Should I be concerned that I am still producing breast milk?

I stopped breastfeeding my baby when he was 4 months old my son is 9 months old now. I am producing a couple ML with hand express. Google says if he has been fully weaned for more than 3 months and still producing milk to go see a doctorAnyone else had a problem like this or any idea what could be wrong? Is it still breast milk or could it be an infection


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I be concerned that I am still producing breast milk?

If you’re hand expressing you’re still encouraging it to come in…


Stop hand expressing :woman_shrugging:


So hand express is not the thing you want to do. If you get some cabbage leafs you can place in you bra and it will help you dry up

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I haven’t breastfed in 7 years and I can still get milk… Talk to your Dr but I think you are fine.

You have to only pump/express if its so full its painful. Otherwise you let it stay full. Thats how i dried mine up after 2 yrs of bf.


It took 3yrs before my body stopped entirely.


Stay off Google. I never breastfed, my youngest is 18 months and I still can express milk if I hand express.


My dr had me take birth control for a couple of months to stop milk production

Your making your body continue to make milk by expressing. I can still squeeze a couple drops if trying and I stopped almost 5 years ago.


There are babies in the United Stares that can use that breast milk find them

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No. It took 3 years for mine to fully dry up.

I produce for 9 years until I got pregnant with my second

Expressing is like stimulating the situation, stop doing it


l G­e­t p­a­id over 145 per h0ur w0rking f­r­o­m h­o­me. l ­n­ever ­th­o­ught ­I­’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over 1959­7 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
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I could still hand express after my oldest (only nursed him for a few weeks) for a couple years after. It was drastically less as time went on, but never fully went away.

Some women produce milk for years after weaning their babies. If it continues let your doctor know.

I lactated for years after and so did my aunt

It’s because your still expressing, if you stop it’ll dry up

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Youre expressing so you’ll keep stimulating production. Stop expressing

It’s been 5 years for me still got some coming out

Stop expressing and production will stop. Good luck.

I had to stop breastfeeding at 6 months from low supply then when my kid was 1 I woke up and my shirt was wet lol it freaked me out. So yes it is possible

My sister could hand express for 2-3 YEARS after weaning. But you have to stop expressing completely for it to stop producing.

Nothing at all wrong! I made milk for a full year and a half after weaning my son, who nursed for a year.

I’m actually very confused why it says that. I leaked for like 2 years after weaning and my obgyn said it’s just normal with some moms.

I’m still express milk (well now I’m pregnant so I don’t try) after 3 years lol.

The work on a supply and demand basis, so if you are still expressing your breasts, and still getting some your body will work to replace it continuing the supply. If you don’t express normally you dry up. I wasn’t able to breast feed because I dried up too fast.

If you are consistently expressing it, you are going to keep having milk.

But also, mine is 4 years old and I still have some :woman_shrugging: