Maybe give them a. Time that they can talk about it and a time they can’t. My mom gets so aggravated bc my kids are the same way. I just ignore it.
So we are 44 and 35 and laughing our butts off at this post about butts!!! They will be fine… ignore it and they will
Diessss Typical day at my home.
4,5,11 year old in my house. Favorite word is poop these are natural things lol
Normal…both my kids did that lol
It normal farting is funny
Just let them be kids. Goodness you’re overacting imo
Lol its quite normal behavior. Hell, my teens, and 11 YO will still do it from time to time.
The bigger the deal you make of it the more their going to do it.
Kids will do anything for a laugh. Ignore it and soon it won’t be funny anymore.
My kids, especially my 5 and 6 year olds think farting is the highlight reel of the day…
They aren’t allowed to fart at the table so they will get up, run across the room to the bathroom and rip ass as loud as possible
Makes me bat shit
Farts are funny!! Its normal my boys and there friends girl or boys are obsessed with butts, pooping, farming, burping.
Its funny and normal
My boy is 3 and bodily functions are his favorite thing to mimic. It is what it is
My twins are now 7 and I’m sure we’ve been talking about farting for 4yrs straight now!
On a serious not though, as a day care provider maybe think about rewording the way you’re asking them not to talk about it. If a child was being abused at home, they’re hearing the only people they can tell are the people doing it.
My daughter is 6 n she does the same dang thing! Ur kid will be just fine!
I have an almost 3 year old and a 4 year old and this is every day all day, I correct them but my daughter (almost 3 year old) is definitely so much worse about it than my son is . She lets everyoneeeeee around her know anything she’s doing and if she has to poop she yells it so everyone knows. Idk what the deal is
Its normal. Just ignore it.
My 4 year old granddaughter was obsessed with butts and boobs for a short time. Lol. I get the noob part cause she was nursed til she was 2 and a half. And I just think she thinks butts are funny
Mu nrother and I would have contests who could ne the loudest or longest:joy:
I have 3 boys and it happens all day every day. My 3yr old farted the other day and said to his aunt “auntie I farted it came out of my butt”
Its typical … but you just tell her we don’t talk like that , thats not nice … never tell a child not to talk about their privates… if something would ever happen they would never say anything … just say we can talk about that in private
My 6yo girl talks about and booties too. I guess it’s normal.
Hahaha…if this wasnt normal then ALL my kids need to be seen by professionals…haha I think your good…its very normal…and it got its moments esp when it happens in public or the table or when we have company but again its normal topics for there age…my 5 yr old says she likes the way the word poop sounds…she says it alot…my 9 yr olds mean nick name for his 6 yr old brother is a butt fart…its silly and weirdness of boys and kids.
I probably wouldn’t say they could only talk about privates at home. They might need to tell you something one day but think they cant x
Totally normal. I constantly need to remind my kids that we don’t need to announce to the whole restaurant that they just farted or pooped my oldest is 7 and my youngest is 4. kids will be kids.
Yeah sounds about right. 3 and 7 year old boys here and it’s CONSTANT poop butt and farts in my house. Good luck!
They are children. They love talking about butts and poop and farts.
Kids think farts are funny and it doesn’t end I think farts are funny it’s a natural bodily function and instead of being ashamed of it you should laugh about it I teach my kids not to be ashamed of their bodily functions
my 2 adults still fart when they visit my house and talk about whose fart smells
worse so yea its normal
You need to lighten up a bit. They are kids. Bodily functions are a part of life. Most kids laugh at that kind of thing. They are probably drawling the pictures of butts to get a rise out of you.
I’m an adult and I love poop, farts and butts
It’s only farts. You need to chill out. I find farts hilarious and I’m 30
I would’ve gotten my ass beat for talking like that, and so would all of my friends, except for the low life trash.
Theyre kids being kids…
they all talk about it
I still laugh about darts and butts. I can see how you would worry about it in your business but have the parents said anything
Thats what 6 year olds do lol, its normal. Nothing to be annoyed about, not like there cussing. Its ok I promise
I pin my two year old down and fart on his head, I’m i parenting wrong? Lol
My three year old girl always talks about poop an butts…its normal x
My daughter is 4 and talks about butts and facts all the time and laughs. Its a normal kids thing cause I remember doing the same thing even all the way into elementary.
My 3 year old do the same if not worse
My daughter is 3 and will walk up to me turn around fart and then run away laughing
Kids will be kids mama bear!! she just thinks she’s being funny
So does mine now my 3 year old twins join in.
It’s normal. And the more you try to get her not to talk about it, the more she’ll want to.
I think if its just farts and poops its nothing. I have a 7 and 8 yr old girl and all i hear is fart talk lol.
My 8 year old made a “ King Poop” it’s just something they all love to joke about… theyll grow out of it. Not a big deal
My son is 7 and it’s the funniest thing to him. He heard the word penile and laughed for 20 minutes almost.
Yep my 5 year old girl is the same
Totally normal our 5 and 8 year old daughters do this daily they make up songs with fart in it… I assume it’s a phase they know how I feel about it so after they say it they get “the oh crap” face… I wouldn’t worry too too much but ensure she knows it’s not acceptable.
Lmao i have a 5 yr old grandson and a niece and nephew all of them are 5 and thats all i hear all day when they’re here and even him alone. It drives me crazy but the more you try and make them stop the more they seem to say it… Im just praying they grow out of it lmao until then block it out
Frustrating, yes, concerning, not so much. My 8yr old daughter tie slow obsessed with butts/farts.
