Hey mamas! I know every child develops differently and at their own speed, but my 5.5 months old makes literally zero effort to sit up. We can put her in a sitting position, and, at one point, we could just hold her by her waist, and she’d sit, but now she just folds forward and cries cause she’s frustrated. She has no issues with tummy time, is even trying to crawl, pushes herself backward, and rolls from back to front and back again, but sitting up has completely stopped. Any ideas to help her (and a mama) out?
My daughter is 6 months this month can’t sit or even roll over not worried yet though still young xx
My 9 mo old just started sitting up a month and a half ago. At her 6 mo appt, she wasn’t sitting up, holding her bottle, or crawling. Her doctor said she’s probably just lazy and these issues would be addressed at her 9 mo checkup if I’m still concerned. I wouldn’t be too worried, there’s still plenty of time
My daughter will be 8 months on the 6th and she still hasn’t mastered sitting up yet. On the other hand, I have a nephew who is 13 days younger then she is and he’s walking already. All babies are different and will progress at they’re own pace.
Mine were about 8 months old before they started sitting up
They were maybe 10 or 11 months old when they started walking.
Um shes 5 months. My 6 month old barely sits without assistance.
Some babies just do not like the sitting position
My son wasn’t sitting up until 7 months. He was 5 weeks early. When the pediatrician started talking about referring us to pt I started working with him to sit up. The pediatrician wanted to refer us to a specialist and every experienced mama says each baby learns at their own pace and will get it in their own time. If you’re concerned, work with her or talk to the pediatrician but she will get there. They get fussy but they still have to learn. He hated sitting up and doing tummy time but he started walking a week after his bday so I’m proud of everything we went through. I’m always anxious because he was born early so its hit or miss with some milestones. He’s almost 2 and doesn’t talk. Not even the beginner baby words.
I wouldn’t worry about it my daughter is skipping crawling but can sit up and is almost walking at 10 months
My second was crawling before sitting. She was 8 months old before she wanted to start sitting.
Honey my 21 month old refuses to walk even the dr said she’s just stubborn. Not to worry mama she’ll get there
My nearly seven month old is now only just about strong enough for a sit up play seat… Only then for about 5 minutes… Tummy times good to get their neck muscles stronger too.
Mine was almost 8 months when he sat up completely unassisted. He was already crawling some
My son is 6 months and does the same thing. Vs. My daughter who sat up at 6 months no problem. Like you said every child learns at there own pace.
All babies develop at their own pace. I would have the doctor check the muscle tone and reflexes but if that’s all good, then it’s not normally something to stress over. You may want her ears checked also, sometimes clogged ears can affect balance. My older boys got their daddies big head and where a little slower on figuring out how to sit up without tumbling. My daughter was smaller and she hit every mile stone super early, now my current four month old is wanting to try and walk but not sit. He hates sitting but loves the jumper and walker. He’s trying to follow his siblings.
My son is 9 months old andnjust learned to sit up on his own
She’s still pretty young, probably just isn’t ready yet. I think my son was around 8 months before he was sitting unassisted.
Some babies find it uncomfortable to be in the seated position, sometimes there just not enough butt cushioning, lol
Mine was about 8 months when he sat on his own. And 10 months when he started crawling. This is his birthday month and still doesn’t want to stand or try to walk.
Lots of babies don’t start sitting up on their own until after crawling
My daughter started rolling & crawling at 5 months but did not really sit up (with support) at around 7 months, (without support at nearly 9 months). Every baby is different so maybe you should just give her more time. It looks like it’s normal & she’s within the timeline.
Every kid is different, my oldest sat up on his own around 5/6 months and crawled and didnt start actually walking til 9/10 months, my middle sat up around 4/5 months crawled to and by 7 months she was walking, and my youngest he sat up around 5/6 months old along with crawling then around 8 months he stood straight up and only took about a week before he was walking. If you are worries please talk to your pediatrician she/he will be able to help you
She’ll get there My babe can roll from back to tummy but refuses to roll the other (easier) way As long as she does tummy time and the other stuff she will build the strength and figure it out. It usually isn’t until closer to 7 months that they get really really good at it.
I sit on the floor with my legs spread and put my baby in between, it helps her sit a little against me and a little propped up and then I put her fun toys in front of her.
Can I just say, you are her Mum, if you think there might be something to worry about, get it checked and don’t give up until the doctors can show you there isn’t. If you are just worried because she isn’t meeting milestones as per the books or internet, don’t stress though, because no-one has ever written a book about your little one - she, like most babies, is not text book and that is because she is unique. My four kids did everything at different ages, none of them was text book either You know your bub better than anyone else. Trust your gut.
My youngest was almost 10 months before he sat up on his own. They do it when they are ready.
She will do it when she is ready. I have 4 and none have been the same. My first was sitting up by 4.5 months old and walking by 9 months. My second was super super lazy she didn’t even start rolling until she was 6 months old sitting up around 10-11 months and refused to walk til she was 1.5. My third girl was sitting up at 5 months and my little man is 4.5 months old and has started sitting up. Pediatrician said they will when they are ready. She is rolling around so there’s no reason to be concerned
My son loved sitting up… and really loved the sit me up chair. He however always hated tummy time. Funny how different kids can be
Bumbo seat. Helped both my boys learn how to sit.
My son didn’t sit up until 6.5m, he didn’t even try until 6m. I put him in a boppy pillow on the the floor and rolled a blanket up and tucked in at his waist for some assistance
Work with her regularly to help build the muscles she needs to sit up. Also talk to her pediatrician to calm your concerns or address any issues if they are present.
My daughter pull herself up to a stand before she pulled herself up to a sit .