Should family be paid to babysit?

We babysit our grandson every weekend and would NEVER want to be paid. We do it because we love our grandson and daughter and son-in-law and value the time we get to spend with him. My mom came to my house every summer to watch my daughter when she was young and would also never take any money. She helped me out and now I want to help out.

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I pay my mom 100 a week to watch my daughter… I think. It’s absolutely remarkable how selfish your being. Someone is watching your child, regularly. Taking time out of their lives to help you. Why the hell would you expect it to be done for free? Also, it literally has zero baring on how good or bad your kid is. That makes no sense


Just because she’s family doesn’t mean she has to watch your child for free. That’s a little entitled to expect that. Plus it’s not that much money compared to daycares or other sitters.


🤦 I can’t stand entitled individuals :nauseated_face::nauseated_face::face_vomiting:


Why would you be upset? Daycare is much more and at least with her your child is safe and away from flu bugs other children have.


All y’all saying gma is doing her a favor and should be paid; I don’t think y’all understand what a favor actually is.🤦

Favor: an act of kindness beyond what is due or usual.

Personally, I think it’s up to each family, everyone’s diff. I don’t plan to charge to watch my grandkids if my kids have kids. 🤷 That’s just my def of family. You shouldn’t charge them, but offering something is showing appreciation.


id pay her.someone who loves my child, that i can trust…how do i spell her name on the check?


You’d pay allot more in child care …

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Yes you need to be paying her. That’s way cheaper than you would have to pay a daycare. It does not matter how well behaved you think your child is, she is doing you a favor. You shouldn’t just expect her to do it free because she’s family. If she wanted to do it free that would be a different story, but if she’s asking to be paid you should absolutely be paying her. She might need the money.

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I couldn’t take a penny…and daycare is too expensive… I’m lucky, though…my grandsons live with me…:heart:

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I don’t think so but I guess it depends

Did you ever think maybe she needs the money, but is afraid to tell you cuz she’s ashamed

65$ is reasonable. If you want good care. …pay for it! Try getting cheaper through a daycare or other non relative sitter.

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I would not watch my grannies for an extended amount of time, but I do watch them for work if they don’t have a babysitter, my kids don’t have to pay me, they’ll send me to bingo or get me something I like…

Damn all y’all saying alot more in child care she said 3 hrs a day I would find a sitter depending on your area our daycares are 85 and if we pay someone usually 20 a day for a full day but only family if not it’s 10 an HR for a sitter

I have never charged for watching my grandchildren or great grandchildren. It gave me quality time to spend with them

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You should take your son to a day care. Where you’d be lucky to pay under $100 a week.

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Just cause its family doesnt mean they are free baby sitters… If they are asking them to come spend time spend the night thats one thing if your asking them to babysit then sorry thats part of being a parent… It sucks but thats what it is… Be happy you got someone you trust to babysit your kid… No matter how well behaved they still have to cancel any plans ect to fit your schedule so yes its not like shes charging you daycare prices…


Don’t be a greedy bitch. I’m sure she has better things she could be doing than watching your kid. Pay the woman cuz you damn sure be paying probably 3 times that in daycare.

I think it depends. Does she have another source of income? Is this what she does for a living? My sisters pay me because watching kids is what a I do for a living plus, I take the boys to and from places they need to be. If it’s something like that, you should pay your grandma or you can take him to an actual daycare where you will be charged an arm and a leg. You will also run to risk of your child possibly not getting the one on one attention he’s used to. Better to leave him with family than with strangers.

You don’t know the financial situation of Grandma, so don’t judge. As Sylvia said it’s quite a bargain.


Put him in daycare… I’m sure it’s cheaper…


Wow. It’s not her kid. Pay her! You should be happy to pay her that! Try an actual daycare.


If she is asking for pay then pay her… nobody watches kids for free unless they want to and clearly she needs to the income… I’m sure she would make lots more watching someone else’s kids.


I wish I had the chance to pay my mom $65 a week… Here I am paying the day care $124 a week.


