Should I be concerned that my 4 year old eats so much?

Could be diabetes, type 1. Definitely get him checked

My 12 yr old daughter has always been like this she has a super high metabolism

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I have 3 boys age 16 9 and 3 and they all ate this way and still do

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Definitely should go to the doctor!

He’s gonna eat uncontrollably now and be skinny as a rail. And when it comes time like 9-10 years old it’ll catch up to him and he will be that bigger weight more than likely.

Happened to my son. Speaking from experience here, no judgement. You’ve gotta let him eat though, as long as it isn’t junk food then let it be. And if it is junk then swap it out for good food. Bananas, grapes, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, dragon fruit, star fruit, cheese sticks/mozzarella sticks, yogurt,

Sounds like something more serious than a growth spurt or a growing boy. You’re his mother and you know best. If he’s really eating that much then something more serious could be going on. Call his pediatrician and let them know it’s not just a growing boy eating alot. I have three kids one boy. None of them have ever eaten like that. My son loves to snack but only because he wants the junk food. Doesn’t sound the same for your situation. Good luck I hope you get some real answers


I think he has allergies. Get him tested. As crazy as it sounds sometimes they will crave what they are allergic to -
Go organic so nothing you feed him had chemicals in it …
Get rid of sugar in your house and have only fresh fruit …
I had a cousin whose little girl had very much the same behaviors, etc., - it was allergies.
Once she got squared around that lil dollie was a totally different lil girl :wink:


I didn’t even read the whole post. If he’s not overweight and no health issues then leave him alone. There’s no reason why we shouldn’t be eating when he’s hungry. He’s a child and he is growing.


Has he been tested for diabetes or thyroid. Good luck to you both.


Is he overweight/underweight/average?

Not sure of name but there is a disorder where people can’t feel “full” and so are constantly hungry. That signal in their brain just doesn’t work.


Sounds like my son. He eats constantly!!! He’s growing fast too. He’s the tallest in his grade. Boys EAT A LOT. Take him for a check up but don’t dispare if you find he’s just a healthy boy with a fast metabolism. And definitely don’t refuse to feed him. That really could cause an eating disorder


My sons been the same since age 4. He turns 6 in august and is still on that path. No diabetes or anything. Hes just like me and dad with high a metabolism. Mind you im 5’5 and he is as tall as my chest, was a solid 43 LBS last year. Finally hit 50.

I never deny him food. If he asks for too many snacks I give him strawberries, madarins or yogurt drinks which he is obsessed with.

Theres been times in the past i nearly denied food and he has the same reaction. He doesn’t eat much at school depending on the day or breakfast, but hes basically eating from the time hes home untill hes in bed.

…i spend about $50 on strawberries a month :sob::rofl:

Very healthy. Not too slender. Not chubby. But if it worries you check it out! I was the same as a child aswell.

My son did this when we cut back on milk. The dr told me that the milk kept him full. I was concerned because he didn’t eat a lot. She told me to lay off the milk and he’s almost 25 years old now and he still eats like it’s his last meal. The milk was keeping him full so now that he’s not getting as much milk he’s hard to fill up.

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Chances are he is just going through a normal growth spurt

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Prader-willi Syndrome… where you eat and eat and never feel full? I took care of a girl that had this.

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Man I say you need to fed your boy and not be so stingy with the food. If he’s that hungry he’s getting empty calories and needs more protein and carbs to keep him full. If 4 bowls of cereal is not enough for the morning he needs protein pancakes and eggs and possibly a protein shake. Add some fruits. And yes boys and empty legs starving to death until there in their 20s. Some days my 25 yr is still like this and he weights 125 lbs. As long as he’s not over weight and eating unhealthy foods and has been seen by the peds dr to rule out any diabetes or nutrition disorders then I’d suggest increasing the protein and carbs.
And don’t come at me with no carb crap for a kid.
Ps I’m a nurse.
Happy parenting :blue_heart:

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My pediatrician for my child who is definitely a big kid for his age, told me to let him eat AS MUCH AS HE WANTS. to never force him to eat, and to never tell him no to food. They go through growth spurts that make them extremely hungry. Especially if he’s a toddler. However, he did say no sugar drinks and no candy or pastries. Everything else is a go! Let your baby eat.

try those kids ensure drinks with meals. more proteins too.

Yeah that’s normal lol my son is 7 and is the same

Can be very normal. I have 7 kids. 6 are boys . Some never ate and I was sure they’d starve . Some I thought would eat the furniture if I didn’t keep a constant stream of food coming. Everyone is different.


I’d get him checked. It could just be high metabolism, but it could also be thyroid issues, diabetes, protein deficiency if his body is unable to absorb what he is eating. Go to your gp x


Some kids are just different. I have a child like that! As long as they are healthy, let them eat. But I wondering that maybe your little one isn’t getting a balanced enough diet. They needs carbs and fats and protein and sugar. With the cereal also offer an egg scrambled in a little bit of real butter and some fruit to go with it. Try offering multiple food groups at meal time. Kids don’t need hoards of milk at age 4. I think you just need to maybe research how to best feed your little one.

Probably normal. Up his protein

I have the opposite problem. My 7 almost 8 year old is incredibly picky and doesn’t want to eat unless it’s one of the 10 things he eats… Talk about frustrating. So, needless to say, I have no advice. I would let him eat what he wants until his Dr tells you otherwise. Some people have super high metabolisms and need the calories because they burn it off really quickly. My husband can eat a TON and does, and he is pretty thin. Not unhealthy thin but thin nonetheless. He just has a really high metabolism. Another thought that crossed my mind reading this was hypoglycemia, where the level of sugars in the body are too low. That causes extreme hunger as well. Not trying to scare you of course.

