Should I be concerned that my 4 year old eats so much?

I wouldn’t worry about it it sounds like he is just getting ready to have a growth spurt

It could be a few things just make sure you have a long conversation with his dr and make sure it’s not anything medical I have a super fast metabolism and I’d eat constantly if I allowed my self to I eat when I’m bored I eat when I’m in my feelings I love food just make sure you have healthy snacks on hand fruit is a good snack it’s not only filling and yummy but it’s good for his body

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High metabolism. My youngest son is the same way lol it doesn’t get better he’s now a teen and has a huge appetite. And he’s no where close to being overweight

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I have 4 boys can you imagine :weary:

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I’d suggest thyroids. I have hypothyroidism and I could eat dinner and within the same hour I’d have the most intense hunger pains as if I was legit starving. Come to find out that’s what it was. My doctor told me the easiest way to make it make sense is that your thyroid tells your brain when you’ve ate so when it’s not working properly your body still believes it is hungry.


Could be a Metabolic condition that needs treatment like hyperthyroidism, or could just be a very fast metabolism and a growth spurt. There’s really no way to know until you have him medically evaluated. Take the advice here with a grain of salt. Don’t withhold food until you know what’s going on.


Rebecca Rose Manning

Sounds like fast metabolism, but I agree you seem annoyed you have to get the food as opposed to him eating it. My daughter is 5 and endlessly eats anything and everything, yet is a bean pole. She’s super active and always moving. The dr can give you some foods to try to help keep him held over or refer you to a nutritionist who can give you some ideas too.


Talk to the doc. Seems to me there is some kind of syndrome that causes a child to never feel full. I can’t remember. I am sure you can google or ask the doc to take a look.

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My 4 year old is the same!

My son is the same. kids are growing constantly. You can add in pediasure or proteins to keep him fuller longer.

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My 4 yr old does that. Shes like a hobbit (3rd and 4th breakfasts):kissing_heart: she’s also a constant drinker.

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He could be diabetic or gave thyroid issues, or parasites I know you said he does not have worms but many of us parasites and don’t know it.

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Wait till he hits his teens lol
Youre right to get him checked but im thinking if hes stopped drinking a lot of milk hes replacing the calories and hes just hungry. As long as he’s eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight and no health problems are found…just let him eat . Its what boys do


My daughter eats just about as much as me she’s six. She’s been eating tons since she was about 3 years old she is very active full of energy all the time always moving she has ADHD as well and so she’s constantly burning calories. All children are built differently. Just to tip though carbohydrates such as cereal burn through your body quicker so try to fill him up with proteins and good fats.

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I’d give him something besides the cereal like sausage and oatmeal or pancakes and eggs.
He’s probably hit a growth spurt and already has a fast metabolism. I’d def mention it to his Dr. But in the mean time, do yourself a favor and offer more filling foods so he’s fuller longer.


My 4 year old is the same way. She almost never had an empty hand or mouth. :woman_shrugging:t4::joy:

I would let him throw that fit. He’s learned if he does throw the fit you’ll finally break. You need to take control of this situation quick and stop giving in to him. Dealing with his nonsense breakdown for a few days is better then him walking over you for life.


Have you checked his butt or poop with a flashlight? Pin worms are super common in young kids. Or maybe he’s just a growing boy hitting a growth spurt.

Feed him. He’s probably going through a growth spurt with a high metabolism. Get over it.

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Its his metabolism and my nieces were like that and still like that to this day and its nothing wrong if he is eating at least he is he could be the other way around, but if you need some help about his foods ask the doctor about it and they will help

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There are conditions that cause that. It’s medical issue. Talk to his pediatrician. He can send him for testing . I for the life of me can’t recall what it’s called and causes it


Feed him carbs in between the healthy meals.

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Have his blood tested for thyroid disease. People always assume that it makes you gain weight, but there are two types, and the other makes you stay hungry and not gain. Either hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism??? However you spell it


Maybe he’s just growing. My kids get pretty chubby and eat all the food and then spring up like overnight. Some people have really fast metabolism’s. Maybe kiddo needs more dense foods than cereal (even the healthy stuff). See we’re all adults our bodies and systems are done growing. His body is still growing. You say you know he doesn’t have worms but do you actually know that? You think he’s getting all the right minerals and vitamins but you need a lab test to confirm his levels. Make a food journal of everything he eats. Tally up the calories. See a nutritionist.


