My daughter is six and talks about farting and poop and butts all day, and I run a day home, and now all the other kids are doing it too. It is extremely frustrating because they all just laugh I’m trying to focus on, “we don’t talk about our privates we only talk about it with our parents, no one needs to know we farted it happens” because it’s constant every fart in our house is acknowledged, and it is exhausting… The other parents are starting to notice as well I had given the girls a picture to paint and they’re drawing pictures of butts, and they are 5 and 6, and they’re just laughing about it Am i crazy to overreact about this or is this something that I need to say absolutely not acceptable??
Hmm what are they watching ?
What is being talked about around them ?
Lol… I don’t know my grown husband and 10yr son talk about farts all day.
My boys did this. Its a phase.
This is pretty common
She must’ve learned it from some other child, but It sounds normal to me. I feel like at that age they’ll talk about it because they think it’s funny, but I would of course not condone it. Keep on telling them it’s not acceptable for sure. They’re just being kids
Hey I remember being very young and my favorite word was “butthole” lmaoo
I still think its funny talking about butts and farts lol
All kids talk about farts and think they are funny. Focus on it, and they’ll keep doing it.
I would say that’s pretty normal. I remember my brothers doing it and my daughters all do it.
I feel like the more you try to stop it the more they will talk about it because they are getting a reaction out of you. Try to ignore it and maybe it will stop!
This is normal and you are overreacting. Your reaction is probably making it worse🤷🏻♀️
My 2 yr old daughter calls out me and my husband and says “toot” when we fart. She also says it when she farts… we just laugh and laugh…
Some kids (or grown ass adults) find butts and farts funny. Just keep educating and encouraging her to find it funny to herself. Myc3 year old is obsessed with these things
You are crazy. Sorry but kids talk about stuff like that
Its normal… and funny to them cause they are small…
Just keep pushing it, but it’s definitely normal for kids… and adults
Part of the fun for them is irritating you and the other adults around them. So long as you dont suspect there is some kind of abuse that has led to this behavior I would ignore it. The more attention you give to it the more power it has. Kids have mastered this
I think it is totally normal. My kids, sons and daughter included went through a phase where it was all they talked about and also would just laugh.
Totally normal and a phase lol it does get better. Tell them that is potty talk and it is not acceptable in front of others if they want to talk that way they (1 person at a time) can go stand in the bathroom look in the mirror and say it all they want . Broke my grandson of it pretty quick wasn’t as much fun if he didn’t have an audience.
I hope its normal my 6 six year old loves adding poop in every sentence
I’m 25 and butts and farts are still funny it used to drive our parents crazy but kids are going to be kids
It’s a pretty common thing. You’ll be surprised, at what gets said by other kid’s at school. Farts are funny to kid’s. Unless talking about something else including that area, then i wouldn’t worry.
Boys and girls do son is a teen and my daughter is 9 and they both talk about this. I’d not be offended,it’s literally natural occurrences. I used to teach at a preschool and one girl drew a vagina on every female she drew. It was because her home openly talked about their anatomy with her because she had questions and they truthfully answered. If they know you’re getting mad, they’re gonna do it because kids test limits. It’s fortunate that you don’t have boys because literally it doesn’t end ever. Between that and their obsession with their penises, boys don’t quit the gross subjects.
Absolutely no need to worry about that. They are kids, they find farts and bums funny. As long as it’s nothing dirty in another sense . This is completely childish ways!!
It’s very weird but normal! I have a 6 and 8 year old both girls and that’s just the funniest thing ever to them. Drives me crazy too lol
Um. Its not like their talking about their vaginas and penis and cumming.
Its poop…its farts.
All kids joke about farting they think it’s funny.
So they arent support to laugh because YOU dont think it’s funny?
You sound like an extremely boring mom
Completely normal for her age my son is 5 and thinks it’s of the upmost importance to talk about all things gross 24/7
It’s pretty common my daughter does it too just a phase
I mean I wouldnt approve of the whole butt talk because that is a personal area but… Farts are hilarious . But at that age all it takes is one kid knowing then they all know. They will find something else annoying to talk about soon. Lol. Maybe if you ignore it it will fade awayyyyy
It’s completely normal
I work with younger children and it’s mostly a phase but yes express it’s not nice to talk about. Try to redirect to something else, or ask why is so funny engage them on the subject, let them talk about it as a discussion sometimes you will learn why and where it come from and know better how to deal with it.
