Should I be concerned that my daughter doesn't talk much?

My son turned 2 in October also and has spoken MAYBE 10 words in his entire life. Waiting for speech therapy to begin.

My guy was saying Mama, dada, doggie and a few other words at 13 most and then be stopped. At 2 he was still babbling but now heā€™s just over 3 and doesnā€™t shut upā€¦lol. This literally just happened within the last few months. Theyā€™ll talk when theyā€™re ready.

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My older daughter had about 40 words total in her vocabulary at her 2nd birthday. Once she started nursery school, there was a language explosion. My younger daughter probably has about 25-30 words total and sheā€™s 20 months. Kids all develop at their own pace so itā€™s hard to compare them to each other. At 4, my older one still calls spaghetti ā€œspegolliā€, but is still actively refining and expanding her vocabulary so Iā€™m not concerned. If youā€™re truly concerned, speak to your pediatrician about if your child would benefit from a speech evaluation.

I wouldnā€™t worry about it but I would still talk to your doctor and see what they think.

My son did not talk until he was over 6 years old, shd will talk soon

Shes fineā€¦my boy didnt start talking until he was 3

Mine did the same. She was born 37 weeks. Her language skills came in bounds. It is like she would be stuck at one level and then jump a few. She is now 3 and talks up a storm.

My son is 2 and a half and he wasnt talking a ton around 2 and didnt even put 2 words together but then very suddenly he did. I really felt like it happened over night and now he is constantly learning new words and putting together longer sentences. I would take the advice of the pediatrician and trust your gut but I think that this is normal.

My son was the same and heā€™s 4 now. At 2 he barely talked. Some kids just talk earlier than some. My son is a big talker now, none stop!!

while waiting for a speech therapist stop talking for her. make her ask you for what she wants instead of just giving it to her. sometimes kids dont bother using their words because they dont have to

Bring it up to her pediatrician at her 2 yr check up.
First thing is that every child is different. My soon to be 3 yr old daughter talks like a 5 year old.

My boys were not as advanced as my daughter.

My lil girl didnā€™t talk till she was 3. I taught her sign language so she could let me know her needs . If you are concerned have her pediatrician test her .

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my youngest daughter who is now 7 didnt talk at 2yrs yet.she didnt really start talking till about 2 1/2 -3 yrs 3 with preschool.after she got comfortable .now shes 7 and wont shut up in her comfort zone. but she is also still quite to a point but talks more than did.but if doesnt talk after certain point i might be concerned.

My son just babbled until about 3 and a half. Then he started using full sentences and scared the shit out of me. Heā€™s five and him and his sister (theyā€™re 13 months apart) have their own weird language that really only they understand. Kids arent all the same. Both my kids loved music and that helped. If she has a paci, once that is gone her speech will probably pick up some. Sorry for the long comment

My son was 2.5 when he started talking all of a sudden. Every kid is different :heart:

All kids are different. My 2.5 yr old is a chatter box! And it started maybe a month of so after he turned 2. I remember worrying after he turned 2 and writing down all the words I could remember him saying, and once I did that about a week later I went back to the list and was like ā€˜omgā€¦his vocabulary has tripledā€™ literally in a weeks time. Thatā€™s just how it goes I think.

Donā€™t worry. My daughter just turned three and sheā€™s just now starting to come out of her jibberish stage and use a bunch of words. Still hard to understand a lot of them but she can repeat anything you ask her to now. I think people are ridiculous expecting all kids to be the same. There is a wide range on whatā€™s normal. Did you know itā€™s normal for a kid to walk anywhere from 6-18months
That range is huge and still ā€œnormalā€ meaning not behind at all. Just keep talking to your child and when he starts repeating what you ask him to (even if just one word at a time) then begin making him ask for things. You know heā€™s thirsty so before giving him anything ā€œsay milkā€ he says milk ā€œpleaseā€ he says please

Kids start talking at different ages. I might mention it to her pediatrician next appt, but itā€™s probably nothing to worry about!

You should be concerned now. Please ask her dr.