Stop giving him empty food. Even as an adult, a bowl of even healthy cereal will leave me hungry again in hour.


Check-in with the Dr is def a good idea but from a mama with 2 boys now 19 and 21. They ate like that as well. And didn’t stop lol

I have 3 boys. They each put away food. I don’t complain due to the fact they run around like crazy. Each boy also have a high metabolism. Do I wonder where they put it? Yup sure do as their all slim. But I’m not gonna withhold food. I do have them stop for a second so they can breath before giving them more food. Cause it seems like mine just inhale it lol


Growth spurt. Cut out the sugar and give him protein and complex carbs.


Definitely take him to get some blood tests done but, Cereal is an empty food. There is nothing in cereal that digests over time so as soon as it’s passed through the stomach he’s going to be hungry again, no matter how “healthy” the box says it is. If you’re feeding him a small toddler bowl of cereal, you can definitely expect to refill it at LEAST 2x. Start giving him a cup of milk with a real breakfast (fruits, protein, grain, dairy) and see if that reduces the amount of food he’s eating. Empty calories are never helpful in staying full.

But do NOT listen to some of these ladies telling you to withhold food from this child! That will cause serious eating disorders later!


I have a boy and girl and they both love to eat. I was the same way until having children. Could be anything anyone mentioned here. You could have a snack drawer we do that for our toddler. We have applesauce pouches, mini muffins, meat sticks( healthier ones not slim jims), other things some healthy some not. Then she goes to the fridge and wants berries and she’ll even want peas or green beans for lunch. As long as its a mix between healthy and some snack food then i think its fine- obviously check for a metabolic condition. If its cost you could try the dollar store for some foods.

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Long as he is normal on the growth chart I would not worry about it but I think I would try feeding him actual Whole Foods not cereal maybe try sausage and buiscits cheesy eggs hash browns something with some substance to it


I’ve known some bottomless pits in my day.

My brother was like that when we were kids, he had adhd. He could literally eat eat eat and never gain a pound. Was active as hell. I also know for a fact that I ate more as a child than I do now. He could be going through a growth spurt. I have 3 boys of my own all under the age of 4 and they can put away food! I also feel like they eat more than me and my husband but that’s just because they’re growing. It could also be boredom.


Could just be a fast metabolism but definitely get him checked for diabetes or his thyroid. Do you have a blood sugar meter you can test him and keep results for the Drs app

1 of mine ate alot, 1 didnt. Same with my nephews.

My son is 7 and is the same way!

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I have 6 kids & 5 of them ate like that. Instead of cereal, try sausage,eggs, toast & hashbrowns, or biscuits & gravy. Something that will stick for a while. I don’t think that there is anything wrong with him. He’s active, so he burns food quickly. He may also have a high metabolism


That’s basically my sone when’s his not on his adhd medication. He’s skinny…short. just a natural small fella. The dr saids hes fine not to worry inless he’s losing or gaining really fast. I’ve got to the point where he keeps a sandwich baggy of dry cereal on the kitchen table at all times. He gets his 3 meals a day and has 1 baggy of cereal. Btw… he is going on 11yrs old.

If he’s very skinny, he more than likely, has high metabolism. He’s growing.


I wish my kids would eat lol be thankful


Have his thyroid checked. I am hypothyroid and stay hungry. I have to count calories so I don’t go over.
Get to know foods that cause a full feeling like peanut butter or water. crackers do well for me to keep that full feeling.
Definitely do some testing to make sure he’s all good.
Google how many calories a child of four can have.
He may just have a high metabolism and burns it off quick. That will slow as he ages. Don’t panic. I’m sure he’s fine. God bless.

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My almost 2 year old eats like that. As long as they stay on a healthy growth curve, feed him. If he’s very skinny I’m betting he’s got a high metabolism and maybe his body isn’t absorbing some of the nutrients thus making him hungrier. Feed him in moderation, snacks between meals, and honestly pick your battles. I understand groceries aren’t cheap but I’d rather make a couple extra trips to the store if buy more next time than be in a power struggle with a toddler.


My son was like this so I started buying more fruits and veggies and yougart when he gets hungry there a apple orange banana carrots cucumbers watermelon melon canoplop celery sticks cherry tomatoes & many more

My son is 5 and does this and he was the same way with milk

Give him a protein shake after breakfast. My 14 yr old son still eats like that. Or maybe peanut butter and banana toast for breakfast. Empty carbs are just going to make him hungry In an hour or earlier. I’d suggest when he throws the fit give him the shake and tell him it’s chocolate milk along with a banana. He’s probably going through a growth son can still eat his body weight in food, but he’s also taller than me.

Could also be a thyroid issue


I would get bloods done to be sure… my 11 year old is skinny but eats the same as my partner. My son has a heart condition and adrenal issues both cause him to burn more energy and be hungrier sooner… I have thyroid issues and I’m always hungry and I’m 39 weeks pregnant and a size 8 :sweat_smile: wouldn’t hurt to just get levels tested to be sure…

My son is now 10 and has always ate like that. He is not over weight, when he was 3, he was already having 6 eggs for breakfast. I have never in my life ate 6 eggs at one time hahaha. When we go out he has never ate off the kids menu, because it’s never enough for him. He is completely healthy, just has one heck of an appetite.

I have 5 boys. All of them eat constantly.

All of my boys are like this but especially my very active 5 year old. He literally asks for something at least every hour and never gets any chunkier. He has grown 3 clothe sizes in less than a year though. I just take it as his body is needing extra to keep up with how active he is and how fast he is growing

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How do you know he doesn’t have worms, have you wormed?

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I have the opposite problem


He has a high metabolism…

Check for metabolic syndromes. Seriously.

Only a thorough Dr exam can answer this. Once you have the results you can pursue and resolve. Just remember to be patient and kind. Your little son must be so frazzled by all this. God bless! :heartpulse:


If not already stated, maybe & sounds like hyperthyroidism. But his Dr will do testing to see just what is going on

He needs protein protein protein and healthy fat! He was probably burning that milk as a fuel source. My lil dude was 4’ tall at 5, and he’s a non-stop eater. If he doesn’t have a meaty protein along with some kind of good fat like yogurt, avocados even, and something fiberous like a banana/celery/brocolli he will scream at and fight me over sugar and bad fat sources of junk to keep himself running. He’s on the edge of Autism with high ADHD and sensory issues, so he gets way hangry and has always grown so fast it’s crazy. Very high metabolism. Also, make sure to do stool samples for parasites and leaky gut (might not be absorbing nutrition). They’re a lot more common than anyone would like to think.

Feed him high protein meals. Meat, cheese, eggs, nuts etc. look up high protein foods. They will keep him full for alot longer. Give him slightly smaller portions and try to get him to eat slower. As well as get him tested. Letting him eat this amount can lead to health issues and obesity down the track so it’s good that you are taking the steps to look into it now. Over eating to this extent at the age of 4 is not normal.

your son may have worms which is common in children and are easy to get rid of

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Instead of getting mad TRY TO UNDERSTAND YOUR CHILD.
He needs a check up asap!


Protein may help fill him better…cereal (even not sugary crap) doesn’t sustain the body like eggs, fruit, yogurt and breakfast potatoes will.

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Try Ensure to help and also snacks in between time. Is he the same way with cooked meals?

Doctor needs to check him out.

Your doctor will have the answer - but what did his dad and dad’s side men look like and what about yours. :wink: my baby brother was always eating he turned out to be 6’8” the rest of my brothers are around 6’- 6’2” but my dad’s brother was 6’8” (mom’s side all Mexican​:yum:5’10” tops)
Also it’s not how much he eats - it’s what he eats -

My daughter is 9 and eats 2 bowls of cereal in a setting then an hour later wants something else… she goes thru phases

There’s something going on. Especially if he’s eating that much and there’s no weight gain. Glad you’re taking him to the doctor, I sure hope they get to the bottom of it for you!

My son was like this nothing was wrong he just likes to eat and is healthy. lol

If he’s within acceptable weight let him eat. Some kids are like that.

Is he a Taurus? My Taurus eats us out of house and home :woozy_face:

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If he’s hungry, feed him…

Let them Dr run tests bc it could be 100 different things.
Some children eat more, by alot. My son was going through 5-6 loaves of bread a month a a teen & all his tests were perfect. :woman_shrugging:

testhim for diabetes


Have you had him tested for diabetes


My daughter is 4, she has weet-bix at 7am, between 9-9.30am she has morning tea which is fruit, at 12.30-1 she has lunch and depending on what it is she may have 2 bowls, about 2.30 she has afternoon tea and at 5.15 she has late afternoon tea and about 7-7.30 she has dinner. She eats more then her 6 year old sister

My son was the same, a bottomless pit that had to be fed constantly and he is still the same at almost 24 and 6 foot 3! Very active and sporty all his life also.
I would still take him to the doctors for a round of blood work to be sure it’s nothing to be worried about but if that’s all good then keep on feeding him.


