Should I be concerned that my 15-month-old isn't walking?

Hey, my son is 15 months and not walking yet. He only started crawling just before his first birthday and is showing no signs that he is steady enough on his feet to start walking. When should I become concerned?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I be concerned that my 15-month-old isn't walking?

My oldest son didnt walk until he was almost 2. Unless the doctors are concerned. I wouldnt be too worried about it

My first born daughter is almost 18 months and still not walking yet

Every baby is different.
My twin boys were so different
One walked at 10months old and his brother didn’t walk untill he was 16months old.

My middle boy didn’t walk until 18 months. Found out at age 8 he had dyspraxia which answered all our questions on his development. He also had glue ear grommets put in he was about 3 half/4

Don’t rush them Momma. My youngest didn’t walk till he was 2. Your son will be up running before you no it.

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Have you talked to his pediatrician about this?

My twins are 18 months and don’t walk

All three of mine walked between 15 & 18 months 2 of them have developmental delays my youngest does not

Every child is different. My oldest walked independently (no walker or hand holding with me) at 17/18 months. My 2nd son was 14/15 months when he started walking by himself. And my daughter isn’t walking quite yet independently by herself at 19 months.

My daughter didn’t walk until she was 19 months old

Every child is different. My son started walking at 13 months but my daughter started at 8 months.

My youngest son didn’t walk til 15 months. I was worried but his pediatrician assured me he was fine. He only walked for a few days and started running :joy:

Every baby is different. If doctor isn’t concerned I wouldn’t be. My oldest started walking right before her first birthday, second didn’t walk till a few weeks after his.

My daughter walked at 9 months, and my son at 19 months. They’re all different.

My daughter took her first steps at 14.5 months

My son was 13 months and I got him a Walker that really helped

Each child is different my middle one was 19 months before she took her first step 6 months before she took another. Doctor kept saying her delays were just failure to thrive. I pushed for more answers finally got sent to a geneticist who took one look and knew what to test for she has William’s Syndrome which she is missing part of her elastin gene in her seventh chromosome. She is much like a Downs Syndrome person. If your gut says you need answers push for answers.

Crawling for a long time is so good for the child’s brain development! My son didn’t start walking until 16 months, but I never worried because he could power crawl and climb like no other! I found out later that using the right and left sides of the body like that helps with neurological connections in the left and right by side of the brain, and therefore helps with memory and intellect! Do not worry, Momma, this is a good thing :heart:

Every kid is different.
My son was 16 months when he started walking.

That’s too early, please give the baby time… And please remember that babies differ ,some start early and some late

No, every child is different!

Every child is different. My grandson didn’t walk till 17 mo

My youngest walked at 7mo

When they get ready they will walk. My daughter was 9 months when she started.

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Mine were all different first one was starting at 11 months then had an ear infection which set it back to 13 months, my next was 15 months my youngest 9 months.

My daughter took forever to walk. I don’t remember exactly when she started but She was damn near 18 months I believe. All she wanted to do was crawl. And the. One day she just felt she was ready to walk without holding out hand and hasn’t stopped. Every baby is different. It’s so discouraging when you feel your baby should be doing something and isn’t so you feel they’re behind but truly every baby is different just like one size doesn’t fit all so just keep practicing with him and he will get it!! :black_heart::black_heart:

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No worries my nephew walked at 19 months

Completely depends on the baby. And they never look sturdy enough to walk by themselves lol they just take off usually with a crash. Just hold babies hands and help them walk and practice. If you think there is an issue consult your pediatrician.

Talk to your dr to make sure but every kid is different.

Every kid is different! My son is tiny he didn’t walk till he was nearly about a year and a half I was concerned about it took him to see his paediatrician and he was just fine his now nearly 4 still the size of a 1 yr old but never stops running around lol. If it’s bothering you there’s no harm in taking him to see a paediatrician just to have a look and help possibly put your mind too ease.