It’s a phase every kid goes thru
If they are not talking about butts in any sexual way, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with it. People fart. And farts come out of butts. That not something that is private and should only be talked about with their parents.
Lol absolutely normal
It’s normal. My children did it.
It’s normal. My son is 7 and I still hear that stuff. His favorite joke? Why did the duck cross the road? To get to the other butt.
Mines not even 2 and giggles and tells me every time she farts lol
Just try ignoring it honestly, I feel like all kids do this. It’s a phase. My kids also think this is funny. I wouldn’t call it concerning at all. Lol my kids dad and his brother are still obsessed with farts & burps… so idk lol kids are gross little people. And they just talk about stuff like that. Girls grow out of it… idk about boys lol. My daughter told me today “my poop was pocadotted with corn” and started laughing hysterically. And then all my kids started laughing. And proceeded to talk about it for like 20min lol.
My two year old does that too I was told it’s a phase and bc people laugh they keep doing it.
My 2 year old and 7 year old laugh like mad when someone farts, its part of being a kid
We can’t have a supper without poop or farts being brought up. Our kids are 9-15… It’s a normal bodily function no need to find shame in it.
Normal. And hilarious.
Yea ive been a old fart butt for 2months
I think its normal, however, telling to stop it should have put a stop to it. I’d gave real Come-to-Jesus face to face, on a real serious level. I dont enjoy that kind of talk either
My little girl is 6 and that’s all she talks about. When my son was that age that’s all he talked about was poop and butts. It’s a phase. It fades away. My son is 10 and now rarely ever mentions either. It was so frustrating to me but I realized I’m not alone. Lol
Im 30 and still laugh at a loud ass fart farts are funny
Absolutely normal and frustrating as heck for us momma’s. I have a 7 & 8 year old girls that do the same thing. I’ve gotten to the point of tuning out. The more you make it a big deal, the more they think it’s funny.
Don’t feed into it. It will be something different next month. If you over react, it can actually make it worse.
You wouldn’t last in my house…
3 boys 8,6 and 5.
Thats ok my daughter is 8 and when my husband turns the volume up on the tv she laughs and says when he turns it up her butt tickles. Weird kid.
Uhg! We’re going through this to with our 4 & 5 year old.
Completely normal, no lies everyone in my house laughs at farts, including me and my husband
It’s a phase. Don’t make a big deal about it. It will pass.
My 3 year old loves fart sounds and thinks butts are hilarious
I mean most adults think it’s funny to fart maybe not the butts but still. I laugh about it & I’m almost 40
My 4 yr old daughter thinks farts, poop, and butts are the funniest things ever. Been like this a couple years now
The more attention you give to it, the longer it will go on. Try not making a big deal out of it, and see what happens.
Kids are kids. The more you acknowledge it and let it be known that it bothers you the more it encourages them to do it. Ignore it. They’ll grow out of it. At 16 your girls wont be talking about their farts, promise lol.
Its normal but let them know when it’s not appropriate
My daughter isn’t at that stage yet (she’s only 1) but I have 3 little cousins and when they were smaller they’d find stuff like that hilarious. It’s just kids.
I think you’re overreacting… its absolutely normal. Just roll your eyes at it.
It’s normal, I would just agree with them that it’s silly and help them move to another topic, as far as drawing butts lol, I would respond with, that’s not a very nice picture can you draw me something nice and beautiful. Don’t make it a big deal just help them move past the topic by switching the topic yourself if it continues let them know it’s not ok at your house to talk that way, it’s really normal but your home your rules and if it bothers you set guidelines and that’s a good thing to do too. Also I’m sure the other parents don’t think to much about it if that’s why your worried I know I wouldn’t
My 4 year old walks around my house pretending to pee on everything. Does a leg lift and all. I mostly don’t let them talk like that when we have company. And sat them down to tell them it’s not appropriate in front of other people.
You would faint in my house
They should be comfortable to talk in front of you about facts and pooping and butts . That means they trust you and be glad they are comfortable because God forbid something happens they will tell you. They will get over it.