Its normal, they probably think its even funnier because you are being so “no no” about it. Ignore it
1 warning, then time out for everytime they say it. Daycare provider for 35 years here. They almost always go through that phase. I tell them that the “little” kids hear it and think it’s ok to say. Or “so and so’s” Mom won’t be happy if he/she finds out her child learned it from you.
Kristy Newman Sloan, sounds like Kolton and Dalton, minus drawing the pictures,
Try having to boys. It’s all day non stop butts, farts, poop. Everything. they are 8 and 10
Beat them they’ll come around
My son is 5 n his cuz 6 n they laugh alot talking about poops n butt…even tho we instill at home that those are private n less attention needed
Farts are funny
It’s a stage. They’ll outgrow it. Keep your reactions low keyed, but still point out that we don’t talk about it except at home, with family.
I wouldn’t be concerned kids are weird she will grow out of it there could be worse things she’s talking about x
Aye I have 4 boys and a husband it never stops
If you react to it they will only do it more
Chaotic Alchemy imagine if you would have chose this battle
Kids are weird and funny, its normal
Omg relax kids will be kids
Could be so much worse. I have 4 boys and a girl. My house is poop, fart, butt, nuts, frick, kick, punch etc
My son is 4 and that’s what he talks about just a kid thing
Yes its normal …lol it’s just that age group finds anything funny .
My boys tell me about every poop and fart they re 14 and 18
It’ll pass. Just like gas!
They like to shock you at that age . And they think it’s funny to talk about farting
You’re overreacting. Its normal. And farts is nothing to get mad about ya crazy lady lmao
My entire family still laughs at farts and butts…
The more you react to it, the more it’ll be done.
Don’t mention it and move on to the next topic and the novelty will wear off
Kids are kids and bodily functions are hilarious
My 3 children use to do this All the time. It was a fase. I didnt take any notice and they soon cut it out xx
When I was 6, I was obsessed with eyeballs…its just a stage.
If you are not concerned who will be?
My 3 year old talks about poop or pee all the time… my 7 and 8 year olds rarely talk about it and tell my 3 year old “that’s potty words”
It’s a phase. Soon they will just argue with you about every little thing:woman_facepalming:
At least they’re not embarrassed…
Im a teacher prek ive heard so much more then just that in my clasd
My 6 year old thats all she talks about and she makes it well known to the whole house hold when she has burped, farted or pooped! Hell, she even walks past me and if she can’t fart she will make a fart sound piss her self laughing while saying mumma i just farted on you, Yeah its annoying but I mostly ignore it now
I’m 24 and when all of us kids are at home, we do it and constantly talk about it. It annoys our mum so much, its only natural
My 6 yr old boy does that too
Completely normal. Kids don’t want to be the butt of the joke!
All 5 of mine do it. I’ve learned to ignore it or if the try that crap at the dinner table tell them it’s not the time for potty talk and they’ll stop. It gets less as they get older though and it’s worse with my boys than the girls. I can say that.
I would be stern with her about little girls shouldnt talk that way and then ignore them and hopefully she’ll see how you react about it with a frown and she’ll stop
I dont know why kids nowadays act the way they do. I just never permitted it and they didnt act that way
It’s the age, the bigger deal you make of it the longer it lasts. Put your foot down that it is inappropriate. Farts(GAS ) is normal but doesn’t need to be fantastisized. Redirect as much as possible we use our butt to sit, it protects our spine , if you make it a lesson sometimes they move on faster. Good luck. Boys take farts to the extreme.
Idk a kid out there that doesn’t laugh at farts or butts It’s totally normal. If is isn’t, than I’m a horrible parent. I laugh with them and go on about my day.
It is normal. Every child I have ever known has talked like that. Myself as a child as well. It is a phase all children go through and what you are doing is making it funnier for the children.
Just don’t give her a reaction, which is probably what she’s hoping for. Change the subject. It’s annoying when my son does it, too. But he’s done it for years…and he’ll be 10 this year. I’d say it’s totally normal.
My 4 year old is obsesseed with butts poop farts all of it it happens. Ive noticed it usually is for reaction. She does it more around grandma cuz she doesnt like it which sends little into a laughing fit
Its a kid thing, The majority of little kids go through this. Think its because they have just become aware of their bodily functions. Ignore it. If it becomes too silly, time out is the answer…but really, it’s a minor trait…
Every time one of my kids farts and someone says ewww or who did it I always claim it. I tell them
I will fart again. That is also apart of the stigma that we need to get rid of. Girls specifically being afraid to fart/poop especially in front of boys. But now I’m just rambling.
We have the Fart Monster that visits our house. Anytime it happens one of us says did you see the Fart Monster? He was just here & farted then ran away! It is funny & farts are part of everyday life so why not have fun with it? I remember my Dad always blaming it on the frog under his chair lol. It’s a funny memory & it always makes me happy to think of it
Maybe I’m just a big kid, but at 29 me and the significant other still giggle and make jokes about every fart that is farted in this house
Absolutely normal
My 4 year old daughter always include poop! In her daily jokes… Hehe… Interchangeably with butts… Which is amuse:blush: now happy to know my child is not the only one having theeese thoughts hahahaah:blush:
Its just a kid thing. Noone should feel like they have to hide their farts or cant talk about it or butts. Thats just normal kid talk. I dont think thats them talking about their privates. Its a bit different. Fart is like every kids favorite word lol
My girls find farts hilarious. When my mum whom was looking after my eldest told her no park until the afternoon, my daughter drew a Penis on the front of a shirt she working on with fabric pens. I was horrified but it’s funny now. Try turning their attention to knock knock jokes. Really does sound like kids being kids
They’re 5 and 6. Honestly I think that’s normal and when a parent stress it. The more they’ll do it. If you let it go. It might stop sooner