Should I be concerned about my 9-month-old?

My youngest boy is about to be 9 months and he still isnt crawling or pulling up on stuff, should i be concerned? He has a check up in a few weeks im going to bring up to the doctor as well. Btw my other 3 boys crawled at 6/7 months.

My 3rd baby was about 10.5 months old when she learnt to crawl, she then walked at 12 months which is on time.
I wouldn’t be super worried at this stage, some babies skip crawling all together and go straight to walking.
In saying that though, it’s always worth bringing up any concerns with your doctor.

My 1st Son crawled on his 1st birthday, my second Son walked at 10 months old, so every child is different, don’t worry 🩷

Hes probably gonna run as his first step.

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All in time quit stressing