Should grandma (me) get involved?

Stay tf out of it. If their PARENTS are allowing it you have NO say. If the other kid’s mom has an issue, she is to address it with the father, not you. They are not your kids, learn your place.


They are gonna do it with or without permission. None of your buisness.


They’d lose their kids if CPS finds out they allow it. Tell the mom of one and tell the child of yours that this is risking a lot.


In a loving way tell them how you feel and educate them about the dangers

I would want someone to tell me about it.


Perhaps educate them (the boys specifically) if you have a good relationship with them, about popcorn lungs and other major health concerns from vaping

Is it zero nicotine vape and just flavored mist or is it like full on vaping

You are not the parent. Stay out of it


If you are willing to take them to counseling and supervise them 24/7 while they withdraw, go ahead and speak up. They will always be able to get them, especially in school.

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Yes!! Say something!! Its very negligent of the parent to allow it.


As a gramma to a 13 year old… You stay out of it. You can voice your opinion. You can not allow it at your house - your house, your rules. But you let the parents parent their kids.


Regardless the kids are gonna do it with or without permission. Stay out of it


You can voice your opinion but nothing will change. These kids these days have access to way to much. And have no respect what their elders think. They definitely probably won’t get their bottoms beat. And if they do they probably cause a mess over that. To many outside forces involved in one’s family these days. We are on sad sad times and it’s only going to get worse

You’re a grandmother for a reason. You’re not your kids friends. They may be mad, may even cut you off but you definitely have the right yo voice the wrongs going on in YOUR family.


I mean you can say something because it’s not right, but it’s also not your business and not your children. So I would personally stay out of it but maybe mention to the parents your concerns.

Honestly the kids are going to do it with or without permission. The parents are prob. Going along with it to allow the kids to stay open with them and to keep their trust.


Stay out of it. Let the parents parent.

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I know this grandma would be having a talk with my grandkids and their parents

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Although it’s not ok, there’s not much that can be done now. You say something and you are the one that’s going to get backlash. Sadly since they are allowed by the parents, it’s not going to stop. They will just start hiding it better. Shame on the parents!!

Get involved that rubbish can kill them

Do what’s best for the kids. It’s not their fault their parents are teaching them that it’s ok to do something illegal. I would at least say something to all of them.

As a parent I wouldn’t allow at all, if my kids want to vape I rather have them smoke weed but until the proper age. Vapes carry so much toxic chemicals

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Stay out of it. Do you want to not see them anymore? All you can do is say it’s not allowed in your home. Nothing more.

Grandma if he wants to vape he will with or with out anyone’s permission it is what all teenagers are doing they think its cool so as a parent no I wouldn’t won’t mine to vape but I see why some let there kids do it

Have you talked to the parents if not I think you should talk to them instead of going on hear say


They will do it no matter what however just let the parents know


You stay out of it because they are going to find it weather you like it or not and your not their parents.

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Speak to the parents

Maybe at most talk about it with parents without them around but one thing I didn’t like as a teen was my gma coming in my home and telling me what to do lol

I just arrived at the ER with my husband for chest pain and passing out from vaping. Get involved


I wouldn’t want my kids or grandkids vaping or smoking anything. BUT they are not your kids and not your choice. If you step in the parents may forbid you to see them anymore. It’s not worth not seeing them. The only thing you can do is say it’s not allowed in your home.


Look up fungal pneumonia it’s from vaping and bring it to your grandkids parents is really bad

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Whats your relationship with the parents? Do you know for sure the parents are allowing it? Talk to the parents but after that it’s really none of your business. My 15yo vapes and i dont allow it but i dont have control over everything she does out of my house.

You can’t control what their parents allow but you can speak to them on the subject as individuals and tell them why they shouldn’t… it’s sad people allow kids to do everything now days

I’m a Grandma…and it it absolutely HELL NO, it’s NOT okay to vape. Unacceptable to damage their lungs at such an early age.

Tell your son about it. Make him feel bad because he seriously should. Also inform those grandkids how awful nicotine addiction is. How much money they will waste on it through a year’s time, and eventually they’ll have COPD so bad they won’t be able to breathe by the time they’re 60.

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If you are not the parent then it is not your place to get involved, in my opinion.

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Stay out of it you really lose either way plus kids are gonna do what they want with or without parents permission it’s really a tough situation

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I understand your concern and it’s not a bad idea to enlighten the other momma that’s not ok with it. But on the flip side it’s not going to stop them from vapeing I started smoking at that age and haven’t been able to fully knock the nasty habit at 34 yrs old. But there going to do it. I’d feel more comfortable knowing about it at least.

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I would voice my concerns but basically stay out if it. It’s terrible!