Check for type1 diabetes?

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It sounds like his hunger triggers something for you? My daughter is a tiny thing and out eats me ever day. Sometimes it does annoy me, because she is always hungry and wanting to know what there is to eat. Sigh…


My 5 year old eats 2-4 dinners and all day long. She’s skinny. I just feed her she’s growing and there isn’t any way in hell I’m leaving my kid to be so hungry that she’s crying.


Jay Cutler, the body builder, eats 3lbs of meat, 3 lb of potatoes or rice, and other items to equal to 4k to 6k calories a day!!, plus his daily supplements. Activity level is a THING and metabolism will continue to burn calories and fat even when the body is at rest. A 4 year old runs most adults ragged on the daily and that’s a little tiny body that can oy hold a little tiny amount of food at a time before its burned off and he’s going around like the energizer bunny. I wouldn’t be worried that there is an issue, but good call getting a doc appointment and opinion if you’re worried.

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Is he having issues with his bowels? Constipation? Stomach pain? Stomach pain can mimic hunger pains!

There was this lady and eat normally. And didn’t put any fat/ weight due genetic disorder.
There’s as well the chance that he is eating but his brain is not processing and feeling full…
There’s loads of reasons that our body can malfunction and not get the necessary ingredients, or, brain doesn’t realise is full. Try to take to different professionals and pediatricians.

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He might just be hungry . Just make sure he gets equal hard play time

I would be concerned about type 1 diabetes. Is he urinating alot? Has he lost any weight? Does he complain about his stomach hurting?

The fact that you are freaked out over a boy eating alot tells me theres something wrong with you! Children eat a lot, especially during growth spurts!


Your kid is a hobbit


Normal same for my 5 year old…. She eats all day but has weighed 37 lbs all year

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I have 3 boys that could eat a full size elephant and still come back for more, once they don’t have trouble going to the toilet I wouldn’t be concerned especially if he’s running around all day, he’s a growing boy, my now 18 year old would have 2 big bowls of porridge before school every day, get a lunch at school plus bring a lunch I made for him. He had dinner in my house and his granny’s every day. And would still have a meal before bed. Trust me it’s better than a picky eater!!!


My 4 yr old won’t eat much food so I’m jealous but also I ate all the time everything and anything I’ve never been over 120 lbs and I’m 23 outside of being pregnant and even now 2 weeks post partum and I’m 137 and still losing weight and I eat anything I want

Very likely type 1 diabetic. Or at least a metabolic disorder. See a good endocrine pediatrician…

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Feed him! Period.
Kids are burning a ton of energy per day. They are growing in their brains, muscles, & bones.
Not to mention most “healthy foods” fill you up faster but do not keep you full long at all. Especially if drinking lots of water or milk with your meal.
At 4 he should be old enough to get healthy snacks whenever he wants. Get a drawer in fridge & pantry that’s his, with snack crackers, fruits, puddings, yogurts, applesauce cups, string cheese, dry cereals, fruit & grain bars, graham crackers ect.
Logically he should be eating about 4 smaller meals per day, plus healthy snacks in between…& If you think this is bad, wait til he’s a teenager :laughing: but please don’t be one of those parents that lock their food up from their kids.


He’s a growing boy. I think it’s fine.:heart:

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Ask for blood work to rule out type 1 diabetes. Boy my boys have type 1 they were starved before diagnosis bc their body just doesn’t process those carbs. If its not that, try adding protein to the diet to help keep em satisfied longer. :blue_heart:


He needs a doctor’s appointment ASAP this isn’t normal


his body could be starving for something

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My boy is 2 and he drank the holy hell out of milk to the point I’m pretty sure he made him self intolerant we switched to almond milk and started giving him more juices and water cause he started getting yuck butt (switching fixed the problem) and also made him more interested in eating more food your boy prolly has a high metabolism and yeah not drinking milk is making him want to eat more hes just hungry

Read all that to find out it was about 4 bowls of fucken cereal :joy: coulda mentioned that a bit earlier

I have 2 boys thwy are 3 and 7. They eat alot before a growth spurt. Eat uou out if house and home. My 3 year old will sit and graze until whatever in front of him is gone


Please please please get him tested for type one diabetes! This is exactly how my son was at a year old! It’s a simple test of blood sugar most doctors don’t test for until it’s too late!


Definitely call his dr