My daughter is 4 and for as long as I can remember all she want to do is constantly eat eat eat. From the minute she gets up to the minute she goes to bed she just wants to eat. Especially when she is at home, when she comes in from nursery she starts, she’s so independent I can’t leave her on her own because she’ll just go straight for the kitchen, she can use the toaster and microwave. Even if she still eating something 2 minutes later, she’ll be kicking off saying she is hungry. She’ll be 5 in June and starts school in August. She is constantly active, if she’s not eating she’s running around non stop. Just wondering if anyone else’s pre schooler/child have experienced similar behaviours, she’s got a doctor appointment tomorrow and I will mention it.
My one wants to eat all the time, you have to regulate and make sure she got enough fruit and veg and is active and as long as her weight is not a problem I’d say is only what her body needs. If the weight is not normal than I d deffo go down the route of calling doctors and do some tests.
This sounds like my 6year old I keep thinking it can’t be normble but think it’s just kids in general
I am not trying to be funny by saying this, but have you had her genetically tested for Prader-Willi syndrome?
There is a sense called interoception which is a person’s ability to feel and understand those internal feelings we get which include hunger/fullness. It is possible she never feels full.
Personally I would make sure all options between meals are healthy whole food ones, because even healthy processed foods have ingredients designed to make you feel hungrier. I would also consult an OT as well as her pedi to see if there’s some other reason driving her behavior. She could just be hungry and growing or there could be something going on. It sounds like your mommy gut tells you something is going on.
I cut down snacks. I started doing protein rich meals. If she does do snacks she has fruits veggies and protein granola bards and healthy options so she can eat as much as she wants and it’s all good for her and her growth
My 3 year old is the same way, he’s constantly moving so he snacks all day long. I have always had a high metabolism and am the same way. If she’s never feeling full though, I would definitely have her checked out for Prader-Willi syndrome.
She could have a type of worm or is just active and needs it. Talk to your dr about it