Did u get her hearing checked

My now almost 11 year old exploded about a month after she turned 2ā€¦ she only had a handful of words at two. At her check up dr gave me a card for a speech therapist on my request. He wasnā€™t concerned yet but I wasā€¦ thatā€™s really something to talk to her dr aboutā€¦

Every child is different. One of my daughters was born at 32 weeks and she was slow to start talking a lot. But shes perfectly fine.

Talk to her pediatrician and have her go to Early Intervention. Early Intervention only takes kids up to age 3 so time is now.

Donā€™t worry sheā€™ll talk when sheā€™s ready !

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My son is 2.5 yrs old he is delayed on milestones and just got evaluated he has autism and may also be non verbal. But every child is different my 4 year old started talking at 7 months.

My daughter also turned 2 in October and she talks always, I was concerned though so I did push her and sat and talked to her and read to her and made her watch my lips when I talked. Now sheā€™s a parrot :woman_shrugging:t2: Iā€™d definitely take action sooner rather than later

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Have her hearing checkedā€¦ and speak with her doctor about the delay

Not at all my sister was two years old and wasnā€™t talking yet. She was the same way. She could barely say maybe 10 words and not even all the time mostly it was momma sissy and baba. We asked the pediatrician and she said she would start talking when she was ready and she really did. She is 9 now and as beautiful and smart as a tack. She loves to read more than anything. So absolutely not your beautiful baby will talk when they are ready.

My daughter just turned 2 and she says less then 50 words. She was full term but she hears 2 languages, with my other 3 girls they didnā€™t really start talking til 3. Every kid is different. If your pediatrician hasnā€™t said to be concerned than let her be. When you least expect it sheā€™ll become a parrot

Lots of kids with normal development donā€™t really start talking until 3. Thereā€™s so many factors that go into it. Talk to your doctor. They will tell you if you should be concerned. My daughter started talking atā€¦ probably 12 or 13 months? But no one understood her, including me until about 15 months. Then it was only me. Slowly the immediate family understood her more and more, and could communicate by 3, but the early intervention people didnā€™t consider her ā€œunderstandableā€ (by strangers) until she was 5. But she is behind developmentallyā€¦ slightly? No one is really sure. Itā€™s complicated.

i dont think it shud b a concern some kids are later dnt stress n dnt push her to talk

Doesnā€™t hurt to get evaluated

It most important that they understand what you say to them. They will talk when they are ready.

If she still using a pacifier get rid of itā€¦ that def keeps them from talkingā€¦ read to her every nightā€¦ make it a ritualā€¦ they love the one on one time with youā€¦ they love to read the same books over & over and she will find her favoriteā€¦ my boys all had their favs & they loved to finish the end of each sentenceā€¦ gets them talking much moreā€¦

My youngest son didnt talk till ge was 3. He is 30 now and just fine

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You donā€™t mention if she is around other languages or notā€¦learning 2 or more will delay speech and that is normal for being bilingual or multilingual. If thatā€™s not the case for your daughter a trip to her pediatrician is the best way to address your concerns.

Every single child is different. She is only 2. She will probably live to be 100! Sheā€™s too young to be concerned yet. Please if as a mother of six I can give you a little advice, all children learn and grow differently. Give it some time. Some children soak it all in first.


Iā€™d talk to her dr if youā€™re super concerned but honestly my youngest was that wayā€¦turns out sheā€™s dyslexic but nothing a dr couldā€™ve done for that anyways

She will,when shes readyā€¦in a few months of trusting her own wordsā€¦you wont be able to keep her quiet. Cherish it!

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My daughter was 18 months and only using 4 words. I was told by that time she should be using 70-90 words. You may want to talk to the pediatrician. She was in speech therapy for a year and never shuts up now! Lol

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I agree with Tammy. Have your childā€™s hearing checked.

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my daughter had lots of ear infections which caused a slight hearing loss and because of this didnā€™t talk till.she was 2 or walk. at 3 i enrolled her in a preschool where the other 3 yr old made fun of her because she talked like a baby. the teachers aid was a retired kindergarten teacher and told me to get her help. i went to the local public school and inquired and she was tested for several things including gross motor skills. she was behind. they put her in a special ed preschool and I was told she would learn to talk. most of those kids had behavioral issues. before I knew it my daughter was telling the other kids, thatā€™s a naughty word, you shouldnā€™t say that. my sweet little girl is now 27. it was the best thing I ever did for her.


