If you’re not old enough to purchase them, don’t use them is how I feel.
Tell the parents or someone. Idc if it’ll make them want to do it more, I would want to know. I’d want to educate them on it.
Not sure where you’re from but it’s illegal where I live until they are 21 so if you do get involved just know the parents allowing it may face fines and a cps case
Even if you disagree the parents will handle it. It’s not your place
I don’t know what the right answer is here, but I don’t think I would be able to keep my mouth shut. I would have to get involved.
Wow everyone on here saying it’s not her place… I hope if/when you become a grandparent you don’t find yourself in a situation like this where you are worried or concerned for your grandchildren bc their parents are idiots… then we’ll see if you’d feel you should stay out of it!! I don’t care how old my children get, as long as I’m alive I’m still mom & I would definitely say something! This is wrong on so many levels.
I always say… When my sons are 14/15 I will legitimately put a smoke and alcohol in his hands. Let him feel what it does. I was a horrible teenager. Did everything behind my mom’s back. I could have died on so many occasions.
I’m not saying it’s right, but I’ll rather they do things in front of me rather behind my back.
Coz let’s face it, they are going to do whatever they want anyway no matter what you say or do.
You can ask the parent and if they are allowing it then stay out of it. They are the parents. You can always express your concerns but then let it go
Try talking to the kids yourself! Not the parents.
Not good. But mind your business is kinda my thoughts
That’s awful. But they aren’t your kids.
You have to stay out of it
Coming from an X-ray tech, popcorn lungs are real. Anyone saying not to intervene is putting the parents comfort above the safety of the children. Get involved and if the parents are truly okay with it, then cps needs to be involved. We are to protect our children and though they often fail, the purpose of cps is the keep kids safe. I would do some research, print out articles or send them articles if you need to so that they are educated on the dangers of vaping. They won’t be able to say that you’re just being paranoid/nosy etc. if you have solid evidence. If they still don’t do anything to stop it then I would call the law. I’m not sorry at all either … give them a real opportunity to fix it but if they don’t, you love those kids and their safety comes before their feelings.
I’m so use to all the kids I know vaping it’s almost become Normal to me. My son starts and there will be hell to pay. I don’t get into my family’s business if they let them but my momma would be tearing these kids up for it if she was still alive.
It is your place a child is potentially harming themselves! I would definitely say something but then unfortunately from there it is out of your hands
Stay out of it. It sucks but it’s ultimately up to the parents.
Show them the dangers of it. People think they are safe buy they are far from it. It’s still chemicals and smoke going into there lungs. Amy one that let’s there child Vape is stupid.
This is between parents and their children… and whoever said that cps would get involved… they might… but they aren’t going to enforce anything… I honestly think some people are not in touch with the real world the reality of life in today’s society with teenagers… you all think your kids are little darlings… they will do this shit wether you like or not
Illegal for one till they are 21 at least and what kinda parents allow teenagers to make those kind of decisions. Not only is it worst then smoking it has been proven to kill kids
Grandmas are just that … not the parent so not your business … it doesn’t say grandparent consent … it says parental consent ….!!!
If my mother seen my kids vaping I would want her to say something about it to me. The whole not your place because you’re not the parent thing doesn’t sit well with me in situations like this because I love my village and their concerns are my concerns when it comes to the safety of my children
Varina can cause irreparable damage to your lungs. Dumb idea!
Vaping is supposed worse than smoking…and I just lost my brother to COPD. It’s awful. What a terrible way to die!!
I would hope that someone would tell me if my child was vaping. I would say something.If they don’t do something about it then that’s on them. When you’re that young you don’t understand the life long consequences vaping/smoking has.
iTs NoT yOuR PlAcE, she’s the grandma ppl! My grandma would have whopped my hinney grown or not
Smoking one of them is like smoking a packet of cigarettes and the health affects on young developing kids is tragic! If I was you, I would lose my shit lol firstly at the parents, to make sure it was true that they were allowing it and then secondly at the kids!!!
It makes me sick to think a lot of young kids are doing it, the long term affects are still unknown
I expressed my opinion and. dislike. but had to let it go after that
Ehhh, this one is kinda tricky. The fact that you asked our advice first let’s me know your not a meddling grandmother, just concerned about your grandsons. I would pull my grandsons to the side and maybe speak to them about the dangers of vaping, there’s nothing wrong with talking to your grandsons, depending on yalls relationship
They are arresting people for selling to minors. Allowing the use of a vape by a minor is illegal. You should speak up.
Unless they are being harmed stay out of it. It’s up to the parents , not the grand parents
Let parents know and then back off. Then its in their hands.
There’s a very good chance these parents could not know how serious it could be. Unless you have absolutely no faith in that I would talk to them first.