I would just wait until you see your Dr to amend his diet anymore than you have. Best of luck Momma!

Growth spurt?
My child has done that. It’ll come aggressively then stop randomly. They go from eating a bunch to hardly eating.

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Let him eat, as long as he’s not gaining loads of weight from it then let it happen done kids have higher metabolisms then other kids. I have a kid that will eat all day every day if he wants I let it happen bc he’s not over weight at all


Umm… My son was like that, was eating and eating and losing weight… He was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes


I’m sorry but eating that much is not normal and anyone sitting here saying it is is ridiculous. You do need to check with his physician. Maybe he needs a Work up. He could have an endocrine issues such as diabetes


It’s normal…gotta ride the wave…and run it by the doc

Try giving more filling foods, instead of cereal try oatmeal, cereal though it can have vitamins and minerals can also be empty calories and chock full of sugar. Talk to your pediatrician and also request a dietitian. Many kids will snack a lot, small meals multiple times a day as they run around burning calories and tend to have higher metabolisms.

This could be a load of issues. It could be mental, stress, an eating disorder, health issues etc. hopefully your dr will run basic test to make sure it’s not health related because that will mean it’s a psychological issue and you will need to see a specialist.

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Unless hes gaining weight just add in foods that take longer to digest.

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Kids eat more when they are growing.

Have you had him checked for a tape worm.

Could just be a phase, but if it continues I would definitely check into something. My son has been this way for a while. He’s now 7 & 135lbs!

Let the kid eat. One day I thought my kid ate a lot so I kept track… it was something like 3 PB&J’s, 4-5 cups of yogurt, 3 grilled cheese, and a full spaghetti dinner. Some kids have high metabolism, If you’re super worried buy a glide glucose monitor and check him. Cause endless hunger effects high and low sugar levels

Protein will fill him up, carbs meals such as cereal has no protein. Carbs are great for energy. I would try cereal and maybe Greek yogurt, or egg, cottage cheese, or cheese sticks. Make sure he’s eating a fruit too! Maybe strawberries, or blueberries in his cereal. I think have a balance meal is important. Also protein shakes like take cottage cheese add berries and blend till it thick add a bit of honey, sugar to sweetened it!

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perhaps have his thyroid checked. He could have a hyperactive thyroid. (hyperthyroidism)

SORRY FOR SHOUTING BUT THIS IS IMPORTANT. RIGHT NOW, TODAY GET HIM CHECKED FOR DIABETES. RIGHT NOW. SERIOUSLY STOP READING AND TAKE CARE OF THIS NOW, YOU HAVE JUST DESCRIBED PERFECTLY TYPE ONE DIABETES IN A FOUR YEAR OLD WITH TOTALLY UNCONTROLED BLOOD SUGAR. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO IT NOW. Please do it now. People with type one are starving no matter how much they eat when their blood sugar is very high. They don’t gain weight because their bodies can’t use the food they eat for energy without insulin. When he starts insulin, he will probably pack on a few pounds because he is used to eating so much more than what he+ really needs… Yes, I’m a stranger on the internet, but I’m also diabetic.


Feed him :woman_shrugging: if he’s not overweight, and it’s not complete crap food hes eating, let him eat.

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Type 1 diabetes can cause excessive eating. In type 1 diabetes (more common in children and young adults) the pancreas is not secreting any insulin, so there is no insulin available to move sugar from the bloodstream and into the cells. Cells require sugar for energy. So you have sugar building up in the bloodstream which can be dangerous if sugar levels get really high. Then you have cells starving for energy (all of which is what makes the individual super hungry, thirsty, and then needing to pee a lot). Please get your son checked! If he’s so hungry he’s crying, let him eat. Just introduce exercise (appropriate for his age) as well, and try to give healthy snacks that are more filling. And take him to get checked out by a doctor ASAP just to be safe!


My boys do that right before a growth spurt. Get the next size clothes asap


Please just deworm the whole family. It is something that should be done every 6 months.


Sounds like he has a fast metabolism. My son is the same way. You’d think he was an obese man eating but he is a string bean lol.


Keep a food journal of what he’s eating to show the Dr so Dr doesn’t think you’re just exaggerating.

He could be thirsty …lots who don’t have enough water experience hunger…
Of course get checked because could be a host of other problems including worms

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Have his metabolism checked as well. He may have a very fast metabolism.


He may have a high metabolism and burns fat from just sitting still. Have the doctor check it out. He also might grow a whole foot over the next month. Kids eat a lot right before the hit a growth spert.


I would get him checked over and make sure there’s not a medical problem but some people have crazy fast metabolisms too. My husband can eat an entire bag of chips or pack of oreos in one sitting and then still eat a regular meal after.

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Try more protein less grains

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Have him tested for Prader–Willi syndrome


Have you had his blood glucose levels checked? Does he also drink a lot of water or other liquids and urinate more frequently than usual?


Seeing a doctor is the right thing to do. Sounds like there is a problem.

Talk to his Dr sounds a lot like type 1 diabetes hope I’m wrong

If he isn’t overweight let him eat. My 4 year old is the same exact way. He’s just hungry and appreciates his food is all