Your pediatrician should have a birth-3 connection. The county manages it where I live but some states the school district does

My son was nearly 3 before he spoke. Then he spoke clearly and in proper sentences. His brother was 2 and a half years older and used to speak a lot for him. Some children like to be sure they can speak properly before they speak out loud. I was told this by the clinic I took him too to get advice about his lack of speech. All kids are different and develop some skills before others. If she is saying words , thatā€™s a good start. Try not to let her see your worried.

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My girl did that I had her tested she had mild autismā€¦

Every child is different but I wouldnā€™t be to concerned right now. Does she see you talk a lot? Put her in daycare with kids her own age and she will develop more talking skills too

If she is healthy donā€™t worry about it, she will start talking when she is ready.

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I had the same concern my daughter is 3 and she still donā€™t talk like other three year old she is in speech and goes to school to help her

Never compare your kids to others - kids develop at their own pace !

She will start talking one day and wont ever hush so let her be her she will catch up

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Each kid is different, theyā€™ll do it when theyā€™re ready. At the 24 month check they do a run down of milestones- my daughter, now 5, was behind on everything, but also showed signs of autism. My 8 year old did everything at warp speed. My now 11 year old was a bit slow on walking, but given the perfect shoes was walking in no time.

As a two-year-old teacher I would say do not be concerned. I have so many different levels of language in my class itā€™s unbelievable. My ages range from younger two to two and a half and some speak very well and some are still only using a few words.

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No but if worried talk to her doctor

Have you ever had her hearing checked? Just a thought :blush:

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My son is the same why. He can say a lot of word but doesnā€™t talk like other kids his age. He is more of an Observer. He is very smart.

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See pediatrician and express your concerns your pediatrician can point you in the right direction :grin:

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My daughter was the same way. Donā€™t stress, just keep trying new words with her. Make it fun. And social interaction with other kids definitely helps expand kids vocabulary. They learn alot off of each other.

My son was full term didnā€™t fully start to talk until after 3

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She will do it in her own tome. Wouldnā€™t get all bent yet. She is still leatming her way

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My girl didnā€™t speak much until she was 5, I wasted a lot of time and money to find out why. It turns out that she has a very high IQ, and communicated so well without taking that she chose not to. Now that sheā€™s 15, I wish she would shut up sometimes. If she seems normal except for the talking, just let her talk when she wants to. Donā€™t force her, we even had her in speech therapy and she would mock the therapist on the way home.

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Is she still on the bottle or pacifier? If so, that delays their speech so I would change that immediately.

Every child is different . My second born was also born at 37 weeks . She chose not to speak more then she needed to . She was the student of the month for November . You should have her tested if you see more signs that raise your concern tough .

My son would only say a few words from ages 1-3 and when he turned 4 he kind of regressed (stopped talking) thatā€™s when I got really concerned between 4 and 5 years old he was only saying about 5 words (that our household could understand) anything else heā€™d say was scrambled wordsā€¦ so I spoke with his pediatrician when he turned 4 it took about 4 months to get him seen and tested by a child psychologist turns out heā€™s moderate/severely autistic, he struggled severely in school for 4k didnā€™t talk at all, didnā€™t interact with Any other kids only adults (his bday is late in the year so he was 5) he is now 6 in kindergarten in a autism program and Has been striving all year and absolutely loves school his speech is still very delayed among other delays but he is meeting goals and doing amazingā€‹:smiley: might not be your situation but never get discouraged your child will talk and succeed at other things when they are ready just keep being an awesome momma or dad :grin:

Give it some time. Ive never met a 2 yr old that can speak that many words . I have 3 kids. 2 sons ages 21 and 18 and a 4 year old daughter. Oldest son has mild Intellectual Disability and mild Autism. He did not become fully verbal til end of kindergarten. With early intervention thru school district preschool he learned to talk and talks like any normal adult. 18 yr son also had to go thru preschool intervention for speech as well. He too learned to talk by the time he entered kindergarten. Daughter is currently in school district preschool with an iep for speech. She talks more and more everyday. Her dr last year actually told us that as long as speech is the only area of concern, it is nothing to worry about . My kids are just late bloomers.

Every child Is different ask your health care provider