My mom has never charged me for watching my daughter and I watch my nephew twice a week and I don’t charge my sister-in-law. I don’t think family should be paid to babysit (and my family would never take a dime) but I know all families are different.

Maybe she doesn’t want to babysit and is charging you since she is doing you a favor.

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65 a week is about half of what I paid for regular in-home daycare when mine was little.
Keep in mind that your grandma is likely done raising her own children. It interrupts her day to have your 5 year old with her. She has to feed your child, and pack him up to run any errands she needs to do for herself. A 5 year old that is independent still can’t be unattended for long. She can’t make plans for herself because she has a 5 year old.
Yes, you need to pay her. And be grateful that you have a family member willing to help.

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Yes, you should pay her, especially since she’s your grandmother. You’d pay anyone else so what not pay her? Is her time not valuable? Does she not feed him and teach him and guide him?

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So you just expect people to help you for free ? Wow. Pretty rude of you


Wow your pretty rude if you think it’s wrong to pay family to watch your children. I’d be damned if I’d watch your kids if you were part of my family. I ALWAYS pay ANYONE who watches my kids.

Family should be given the same regards as any other human. You wouldn’t expect anyone else to watch your child for free or for the cheap. Remember YOUR child seems great to you but is in fact an inconvenience to others if they cut into their schedule


I think family should be paid. I watch my 2 year old nephew and she pays me $500 a month. It’d be the same amount if she took him to a daycare.

Pay her!! Cheapskate!


Yes, pay her. Look @ what a daycare would cost (not to mention the germs the kids bring home) and see how cheap GrandMa really is! Thank God that you have her. <3


So what I’m hearing is your grandma insists on being compensated below minimum wage to keep your child safe and out of harm’s way for 6-12 hours a week. How dare she be sooo heartless… You’re kidding right??? Consider the alternative and get real. Your child could be left with strangers who care nothing about him, abuse and/or neglect him for 3x the amount of money she is asking. Priorities my dear.


You should pay her. Id do 40 a week. Xtra money helps retirees

Up to the family,I guess,but I wouldn’t

My mom and grandma watch my son for free… but I have offered to pay them and they refused it. I guess it depends on the family and the circumstances

My mom doesn’t charge me… my mom watches him 5 days a week for 5 hours at a time as well as when i go out with my friends till god knows when. All she asks is that he has enough clean clothes and everything is where it should be.


It won’t be worth working if you have to pay for childcare. Maybe offer lower and see if that helps. Family should help out to a point.

As a grandma myself. I watch them for free occasionally but if my oldest asked me to do it 2-3 times a week I would ask for a little bit. It’s not my job to do it we do it out of the kindness of our hearts. Maybe you should put him in daycare and guarantee you will pay way more. She needs money to survive to so it’s like a little part time job for her probably.


You should pay her $65 a week is a miniscule amount of money for her to be asking for. Your son gets 1 on 1 attention and gets to be with a family member vs a germ infested daycare.


I’d offer at the very least - they’re taking time out of THEIR day to care for a child YOU chose to have.


you should be thankful you have a trustworthy family member to watch your precious child… that is worth every cent… read the headlines of the horrors that are happening in daycare facilities now!


Yes. Pay your Grandmother, you would have to pay someone else.Don’t be a Tightwad.


My mom and my husband’s aunt has watched my baby for free but I always give them money for taking time out of their day to watch her. But yes pay her!


I pay over $1,000 a month for my 2 1/2 year old. I wish I could pay $65!!! Consider your self very lucky. I don’t think what she’s asking for is bad, honestly. :woman_shrugging:t2: I wouldn’t be bashing you and calling you names like some of these people, but I don’t think what your grandmother is asking is bad.


You’ve got to be kidding me…
People are way too entitled these days
$65 for 12 hours is cheap as fuck!

Of course you should pay her. You would pay anyone else. Most seniors are on a fixed income and it is great to have a little extra. $65 is cheap for that many hours. I can’t understand why you are livid. Her time is valuable. Check out daycare prices.