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My nephew was 1 last week and no way near ready to walk yet he’s not long learnt to pull himself up against the sofa etc can’t cruise or walk with his walker yet

He’ll do it when he is ready
My daughter was 17mounths

When you pull him up in a standing position does he try to support his weight at all

My son didn’t walk until almost 16 months old. He was a chunky baby and crawled late. 1 day he will just start to walk

Don’t worry about him He will walk in his own time as long as he is healthy and well besides Then they run instead of walk so you will be busier Enjoy it all

My son started walking at 17m. He was delayed in crawling as well. Don’t worry hun.

If he’s not walking by 2 then I would start worrying . They all developed at their own pace . Let him do his thing and he will soon catch up .

My daughter just turned 15 months yesterday and she is still not walking. Very interested in it and holding onto things. She can crawl and climb like no tomorrow

Not until two really. Definitely too early to worry. You can encourage it by getting him to hold your hands and take steps together. We found playparks where you can hold onto rails on both sides really helped with strength.

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All children are different some catch on really quick others it takes time I wouldn’t be to concerned yet but maybe help him walk around and see what he can do thats what got my daughter into walking was id hold her hands and let her lead me around the house don’t worry to much tho!!! Some kiddos take a little more time to learn and thays perfectly normal!!!

One of my nephews was 18 months. They eventually discovered he was a tippy toe walker. He had special inserts for his shoes… So don’t stress but if you are concerned take him to pediatrician. Some kids just need more a lil motivation. Try putting fav toys a few feet away, try to encourage him to crawl over.

My daughter didn’t start walking until 18 months and she didn’t crawl at all,she did a butt Scooch all over the place

4 sons 1st walked at 12 mo 2nd walked at 17mo 3rd at 9 mo 4th at 9 months.

My oldest was in physical therapy as a baby due to a birth injury, and his therapist started working on walking skills almost as soon as he’d mastered pulling up to things with the goal of 13 months.
However, some doctors, don’t worry about babies not walking until they’re 18 months.
Is your child behind in any other areas? I would suggest talking to your child’s doctor at their next appointment about your concerns.

My oldest was pulling himself up and walking assisted at 5 months didn’t talk till almost 3 don’t worry

I got told not to worry till 18 Months Old and not walking behind a walker or furniture walking.

My kids walked at;
2-1 yr 2 days
5-13m all kids are different, there was never a concern for the ones who took longer … my #4 only crawled when she turned 1


The docs were concerned when my oldest didnt walk till 15 mos…but that was 20 yrs ago…hes fine there was nothing wrong he still wont get up and walk unless he has too :joy:


My first daughter was 18 months. There’s no concerns.

Every baby goes at their own pace. Mine started a week before fifteen months.

My oldest didn’t start walking until she was 18 months. She’s 14 now and is perfect in every way. Except the attitude :unamused:

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My pediatrician said they don’t worry until 16 months and what they do is xray hips and if they don’t fund anything they leave it alone (this happed to my youngest

My son didn’t start crawling until he was about 11 months and not fully walking on his own until 17-18 months. I don’t think there’s any wrong. All kids develop at their own time and pace. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

My son is 19 months and won’t walk without holding on to something

My son started to walk a couple steps at 16 months and still now at 19 months he prefers to crawl but is getting more active with walking… His doctors are not concerned at all as all kids learn at their own pace… But I’d say if he still isn’t walking closer to 2 they may be worried… But just give him time… My son flat out refused until one day he just decided to take a step and it’s been 3 months and he still prefers to crawl a lot of times :woman_shrugging:

My son was walking just before 10 months, my daughter was 16 months. No two children are the same. If you’re concerned, talk with your son’s pediatrician to get some peace of mind :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Mention it at the 15 month well visit with the pediatrician that you’re concerned. They might say not to worry but they might refer to a therapy evaluation. My second child didn’t walk at that age and we were told that if not walking by 18 months we would get a therapy evaluation referral. That child walked before the 18 month appointment but then we ended up in speech and occupational therapy at 2 years old for other developmental delays.

My youngest was 19 months old…it will happen, my daughter was very food motivated, she loved the little animal cookies.