Speak up for those kids! My 11 year old and I were in the emergency room at hospital where we met a 14 year old with severe chemical burns on his lungs from vaping… I don’t think my kid will ever vape after seeing that…
Isn’t vaping illegal under 18? If the parents are allowing it, I’d be getting the authorities involved. It’s no different than supplying minors with alcohol or cigarettes. I would definitely say something to the other mom. That’s endangerment ofa minor. Smfh why are some people able to have kids???
Just mention to the parents since they don’t give a crap how harmful vaping can be and it will lead to lung disease… the same as smoking. Otherwise stay out of it, it’s the parents place not yours.
Vaping is really bad it even causing new lung issues. There is a reason you have to be 21 here for it. I’d say something
You have to be 21 to buy nicotine products. Definitely step in and say something. Thru could legally get in trouble for providing it to the kids. Same thing with alcohol basically, you supply you better be willing to pay the price.
No, you are in the right to be worried about those boys and to step in and do something about it. Obviously their parents dont care about their child’s health. They are 13 and 14 years old and shouldn’t be smoking or vaping. Also there is research to show that vapes are actually doing more damage to your lungs than smoking.
If the parent don’t want to take it seriously I’d report it. Those that sell or give to minors here are getting child abuse charges.
Maybe tell the parents that cardiologist would rather have a person smoke tobacco than vape. Cardiologist don’t want a person to smoke either that is how bad vaping is:
If you want to alienate them go for it. It’s not up to us how are kids parent
But let their doctor know without letting your kids know you did
I’d tell her. This can be dàngerous in the long run.
They put a picture of a 18 old in the hospital with tube down his throat. From vaping. The thing is you can put nicotine in it a day flavor you have to change a part in it and they say if you get nicotine on your fingers it’s bad for you you can go to a vape shop they will explain it. I got the equipment for my son he’s like a two pack a da smoker. It made him sick. So he’s back on cigarettes it’s better for you to know what your talking about
Is it a vape that actually contains nicotine, or is it the liquid flavor with NO nicotine? I mean really in the end it doesn’t matter because of the routine that could become habitual, but in the sense of legality, it is a very important distinction.
Stay out of it. You’re gonna cause more issues
The parents need to take the kids to a Doctor to explain the negative health impacts, I work in organ transplant and these young people are requiring lung transplants from vaping. They are taking years and years off their own lives…
As a grandmother it’s also your job to protect and care for them also, I’d bring it up with the other parent. Vapes are so dangerous!!
I vaped for a 1.5 years. I ended up with double pneumonia & it was so bad that I had to have a procedure where they go in & wash your lungs out. This was before we really knew nothing about it, pretty much right after you could vape. I had to buy out of state if that says something. Anyway I ended up having the procedure done & I was on life support for 18 days. I almost died many times during that time.
Please tell the parents & if they will not listen figure a way to let their doctors know. If they are not telling the whole truth to the doctor then they will not know what or how to treat it. I’m not sure how I would go about it but I would definitely get it out in the open so everyone knows. Good luck & sending good vibes your way!!!
Vaping is not good for their lungs!
Sometimes it’s better to let them do it with you and not behind you.
Don’t stay out of it. Stick your nose in and cause as much of a fuss as you possibly can. The boys may thank you later.
You run the chance of causing issues and being shunned since you have no real rights. However…: as a grandma myself my daughter will hear my big mouth and respect what I have to say because she lives in my house. I have a 13 year old son too and if I found out… shit gonna hit the fan. My 19 year old son vapes and I’m not happy about it he knows it’s bad for him and he can’t stop… we’re trying other ways to get him to stop. It’s very addicting.
Ummm…vaping is considered smoking…and last I knew, the age was raised to 21. So thr parents are breaking the law by allowing the kids to do that and knowingly putting their health at risk. I’d be that person to make a couple phone calls…one to CPS and the other to the police.
Stay out of it, your grandson will sneak and do it anyway even if they don’t approve. Stay shut and stay in the loop sis.
It’s illegal to smoke under the age of 21 in most states now if not all. So I would say something.
Unless you’re going to call cps, then stay out of it because nothing you say will make a difference. If anything it’ll make them all push you out of their lives.
Knowing and not acting is called passive abuse
But in the state of Louisiana as long as the parent can provide proof that the child is theirs they can buy their 11 year old cigarettes
Vaping causes seizures. Stick your nose in it.
As for me personally. 11 year olds should not be vaping. They should be in school if not home with theirs friends with a Adult. Vaping is for adults not children. As for grandma kick up hell, call whoever u got to , to be heard.
Inhaling vapors into your lungs is not healthy! I would step in! Be that granny that beats the ADULTs A$$e$!
It’s illegal in our country
I would let them know it’s illegal for teens but, I would also take them medical information on the pros and cons of smoking and vaping.
