, and no one had a right to spank her but us.

I actually took counseling after a traumatic event that happened in my life and parenting classes spanking should be last resort.

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Mom and dad only my mom spanked my daughter one time when I repeatedly told her not to and I was livid I have my reasons for my mom not to be touching my children I was mad.


I have a PADDLE hanging on the wall, with a picture of Santa on it, when my great grandkids are bad, I SAY DO YOU WANT TO MEET SANTA?? LOL, They shape right up


I discipline both of my nephews. Their mom threatens the oldest with me if he doesnt straight up.


If they are caring for your child I still feel it should be a last resort but some form of punishment can be presented. Spanking such as a pat soft but firm on butt only should be done by parents only.


If my kids are acting up, even the neighbors have permission to wear them out. :woman_shrugging:t2:

PS: I even signed the corporal punishment paper at school :face_with_hand_over_mouth::joy:


Oh lord - hit my child, you be meeting Jesus before Sunday morning-


No spanking under any circumstances. Ever, ever!! My daddy’s mother hjt him in angef when he was a child. He had dkne nkthjng wrong. He dued at 76 and never forgave her!

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I have babysit all of my grandsons while their parents free of charge from birth till to old for grandma to keep i love them more than life but if they needed a spanking in my care they got it.


I believe in old fashioned discipline. Wall sits are abusive!! :flushed::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Agreed. Mom and dad ONLY…


I feel that you should explain your feelings about physical punishment with them as a last result but if you trust them and feel they understand you allow them to do it.

Nope. There’s no need to allow anyone to put their hands on her. That’s not teaching boundaries. I used to believe in spanking until I grew emotionally.


From a family that I was in growing up that is all I seen is a good ass whooping. But today with my kids I see different. I have a different road on whooping. There is different measures to by today. But if my child need a whooping I will spank the top of his hand only… Only I will discipline my child…

Um, wall sits, that’s interesting. But, ONLY my husband and I will be spanking our kiddos, should it resort to that. Call me and I’ll make it happen, if necessary.

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I agree that’s up to the parents I know I would never let anybody else touch my children


I with you on that one u can displine my kids by talking not spankinfmg

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I started doing wall sits a few months ago and it is wayyyy more effective than spanking ever was

I didn’t spank my kids and I wouldn’t want to spank my grands either…taking privileges away worked for me

no one spanks your kids but you when tht is necessary. iy…

What does this have to do with holidays?

Is this question about Spanking Day?

I believe it takes a village to raise a child. That should answer your question.

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No call me and I will come and spank them


Well guess you have to watch your own kids ,because if that is your rule it is knot everyone s

Only the parents sorry

  1. Spanking or beating kids as punishment is wrong.
  2. Kids must be disciplined but not corporal punishment. Different people have totally different ideas of what the difference is between a light tap vs a violent hiding.
  3. Punishment should be meted out by any adult you trust.
  4. I’ve NEVER lifted my hands towards any of my grandchildren and they all listened to me.
  5. Parents are not consistent with punishment and then they want to hit children.
  6. It cannot be fair to hit, smack, tap, give a hiding to a child who are not allowed to defend themselves, it teaches kids that differences should be sorted out by hitting.
  7. If you believe it is right to hit a child, do you also hit adults in your normal daily lives at work or at home . . . . . . . I think not because it is a criminal offense to assault anyone and you might come short should they choose to defend themselves.