Should I be concerned about my baby?

My daughter will he 9 months the 24th, and I don’t know if i should be worried or not. Should she be babbling words, she does say “dada” but that’s it!! & should she be able to stand up by herself even for a short period of time! What can I do to help her start walking! My other two kids started walking around 10 months old and would hold on to things and walk at 9 months old! Should I be worried? She goes to her 9 month check up the end of the month and I’ll talk to her doctor then, but just figured I’d make this post to get some opinions!!:heart:


Nope kids are on their schedule not ours or other siblings. My grandsons didn’t talk much because everyone always spoke for them from the other kids or adults. But when they decided to they never got quiet even in the teenage years :joy:

She is fine , I am sure . They all do things in their own timeframe.

Please dont ever compare your baby to others. That is the worst thing you can do to yourself and baby
Babies all hit their milestones at a different a pace. They all grow and learn at different paces. Dont try to force your baby to meet them earlier than they are ready

Actually 10 months is early for walking all kids are different , I had one start walking at a year 2 13 months and one at 15 monthes

I don’t think anything is wrong. Some kids don’t walk until they are one. Each child is different.

I have 4 kids. My oldest was babbling small words but didn’t truly talk talk until almost 3, was walking holding onto things by 5 months, but didn’t walk unassisted until 2 days before 1 year. My 2nd didn’t even roll over until about 5 months, and was walking 2 weeks before a year, is 2 and talking tons. My third is 1 and didn’t walk until about 14 months, and is babbling little words still. My 4th is only going on 2 months and is holding her head up and trying to roll over and cooing and smiling. All babies go at their own pace pediatricians from my experience don’t get too concerned until around age 2-3 if children aren’t starting to talk or walking well. I think your babe is just fine! Seems quite developmentally normal in my opinion!

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No two kids are the same, let her do these things when she’d ready she’s 9months old not 19months she’s a baby

My youngest daughter didn’t start walking until she was 15months old. She’s 14 now and is perfectly fine. Babies learn things on their own time and when they are ready

All kids do things on their own time, my daughter is about to be one and only says “mom”

I wouldn’t be worrying until closer to 18 months.


No, most babies at 12 months honestly are just learning different sounds. My youngest is 19 months old and can say mama and dada but usually just screams or makes pterodactyl noises. The average age for expected vocabulary and spoken language in toddlers is 24-36 months. As for walking, most, not all, babies are crawling and cruising between 8-10 months. Beginning to take steps independently and walking is usually (average) 10-15 months. Does she crawl, scoot, or roll from back to belly?? If so then developmentally wise I wouldnt be too concerned
You can talk to her pediatrician but honestly I don’t think they will introduce early intervention unless they aren’t walking independently by 2 years.

None of my kids walked until after their first birthdays. They’re 24, 18 and 17 now and their legs work just fine lol. Speech delays generally aren’t anything to worry about until at least 18 months. I think that’s when they do the ASD screenings but it was 2 when my kids were young (2 of the 3 are AuDHD). If you have concerns, talk to your pediatrician.

Nope, they’re all different in their own ways :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: my 1st walked at 12month, 2nd at 16month and 3rd at 9month. My last is 15month and says daddy, mama, doggy and yeah. He babbles but nothing else understandable. My 2nd talked at 2.5year, just randomly full sentences after listening to us for over 2 years :rofl:

I didn’t walk or talk until 18 mths … all babies develop at different times. If it continues to worry you just speak to her doctor

Not at all kids develop at own pace , she’s fine. I have 4all started walking and talking more at different times. My youngest started walking at 11 months my others were 13 and 14monthes. .

My son started walking at 16 months.
My daughter was 8 months.

All kids are different.

I remember my daughter worrying about her 1 year old not talking. Be careful what you wish for i told her. lol. How many times a day we hear “watcha doin”. He speaks full sentences and copies everything he hears now. Good or bad. He is the cutest 2 1/2 year old ever!

No u shouldn’t be worried. Careful what u wish for mama :wink: she’ll get there she’s perfect right as she is!

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Nope. All kids are different and do things at their own pace. My oldest was walking at 9 months. My youngest wasn’t walking until 13 months.


I don’t think you have anything to worry about.

id be concerned about the lack of babbling but not the lack of walking.

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What does the pediatrician say?

Give her some time. All kids develop at there on pace.

Definitely nothing to worry about my 3rd daughter didn’t start talking much until she turned 2 in April now she won’t shut up. Lol and babies will walk at their own pace I wouldn’t worry. Some babies don’t walk until 14-16 months and that’s ok

sounds normal. my oldest practically skipped crawling around 8/9months bc she had older cousins around a lot- she had then to chase. 2nd baby didn’t walk until 13mos. youngest was walking around a yr, but very wobbly until about 14mos

Every child is different. She is good :blush:

One of my children didn’t say much for what I thought was a long time. Then when he started talking, it was whole phrases. Same with his walking. He stood and stood and stood for what seemed like weeks. Then one day he walked across the yard. Totally different from my older boy, who walked and talked before age 1.