Should I be comfortable as stepmom

No your not a bad person

No. I can definitely understand how you feel. Have you addressed this with your partner? It might help to have his reassurance and could give you the closure you need. As far as you being afraid of not being able to give him that kind of happiness, babydoll there is nothing more attractive than a step parent who gives their unconditional love to a child they didn’t give life to. Don’t hold back. Show her how much you love her and it will bring you closer to your partner than you could possibly imagine.


I’ve been married 11 years me n my husband have been together a total of 16 years. We have 3 beautiful kids. I can’t have anymore. We had been fighting so he went to stay at his grandmas we talked daily wanted to make things work. He was upset cuz I can’t have babies due to having the tubal cuz family looked down on me for my pregnancies. My mom even took me to an abortion clinic at 17 weeks. Well he slept with a girl and now she is 8 months old. The women knew he was married and she knew me personally because her niece was one of my students. Now she refuses to let him see her if I’m around. I have even bought the baby things and invited her in her bf to dinner she says nope. I try to be involved. Jus try ur best to be the best bonus mom possible

Aww… I’m sorry. That has to be hard.
No, you are a woman with a great heart for loving his daughter. And you also have normal emotions that anyone in your shoes would experience.

I mean she’s not yours but don’t exclude her… let her and dadbond and never tear down her mom . Youare doing it right it sounds like. It sucks you can’t get knocked up but that doesn’t make u bad. I mean he already has a kid anyway to love n hug on.

Willing to bet his happiness would swell if you were to be MORE involved with his daughter

No it makes you human!!