Should I be concerned my child isn't making any attempt to talk?

My 10m old makes no attempt in making any words. My oldest was saying mama and Dada at around 6/7m but my 10m old doesn’t make any type of words… not even baby babble. He makes an ehhhh noise or cry that’s it. I know he can hear cause if he’s crawling away from me and I say his name he stops and looks at me. Anyone else have a baby that didn’t talk or babble??? I wouldn’t worry so much about the words but the fact he doesn’t even babble is starting to concern me


All babies develop differently, but make sure his hearing is good :slightly_smiling_face:

My son was non verbal until he was 4… he was diagnosed with autism at 2.

Talk to his Dr at his next appt. I suggest getting referrals for an ENT or audiologist. Hearing sounds & looking at those sounds is only part of actually hearing. Most deaf people can hear to an extent. Also get a referral for a eye Dr who specializes in infants. My daughter was speech delayed. Ears were fine, pediatrician couldn’t find any reason. Then I took her to an eye Dr. Turns out she was almost blind. Babies learn to form words by seeing your lips move along with hearing. If hearing the sound but doesn’t seem how you’re making those sounds he’s not going to be able to do it. My daughter got glasses at 4. I focused on her watching me form words. She went into speech therapy later that year. She learned quickly. She was in therapy until 3rd grade.

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My son is nearly 10mths and is only starting to be vocal now. I was worried too. Maybe just give it some more time. Then if you’re still concerned talk to your doctor?

I’ve been concerned about my son and his words and then I found YouTube videos that has helped. I suggest ms. Rachel! My son has learned a lot with her in a short amount of time!

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My son didn’t! In fact, he had very little words at 2! I was so worried. But once he started talking he didn’t stop :joy: he’s 8 now and talks more than anyone I know, including me lol.

Don’t worry until after year 2 :blush:

My son really didn’t speak much until two, now at 4 he’s speaks non stop but still has some articulation and clarity issues. My doctors were never concerned, still aren’t, as all kids develop differently. Speech therapy can help. Though, it wouldn’t hurt have a hearing test done to rule that out as well.