Then you don’t want to hear my 4 year old
It’s normal! My daughter is 6 when she farts she makes sure she tells everyone if we don’t hear it or if us adults fart she will yell “mom/dad farted!!” . When she has to poop she makes sure everyone knows “brb I got to poop!” Its funny!
Why did I picture minions the whole time doing this? Honestly I would do this too as a child.
Completely normal. My 7 year old still comes and farts on me. Obviously they know when it’s not appropriate talk.
Definitely that age! My daughter is 5 and the same way!
Kids will be kids…half the convos mine initiate are butt, poop, and fart related.
I tried to stop it. But kids will be kids.
If you don’t make a big deal about it, she will stop. When you react to a situation, you are giving that situation power.
Did you skip being a child yourself? This is totally a phase.
Its Normal. Also I wouldn’t Tell them no one needs to know we farted instead of Telling them That Get them to Say Excuse me After they farted its polite.
who doesnt like talking about farting lmao
Overreacting… kids talk about butts and farts lol just ignore it
My 5 year old is the same way. Sometimes I’ll tell her to chill out because it’s literally all she’ll talk about but for the most part, we laugh.
It is normal but i see why it needs to stop. We talk about what’s a potty word and potty words are words that we only talk about in the bathroom. At first, if she talked about poop and farting I would go make her sit in the bathroom for a few minutes…immediately stopped.
My daughter is almost 5 and is EXACTLY the same! The more I tell her to stop the more she does it.
My 6 yr old girl wouldn’t stop laughing at farts for like 3-4 months, she still laughs at them and tells me I smell like farts, or she would run all the way across the house to come fart by me, or on me Totally normal, maybe have a talk about words and things we talk about in public vs. the words we use and what we talk about in private (after business hours for a day home) My kids are 6 and 8 and both understand appropriate and inappropriate behaviors in public and at home. Lol, good luck mama
The subject matter isnt really the issue, so much as the inability to shift off of it or understand/mind when you ask her to stop.
But in my home…my son has adhd, asd, and odd. Hell start saying something like…colley (instead of collin) because he goes through a period of saying words like that due to asd. Ordinarily I just ignore it unless it’s a real issue.
Well. Calling our nonverbal two year old colley was an issue.
When I asked him to stop…he just kept laughing and doing it because of his adhd and odd.
Hahahaha you should hear my three. Butts, poop, farts are all hilarious when you’re little. Even more so, most boys dont grow out of it. Hubby still thinks its hilarious
Every single time I ask my 6 yr old where something is, he tells me “it’s in my butt”. But seriously I am overran by boys so all I know is poop, butts, and farts.
That’s what my grandkids talk about all the time there kids
Suuuppperrrr normal lol im actually glad to know i was not the only one dealing with that my 2 use to do this all the time they would draw butts to some with fart clouds they still laugh at farts and acknowledge them quite frequently and they are now going on 9 and 10
Single mom of two girls it is nothing but butts farts and ninja moves you would not survive in my house:woman_shrugging:
My 3 Year Old Lets Me Know Everytime He Farts Lmao
Seems a little crazy it’s just fart jokes
My son tells me when he farted or poops lol hes 7 but I stopped paying attention to it when he tells me so hes slowly not bringing it up anymore but its life
The more big deal you make of it the more they’ll do it
When you’re six the funniest word in the dictionary is butt lol. It’ll pass.
Stop making it into a big deal and she’ll get over it faster. But to be honest, it never stops. My 21 yr old daughter still finds it hilarious
Lol she’s being a kid. This phase will pass soon probably. My boys still talk about butts and farting at 11, and 9. But mainly in front of my mother-in-law, but that’s my husbands fault. His mother was so prim and proper and made my husbands childhood terrible, so now he burps and farts in front of her for fun. But my kids understand it’s not acceptable in public, and know when it’s joking. Let her be young and silly while she can
Yesterday my daughter sat with my husband and I and did the individual fart noises for every person in the house.
Mine sounds wet apparently
2 of my girls are jus like that
Dad threw a fart at me, let’s just say my two boys 3 & 4 have taken over from there.
that’s what they do at that age lol
It’s totally normal. If you just ignore them they’ll get bored and stop. You’re playing right into it by reacting
The age seems fascinated with bodily functions…it passes when you ignore it…usually