Should I be concerned about my son?

My little man was diagnosed with staph two weeks ago and ended up with a few sores next to his mouth and one on his leg. He was put on antibiotics and was supposed to take them for 10 days but I forgot which day I started so when they started to look better I stopped it probably 7 or 8 days in. Im worried though because those spots where his sores were aren’t going away. Should I be worried or do you think they would go away eventually?

You should be speaking to the doctor.

If it’s a staph infection he needs to finish all the antibiotics.

He may need another round of medicine if it’s not going away. Staph infections can take a bad turn really quickly.


Smh I’m sorry but if he was put on antibiotics for 10 days you need to have him finish the whole course of antibiotics regardless if you think they look better or not. It’s a staph infection and since you stopped the antibiotics early the infection might not be gone now. Not trying to be mean but staph infections are not to be taken lightly because the infection can travel into the bloodstream joints bones and even the heart and it can have deadly consequences. You do not want it to turn sepsis so I highly suggest you call his doctor again and explain how you stopped the antibiotics early cause they started to look better and now the spots aren’t going away and see if you need to take him back in.


You need to take them back to the doctor and make sure they take all their medicine. I literally almost lost my life because I went septic.

If you don’t finish all the antibiotics it can come back and he could end up becoming immune to them if he ever needed them in the future

Usually they prescribe enough antibiotics strictly for the duration of treatment. So if he was supposed to take them for ten days then it wouldn’t matter what day he started…you take them u til completely finished. If you have any left over then he didn’t take them the ten days


Honestly if I got to that point and wasn’t sure I’d just have my child finish the rest of the bottle out. Usually enough if prescribed just for that round of antibiotics

you need to take the entire course of antibiotics for it to work, you should call your MD, prob need to restart them

My daughter got staph on the corner of her mouth last winter. It started as chapped and got bad quickly. It’s nothing to mess around with especially on their face. He should’ve finished the antibiotics. Take him back to the doctor.

Take all medications for the duration they prescribe .

It happens all the time. Call the dr and tell them. You may need to do another round of antibiotics

Just here to echo most of the other comments. You’re supposed to take the full dose of antibiotics even if the symptoms improve. Take him back to the doctor. They might have you start the 10 days over again. Next time, ask your doctor before you stop just to be safe.

Since you stopped the antibiotics you need to get him a new prescription. Improper use is what causes super bug. it’d be better to give an extra day on accident then not enough

You need to get more antibiotics and do better about your son taking ALL them. You need to let your pediatrician know you had your son stop taking them, because all you pretty much did was allow the staph to build a resistance to the antibiotics. It literally says in the paper they attach to your prescription that if you forget, just continue taking regularly…assuming a few days hasn’t passed. I feel bad for your kid. I understand life happening and maybe forgetting a dose, but just to purposely stop the medication? You’re definitely the AH.