Should I be concerned my daughter isn't hitting her milestones?

My daughter is 10 months and doesn’t crawl or pull to stand. Should I be worried


While all children progress at different ages If you are worried I would speak to pediatrician and get a referral to a pediatric therapy/early intervention services for evaluation for PT and OT. May even consider speech. It’s so much better to be proactive and get intervention early than to “wait it out” only to find out at older ages they need extra help.

Is she your first? My first was don’t take this wrong but lazy cuz we did baby her, my second didn’t crawl much and one day just pulled himself up and started walking, the same with my grand babies I wouldn’t worry much maybe try putting her in a walker and give her little pulls

Let ur baby be a baby. Each passes as they will not every child will be on point. My grandbaby didn’t crawl at the point it said the dr sent physical therapy out to watch her grow, (grandbaby was a premie 4lb13oz ) now she is three and talks walks and does all that a child her age can accomplish

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What does the pediatrician say?

My grandson never crawled he scooted, he was close to a year before he did that. We say he moves at his own time…

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My first born was a lazy baby, took his time with everything, but started walking on his own at 1. My daughter was a spunky baby and was crawling at 5 months and walking at 7. By 9 months she was walking on her own.

Nope every kid is different


Can she sit? I’d wait til she’s one and if still not doing it ask hv for a physio referral

There is clearly some concern in the back of your mind, so there’s no harm in reaching out to your pediatrician to discuss.

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One thing my kiddos developmental ped told me is “It’s never a bad idea to have extra help even if they dont need it.”

Talk to your pediatrician about what’s normal for your child. Every kid is different.

Nope every baby is different. My youngest daughter didn’t start crawling until 14 months and started walking at 16 months.

What did her doctor say when you asked ?

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Kids aren’t cookie cutter… if by the 1 year well baby appointment you still have concerns then voice them.

My baby didn’t crawl until 1. What does your pediatrician say?

Some babies are laid back and not in a rush to crawl , stand esp the first one. Put the toys out of reach so he is encouraged to work to get it. He’ll walk when he. wants to.

All kids are different my sister didn’t talk until she was 4 like not one word they thought she was brain dead or something 90s baby she’s the smartest Person I know had two bachelors And a masters just woke up one day and started talking

Milestones are a guide only . They develop at their own pace and I wouldnt worry atm. Give it another couple of months.
My first didn’t crawl at all but walked around 11 months. My second crawled early and didn’t walk till 14 months.
Babies are checked at birth for walking responses if there was a concern it would have been noted then and more tests done
There’s a real difference in milestones when baby is large or premature. Mention your worries to your health visitor of course but don’t be tempted to compare your baby to another

All in good time she will do it when she’s ready