I would inform the parents as an FYI and tell them from there you are out of the decision making you just want all parents aware of what’s going on with the kids help. It’s all in the approach. As a mom I’d be upset finding out later what was going on. Keep your opinion out of it too, make sure it’s informational only, if you sound like you’re playing “parent” it could cause issues. Also, if the kids are under your care at anytime (parents not present) that is a time you can enforce no vaping, but that’s the extent.

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I would still definitely say something even though they will do as they wish. Even if they don’t listen at all, tell them some facts and let them know you want better for their health, you’re a concerned grandmother not a meddler. I wouldn’t even care if my kids didn’t like me saying anything to their children, I would still do it. It’s your duty to speak up you’re concern and love your family.

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It’s illegal at that age, tell the other mother, or maybe she don’t care if she doesn’t have custody, and why doesn’t she already know if she’s active in their life…

The best prevention is education. Educate the kids on the negative affects. Help them make the right decision on their own. When people demand kids of that age to do or not do something they will continue just in secret.

When I was a kid parents had a say over everything as long as we resided in their home and they supported us, we had to listen what we were told. I think thats the problem to many say well its better they do it right in front of me…who is the parent here? Who is supposed to know best…grandma does!


Going through this with teen siblings . Your going to be the bad guy and blocked on everything. Told your starting drama for saying anything . Who knew caring was drama?

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You have a right to control behaviors in your own home. Do not be judgmental or negative about the children or their parents for what they are “o.k.” with. Just state that it will not be allowed on your property. As a grandparent we must always show unconditional love. Whether you continue to be around them in their own environs depends on how much harm it might be doing to your own health. Eph 4:15 “But speaking the truth in love , may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:” John 13:35 “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” KJV

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I can almost guarantee their parents are buying it for him because vaping isn’t cheap. I spend at least $25 a week. That’s illegal (in my state) to buy vape anything for a minor.

I don’t know. Not much you can do about it. I would NEVER be okay with my kids doing it. Not to mention the kind of trouble they could put me in.

Some parents just don’t give a shit what their kids do.

No I am 21 and vape and it has really given me problems I think lately. I’m not okay with it they are way too young to be vaping. But even if you tell on them they will just sneak and do it anyways orobablym

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Let them be while in their environment ( their home ). Until it comes time for them to be around you . Then voice your concerns and ask that it not be done around you .

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Yes u tell the mother because it’s illegal for anybody under 18 (some states 21) to vape

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You stay out of it. Unfortunately, they’re not your kids to raise. You can state your opinion, but there isn’t much else you can do about it.


Some of you “grandmas” need to let your kids parent their kids and stay out of it.


If she has custody then she has every right to know

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Say something to mom, not allow it in your presence and then mind your business. They are going to do it behind your back but set your boundaries so mom knows where u stand.


did you ever sneak to do things? Just wondering? Yes I have a say so in my house but I also have raised many teenagers so I know they Do stupid things. Do I condone it nope. When I find out do I talk to them about it yup. Do I scream yell and throw a fit nope. Because if I do they will want to try it even more. Education and communication is the key. If scream yell and throw a fit nope. Because if I do they will want to try it even more. Education and communication is the key.

I say leave it alone if they are not in your home. If/when they come to your home then thats different. They need to respect you and your home.

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I mean there are a lot worse things they could be doing and they’ll just sneak it. I know… I have a 16 yr old sister in law that gets them all the time


I’m surprised at how many people are actually ok with the vaping this shit is literally 1000x worse than cigarettes

Your concern is valid but it prob wont matter unless you really communicate/reason with them about it. They need to understand how it will hurt them istead of just controlling them. They will just sneak around and vape if you dont get through to them this way

I’d say something yes,the parents may not know.i would definitely like to know if my child was so I could try and get them to stop

I would talk to your son/daughter first before acting. As grandparents we can only voice our concerns and step back.


By getting involved, will it change the situation ? If not then there’s no point

These ignorant parents have allowed their kids to become addicted. Its also illegal & neglect. I wouldn’t tell the parents directly. I’d contact CPS.


I would want to know also as a parent, id welcome any advice or any concerns that my mum or sisters would have about my kids. As they would only be looking out for them…
My kids, my neice, an their friend has been caught with them, from my other neice. My older neice has told me an my sister that the kids have had them…they have been warned not to have them as they will go to the bin if they do. Kids nowadays are totally different as they don’t give a dam about anything.
Im also a granny an id tell my daughter if i found out if my grandkids where at something they shouldn’t be at. As they are my world an i care about them.x

That behavior is illegal & extremely unhealthy.
I’d open my mouth.

He’s going to do it if he wants to regardless

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Talk to them yourself and tell them the dangers and maybe just maybe you’ll get to them


The kids shouldn’t be vaping and I would tell the mom who doesn’t know. It’s so dangerous


I would say something to her. Its her kid and she deserve to know what’s going on. Its basically smoking, so yes ill say something.

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Mama has a right to know


Absolutely get involved. Dangerous behaviour needs adults that care enough to step up.