Every kid is different. My grandson didn’t start walking until about 22 months…he’s perfectly fine

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He’s fine. My grandson was the same way. Don’t worry :wink:

My son walked at I think about 16 months. He is now 3 and fully potty trained etc… don’t worry yet mama. Perfectly normal. Kids learn at their own pace. My daughter walked at 9 months and my oldest son on his 1st bday. They are all different

I have two boys 18 months apart. My oldest didn’t walk until 16 months my youngest walked at 12 months!

My kiddo didnt walk until i left for work. Lol.

My son only started walking around that age don’t worry about it it will happen when it does :heart: xx

Is he pulling up and standing for small periods of time? Honestly every child go at a different pace

Do you take him to his doctor? Did you discuss this with him/her? If there is no physical problem - he will walk when he is ready/

My little started crawling at 10 months and walking at 14 months, it’s not uncommon at all, he’s not behind! Keep practicing with him and he’ll get there

My son started walked 2 weeks before he was 16m. His dr said they usually start questioning things around 16m IF they are showing other signs of something not being normal.

Maybe you should get his ears checked. My kids were all walking by 13 months. My son had issues with drainage in his ears and it caused him to be in balance and as soon as we got tubes in his ears he started walking shortly after that.

My friends youngest didn’t walk until 22 months so I wouldn’t worry. Every baby is different

I have 4 kids, they started walking at 13 months, 18 months, 9 months and 11 months. They all do it at their own pace

My daughter will be 15 months on the 21st and shows no signs of walking yet! But she crawls super fast and gets where she needs to go :sweat_smile: i wouldnt worry momma every kid is different :heart:

It’s probably just his pace.
My friend’s son wasn’t walking, wasn’t walking, wasn’t walking… come to find out he had a tethered spine. He had surgery and was walking in no time.

What does the pediatrician say?

My 3 oldest were all over a year when they began walking. My youngest was around 10 months. I’d much rather have them walking later lol she got into EVERYTHING.

One of my nieces didn’t crawl at all, would sit happily & play with whatever was in reach, if we put toys out of her reach, played with her toes!
At 23 months just got up & walked & never looked back!
Developmentally perfect!

My youngest daughter walked at 16 month’s and my son is 13 months and not walking Just yet. Where as my first daughter was 11 months and walking. They have all the world to grow into xx

He’s just scared. Let him become a expert crawler first.

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Don’t be concerned until his doctor is concerned.

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My son barely started walking and he is 15mo as well.

I thought the same thing with my son then he just stood up on Thanksgiving day and took off and hasn’t stopped yet. I’d talk to the doctor about it being a concern. But I wouldn’t be worried just yet. Daily practice with little one and encourage them to play with push toys ect that helps them balance. It’s what I started doing and within just two weeks he was walking by himself.

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My youngest started at 15 months and he’s sharp as a tack, and straight legs lol

My daughter walked at 9 months.

My son walked at 10 months.

My son wasn’t crawling and I asked the dr about it and he said it took big babies a little longer than others so two weeks before he was a year old . I was vacuuming the floor he pulled his self up by the sofa and walked across the room and grabbed the vacuum cleaner after that he started crawling.

Mine is 14 months and in the same situation I’m not worried it will happen when they are ready

One of mine crawled until 18 months and then started walking. They really should crawl first, I was told, as it helps with brain development.

My son could climb a three step ladder to a slide before he could walk

My grandson was 18 months before he learned to walk I taught him my granddaughter was a year. If you hold them by the hands they will learn to walk

My oldest daughter was 15 months. As ling as the dr says he is fine don’t worry. He will walk when he is ready.

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Talk to your pediatrician if you’re super concerned. Kids progress different than other kids. My daughter was younger than my friends son and she walked months before he did. But he came along just fine.

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I had a daughter that waited till she was over a year and she was just pigeon-toed, yet OK so probably her feet weren’t quite developed enough to balance herself. We never had to have surgery on her legs but did have to do exercises on her legs to try and help strengthen them.