Should I be concerned about my not talking?

I’m starting to worry about how my daughter isn’t talking much she’ll be 18 months in February. She only says maybe 5 words. All she would rather do is yell, point,spit and make sound effect noise to get things she wants. Her 2 older brothers we’re talking way more then her when they were that age…


Get her an evaluation. Talk to her pediatrician.


I don’t normally post but my kids are 5 years apart. My youngest didn’t start talking until she was around 3 she said some words but I talked to her doctor about it and he said it’s because the oldest kids talk for them or help them when they yell and or point. Just continue to remind her to use words.

Ms. Rachel (YouTube) is fantastic for early development. Also Start narrating your day with her. As you get her ready for the day. “Let’s find you a shirt” “time to change your diaper, let’s grab the wipes”. My oldest is 15 and youngest is 23 month twins. The more you talk to them, the more they talk.

Having 2 older brothers she may not “need” to talk. My youngest, also a girl with 2 older brothers didn’t talk a lot. When she communicates with you encourage her to use her words. To ease your mind you can always consult with her pediatrician.

My daughter is 21 months and can’t speak 5 words yet

My daughter kinda talked at that age when we went shopping I would tell her “lets get some oranges” things like that. Then again all kids are different

Yes get her speech therapy.

One of my friend son was like that , always yelling, ignoring people when they talked to him , barely talk , turns out he was almost deaf, some kids talk faster than others but an evaluation to make sure that it’s not medically should be a good start

I went through that stage until pre-k. I was placed in speech therapy until 4th grade. I still have a speech impediment but at least I can pronounce my own last name.