Id tell the mother that doesn’t allow it if she is apart of the kids life. Co parenting is important and if one doesn’t agree and the other let’s them they’re just gonna turn the child against the one that doesn’t let them do it. Plus if you have a decent relationship with this mother, not telling her is going to put a dent in that.


if you want to cause trouble between yourself and your son go ahead. have you even tried to speak with your son? to be honest its not your call as to how these boys are raised


I started smoking at 13 and someone told my mom. She was very upset and it caused some major arguments but guess what, I continued to smoke. If they’ve started it’s almost too late. You can educate them on the harms and hope they make better choices but it’s really out of your hands.

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In all honesty this has alot of variables to factor in who has custody of the 13-14ye olds, is the mom who doesn’t approve am active parent , will your child that is a parent be cross with you and therefore keep you from the teenagers? These are just a few of the things to consider before making your choice. Also remember you won’t always agree with how your children parent as your children didn’t always agree with your parenting of them. If you feel so compelled to say something be prepared for the consequences it will bring and the reaction it will cause.

Ick. I’d say something


That is illegal in most states

I personally don’t condone children yes they are still children vaping,smoking,drink or doing drugs. So while I’d not want to get involved my moral compass and responsibility as an adult would definitely have me intervening. I wouldn’t step on toes and try to discipline but I would definitely let it be known to the parents. And probably have a conversation with the chill parents about it.

I mean you can express your opinion but honestly that’s all it is…people raise their kids how they see fit and no it’s not always in the best way but…you could let it be known that when they are with you or in your home, that you dont agree with it or allow it.

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as a grandmother, I would talk to your grandson’s. And explain how you feel about this & how unhealthy it is for them, Talk to them, listen to what they have to say. But you need to stay out of telling their mother. I was 14 when my parents gave me permission to smoke, After one pack & not getting anything out of it, I thought my money would be better spent elsewhere. Never smoked again


That is considered smoking-vaping has nicotine-- depending on where you live-- its a crime to allow kids to smoke-- parents can be arrested for contributing to the delinquence of a minor— just like alcohol.


There’s honestly not a whole lot you can do about it. It is not ok for the teens to vape, it’s illegal and it’s harmful to their lungs but unless you want to cause problems between yourself and the parents I wouldn’t get involved. If or when they are spending time with you you can try to explain the harms of vaping to them but they won’t quit unless they want to. Even if the parents weren’t ok with it they would still do it but they would do it secretly.


Let the parents do as they see fit, do not cause problems for your daughter or betray her trust!! Parents can only teach and guide their children to what is right and wrong, it is ultimately the child’s decision and they will do it irregardless of what their parents want.


Yea get involved. There’s a reason they’re not legally sold to children. :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:


I am a grandparent and a great grandparent that started smoking when I was 13 without permission. Now when I want to voice my opinion I do but I do it in a manner where I’m not telling them what to do with their kids I’m just giving them my opinion about what I think and they’ve never said this ain’t none of your business. Now they have said Mawmaw we got this . And I let it go then. But I wouldn’t most definitely talk to them and tell them that as long as they’re with me they’re not to vape or smoke .

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Tell momma and get involved. Definitely not ok for the other parents to allow that especially since it’s more than likely illegal.


If the other mom is not okay with it she should report it to courts so that she can have the say so it may help you

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Talk to the kids first, show them research about how unhealthy vaping is, and if they still want to vape tell them to only use organic juice. Everything else will make serious damage to the lungs.

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They are not your children. I was smoking cigarettes at 13-14… trying to force them to stop is just going to make them sneakier. Let the parents, parent and you just be a grandparent.


Children shouldn’t vape. Tell someone. If not the parents then the school.

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What are they vaping Marijuana? If yes they are too young

I mean not ok but if the parents didn’t allow it they would still do it somewhere else assuming their friends do it as well.


id say something :woman_shrugging:t2:


Stay out of it ! Is it worth losing them ? And getting the parents into trouble?


That’s terrible. I smoke vapes and they screwed up my lungs. There’s a reason why children can’t walk into a tobacco shop and buy nicotine products. Highly illegal matter of fact.


You are just a grandparent nothing more. So you need to stay out of it. They are teenagers. && if they were forbidden to do it I PROMISE you they will find a way to sneak it.


If their not ur kids its not ur business sadly. Personally i agree with you. Butttt u can’t say anything.

Let them and their parents talk to an ER nurse. They see young kids and young adults coming in with permanent, irreversible lung damage and junky buildup from stuff in the vape.


Stay out of it, not your kids! You’re looking to ruin your relationship with you children and grandchildren, mind your own business and love them unconditionally regardless if you agree with what they’re doing or not! Kids who have controlling parents are going to rebel!


It’s illegal for starters, also it’s bad for their health. So, yes! Say something.