My mother in law babysits one day a week, and two days overnight. We pay her every week $200. ($40 for the day time & $80each night)


I think being a grandparent myself she should get some money. Only because it’s like a job. She’s taking her time to help you. Besides having peace of mind and knowing your family is priceless. I would think different if it was just now and then. At 62 she has her own life , even if its just sitting at home doing nothing because she has raised her family and in most cases a job.


I paid my mother in law to care for my kids. She has Bill’s to pay too.


The average cost of center-based daycare in the United States is $11,666 per year ($972 a month), but prices range from $3,582 to $18,773 a year ($300 to $1,564 monthly), according to the National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies (NACCRRA). I think $65 is not a bad price.


Have you ever had to live on social security? Probably not. If she didn’t need the extra money she probably wouldn’t ask. And maybe shes trying to teach you responsibility. Older folks dont feel like chasing kids around especially if they have health issues. Just pay the woman or find another sitter.


Be thankful you have help. Wow pretty entitled

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Well find someone that is not related and find out how much it will cost maybe less but without Grandma’s love be thankful :heart::kissing_heart:


Pay her. She’s watching YOUR child. Quit complaining. You’d be paying more at a day care center.


At $65 a week you should be counting your blessings. If you are truly ‘livid’ about paying this pittance then I suggest you quit your job and watch him yourself.


If she has a scheduled time that she has to be with this kid then ABSOLUTELY! You owe her money… grandparents are not pawns because they are grandparents… I’m sure by her keeping your kid that it causes her some form of inconvenience at some point. You’re lucky to have someone inside the family willing to watch your children. Pay that small fee and be thankful


You are having someone take their time out of the day to care for your child. Of course… pay them. :flushed: You can’t expect family to just make themselves available for you to drop off your children. Well behaved or not… they still need care.


The word “watches” doesn’t sound right. As a grandmother I know we “take care of” your little ones. We love them and want them to be safe and happy. We play with them, read to them, feed them and most of all love them. You are blessed to have a grandmother who cares and loves your child.

She’s still watching your child. Yes pay the woman.


Ya hungry selfish person…65dollars…would wanna count your lucky starts​:star2::star2:


Look up childcare prices & see how blessed you are! $65 ain’t shit & ur child is being watched by family not a stranger! Don’t be ungrateful

If you’re working and that’s why she is having them then yes absolutely she should be paid…
why do people always think that their parents should just do it for free.

Also no matter how much of an angel they are all children are hard.
If you are earning money and not having to pay huge child care fees because you’re lucky enough to have a parent who will have them don’t be so entitled.
Appreciate them and show them how much it means to you.

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Being an Indian it is really weird to pay your elder family members to watch your child but if she has no source of income then you must help her. Like we send our grandparents 10k a month for their bills/food/medicines. It’s like our responsibility.


You are very ungrateful for 1, self intitled for 2 and so lucky but blind to it for 3. To have a loved one to take care of your child is a blessing many wish they could have and the small fee you pay also. Grow up she raised you and it’s not her job to keep pampering you.


Yes if he were in daycare you’d pay too

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its a job if you want to pay more get a real day care be glad your mother is doing it it helps her pay bills and buy food fir herself and your son

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What is Free ? ? :-1::-1::eyes::japanese_ogre:

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I paid my SISTER $200 a week… aint nothing free and you shouldnt expect it to be


This post makes me “livid”. Quit being an entitled brat… If you don’t want to pay grandmother then take your prince child and put him in a daycare center and See how much you’ll be complaining then… I bet you would be running back crying to your grandmother to watch him again after you see the first bill. Your grandmother did HER responsibilities and raised HER kids already, so really her watching your child is a job. At 65 she should be relaxing and enjoying her life but instead she is nice enough to watch YOUR child. So 65 is cheap. You should pay her 100 just off principal.


I’d say pay her that’s way less then what I pay in daycare in a week she may need it for something so do what’s right


Id rather pay her and know whole heartedly my child is loved than pay day care and lucky if they are good behind my back.