Tell them you want to have a family meeting. Open discussion on the subject. If they say no , do what you know you should. God bless.
You raised your kids these are not you kids not your call!! Keep your nose in your own business! Why do grandparents feel they have the right to interfere with parents raising their kids that’s how you get cut off quick!!
Having raised 2 hard headed boys, if i were you id keep quiet and stay in the loop rather than say something, sometimes its better to know what they are doing so you can make sure that they are getting the correct ingredients rather than get it off some joe blow on the street with god knows whats in it…
It a illegal if whom.ever is giving it to them. Can bw fined or jailed
Vaping damage’s lungs& some ppl have had to have lung transplants☹️
These boys need to STOP
Are they your kids? Do you take care of them a majority? If tye answers are no…mind ya business.
Mind your BUSINESS. you raised your kids they way you wanted. Let it go.
Me personally I would rather know what my kids are doing versus having them go behind my back because nine times out of 10 if you don’t allow them to do stuff they’re going to go and do it anyway it’s part of growing up and experimenting I do not condone it however they’re going to try it regardless if you give them permission or not
I see a lot of people commenting that are very uneducated about vaping but to answer your question I’d say let the parents handle the situation. Also they do make vape flavors with no nicotine, which means the vape only has propolyne glycol and vegetable glycerin. 2 very common ingredients that are also found in foods/items we all eat and use everyday. If it was cigarettes that’s a totally different story, but as a mom who is educated about vaping and also has a 14 yr old boy who understands vaping as well, please take my advice and let the parents decide what to do.
Goggle popcorn lung and let the parents read it it’s what vapes does to your lungs maybe they will think twice about it the school had my daughter do a report on it hope this helps
You’re not in this position for a personality contest, & obviously you love these kids or you wouldn’t be concerned! YES! GET INVOLVED, if for no other reason, but to tell them how wrong it is & the Long Term Health issues that could arise from it! You won’t be able to change things but keep harping on the kids they might wake up & you’ll feel better about it! You are their Grandmother! Go for it! You have nothing to lose!!!
Is the vape got nicotine in it or just flavour ? You can raise your concerns but ultimately it’s up to the parents if nothing is illegal
It’s illegal for them to and gor their parents to allow it, is them breaking the law. Even more if their parents are supporting their new found habit…
So yes, say something, not just because it’s illegal but also because you are worried about their health and they could get very sick.
Yes. People are asking if these are your kids. YESSS YOU’RE GRANDKIDS! It’s your job to help the parents to protect them, nuture and love them. They are yours too.
Vaping is so bad for you. So many bad chemicals. P.S. Don’t inhale formaldehyde … talk to them !!!
Speak to the parents open conversation they may well be at desperation point with the kids themselves
Who told you their parents were allowing it? I would ask them if they are actually aware. But besides that, let them deal with it.
Yes it is against the law if these kids are not 21 years of age at least it is here in my state. Vaping is not cool and can harm them same as any drug. Have a talk with the kids as well as the parents. The parents can be fined for furnishing the kids any kind of vapes, cigarettes,
Say something then stay out of it
Mind your business. They ain’t your kids.
Vaping is not ok for Kids. Yes, if it were me, I would get involved.
Yes. Replace the vape with a cigarette and you wouldn’t think twice about saying something.
Vaping is illegal for minors in most all states. The parents/ adults can be arrested and charged with Child endangerment and contributing to the delinquency of minor child /children.
If you have to worry about getting involved then the parents were not brought up right. I myself would and I’d absolutely accept my mother getting involved if she disagreed with the situation. That’s what your family is for but I get that not everyone feels the same way I do.
Tell the other mom but ask her not to bring your name up. Mama can handle it.
Whoa. Let me find out my grandson is vaping and imma knock it right out of his hands and beg his parents to say something about it. Not ok. At. All.
It could be a delta 9 or 10 (“cart”) which is a weed derivative & not just a nicotine vape. They look the same.
Well their mom should know definitely. Also it’s illegal as fuck. And irresponsible on the parents part. I could never imagine buying my kid vapes to smoke… They are letting them have addictions at a young age. Kids need parents NOT friends for parents. People now days are so screwed. This is the same as letting your kid drink or do drugs. Child services could get involved very easily.
Maybe parents have tried to stop them but realized they are gonna do it anyway and just have set guidelines for them to follow instead
Yes!!! Say something!!! It’s illegal for them to vape AND depending on what’s in the vape… it could potentially kill them.
Say something but really at the end of the day not your circus not your monkeys, I would let the kiddos know around you it’s not ok other than that not much you can do
This is a lose lose situation. Not a good option
Get involved Nan, it’s your right. Whether they listen or not who cares. Use your Grandma card
Stay out of it…because you aren’t their parents.