Should I be concerned about breastfeeding?

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Each pregnancy it was different for me. With #1 got my period again at 6months post partum, #2 at 3 months, and #3 at 16 months.

I was one of the unlucky ones and got my period 2 weeks after giving birth and was/still am ebf on demand :tired_face::joy: take a test if worried :blush:x

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I didn’t get my period the whole time I nursed my son, so about 16 months

I breastfed and didn’t get my period till about a year later! If you’re having unprotected sex would deffo do a test though!

With my first i didn’t get period until he was like 18,19 months. With my second i got it around 9 months pp

Both times mine returned after i fully weaned. 1st was 11 months, 2nd was 15 months.