Well it makes me livid that u expect family to watch your child FOR FREE whilst you work. How dare you be so arrogant and self entitled!!! Does it occur to you you are fortunate not to have too use day care. I am a full-time time working mother of 24 plus years. You cant have it both ways but obviously you are selfish enough to expect that. OMG


$65/week is ALOT cheaper than $50/day for daycare… She also has Bill’s to pay. Not to mention, shes 62 & likely retired!!! Unless she had an OUTSTANDING job, with great pension, CPP, shes probably living from paycheck to paycheck.:sweat: Please respect your elders family or not. It’s the respectful thing to do, and not only that, it shows your appreciation for being able to get ahead in life. You’re lucky shes even doing it for you. MANY wont & dont. :heart::heart:


You are getting off cheap try pricing day care


Depends on your family. My mom watches my son for free, but she insists on it that way. We pay her back in little ways and try to help as much as we can. But that’s just how she is.


Best believe if it was a daycare. It would be more. It is her time and space. Do you offer some other benefit? Groceries, Laundry, light bill payment, cleaning. Return0f her tome. She is not getting younger so every moment she has 8s valuable and could be spent doing something she loves with friends etc.You are extremely selfish.

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Well my family used to watch my daughter all day one day a week when I was working and they never made me pay them they used to drive 45mins to my house. Family is family. You help each other out.

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As a grandmother that babysat her grandchildren and did not get paid, it would have been very thoughtful if the parents would have offered. Evidently the grandmother needs the extra money or she would not be charging.


same with the comment above me ^
my parents are happy to do it for free and i appreciate it so much but i do things to pay them back in little ways. these comments are harsh lol…
try to negotiate if you’re not happy with the price but it’s the least you could do for her for looking after your son if that’s what she wants :slightly_smiling_face:

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Pay the damn women smh

I WISH my grandma was alive to care for mine. Id be THRILLED to pay her!


Maybe needs the money :moneybag:or
maybe she’s putting it in?account for him!

That’s not much money per hour- it’s your grandma!!!

Umm… she is providing daycare for you… pay her. We’re on a waitlist for every daycare in the area and we’ve been sooooo blessed that my husbands grandma and my mom have been able to watch her full time (split between the two) for us. They aren’t charging us but if they did, we’d have no problem paying. Watching a 6 month old or any age, is difficult!

If you don’t want to pay her then don’t ask her…she’s entitled to ask for compensation although I don’t think it’s always proper for grandmothers to ask for money when watching their own grandchildren, but that is her wish and you have to respect it or find somebody else.


Grandmother is 62, at 2 hrs a day and 3 days a week is 60.00, do you provide his meals and snacks? Did it ever occur to you if a day care watched him, you would be charged $65.00 A day whether it was 2 -4 hrs or all day. If he didn’t go to daycare that day…you pay anyway. Wouldn’t get the one on one time and love at daycare. I would never ask for a penny to babysit my grandchildren but I can certainly see how this would help her pay a few bills a month or buy those special treats for your little guy.


Yes either pay or help her with her Bill’s because she’s the grandma don’t mean it should be free


I didn’t know I could get paid!!! But I had fun

She’s actually taking time out of her days to help you who wanted to have the child. It’s not much at all considering people pay hundreds for childcare a month


Put him in vpk or shouldn’t he be in kindergarten by now? Those are free.

Consider yourself lucky,daycare would be more.


I’m a grandma and I don’t get paid and would never except ever to. :woman_shrugging:

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You gotta lot of nerve. Your grandma is saving you a whole lot of money. Maybe she needs it or is doing it to teach your ungrateful butt a lesson.


Pay your grandma . Doesn’t matter how long she watches your child. It’s still a job and can be difficult at times.


Instead of should you pay her? How about why shouldn’t you?


I never paid my mom to baby sit just my daughter

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She’s helping you out with your child and you’re mad that she wants to get paid??? She isn’t the parent. The only person that needs to watch YOUR CHILD for FREE is YOU.