Should I be concerned that my daughter doesn't talk much?

So my daughter turned 2 in October, and ever since all I ever hear about is how she should be talking more. I agree she may be a little behind most kids her age. She was born at 36w, so not technically premie but close, so it’s expected she will be slightly behind. She says probably 10-12 words fluently as in all the time but overall has probably said about 50 words total. I guess my question is, when did your kiddos start to talk more fluently, and at what point should I be concerned and seek help for her? I don’t want to push her, but I also don’t want to be failing her either. Any advice will help!


Both my boys were pretty silent until three. Now they won’t stop talking, ever, and their vocabulary is off the charts. I wouldn’t worry too much quite yet.


I think after a year they don’t consider them to be behind anymore. If she’s not talking much you could always see a speech therapist. They can evaluate and tell you if maybe she’s behind or just “lazy “

I had preemies and they all talked at the expected time. Turn music on and sing along to encourage words also get their ears checked

My daughter was born at 36 weeks and was doing the same thing by 2.5 she was talking non stop

I have two daughters. My oldest, who is 6 now, starting talking a ton really early. My second daughter, who is now 5, did not talk much at all around that age. But once she did start talking, probably around 3 or so, she wouldn’t stop! I wouldn’t be worried, she will talk when she is ready too. And once she starts you’ll be surprised with how big her vocabulary is!

My daughter talked from an early age but my son is three and just now starting to use lots of words and form sentences.

I can alway contact ur infant program locally or ur doctor should be able to point you in the right direction if u fee she is behind. They can test and see her services r needed. My youngest 2 were in speech from the age of 1 and a half.

Nothing out the ordinary I’d say. My boy just turned 2 end of October and its mainly mum, bout dozen other clears words or else its mumble jumble. He was a week over due. My daughter on the other hand who is now 7 was born on time and was singing the abc song by 2_ if not before.

One of my good friends daughters was in a similar situation expect her handful of words was a little less. Her pediatrician recommended speech therapy! I think even for kids who speak a lot speech therapy can be very beneficial! Have you tried flash cards? Or leap frog? That is good for learning new words. If you feel like you are worried definitely mention to your daughters pediatrician, and look into a speech therapist!

I would honestly just bring it up to the doctor next time she has an appointment if you’re concerned but all children move at a different pace. She will catch on! I honestly wouldn’t be worried.

My oldest didn’t talk til 4 when he started Pre-K with help from speech therapist. and my youngest started talking and stopped at 1.5 he has nonverbal autism

My daughter was born 36 weeks as well and did not start to fully talk until 3. I even took her to a speech therapist who said that she was fine and would one day just start and never stop! And she did. I listened to other people and compared my child to other children and she just moved on her own time!

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All kids are different.

My middle turned 2 in October and at the time maybe said 5 words but now she talks constantly and has started putting sentences together but her older sister didn’t start talking a lot until like 2 1/2 ish I only think she talks so much because she has her older sister to talk to constantly. I wouldn’t be worried

I have a child with significant speech delays and several diagnosis. By your description, no I would not bexomcerned right now. My daughter didn’t speak ANY real words until 3. All she said was “ish”.

It couldn’t hurt to have her evaluated. You should be able to get it free through your school district.

Im in three same boat as you, my little girl turned 2 in Oct and doesn’t say much. She says a few words but I can’t get her to actually talk.

My son is 2 and he talks but not much so I asked to have his hearing checked, turns out he has bad glue ear so has mild hearing loss it will get better but explained his lack of speach

My at the time 2yr old would barely speak. So my doctor had me go to this interview for child watch they diagnosed her with add/adhd and a severe speech delay. Shes now 3 in 3yr preschool that they run out of a high school. She works with a speech therapist. It has greatly helped.

When she’s ready she will I’d be concerned if at 5 and not talking you don’t have anything to worry about

My daughter just finished a thing called early interventions… Talk to the ped about it bad thing is they age out at 3 where im from but it could be different somewhere else

My son turned 2 in September…born at 37 weeks.
He was referred to speech therapy, because he wasn’t talking much.
Did your daughter’s doctor discuss this with you at her well child check? If the doc told you she should be talking more then that’s something you should take seriously.
If the doc didn’t say anything and its other people…then i wouldn’t worry too much.
Early intervention with any delay is crucial to helping keep kids at age appropriate levels and to help overall behavior.

My oldest also had similar issues, speech therapy helped a ton.

Our little girl turned 2 in October her speech is taking off but a lot of her words come from singing kid songs

No my Grand son is there and just starting to talk good

My daughter is 2 and says more words then im willing to count

I was 7 weeks early and I started talking and saying actual words around 5/6 months. My brother was on time but didnt start talking until he was 4. My daughter babbles and says some words at a year old. Every baby is different. I’d bring it up at next dr appt and see what they have to say

Hey my son is 2 and a bit, he was born at 36 weeks, my son was tongue tied till just before his 2nd birthday, he has only just started talking. Thing is with children there are guidelines but they are just a GUIDE, every child is different and will talk in their own time. If your that worried just speak to a doctor about it xx

My oldest was saying 5+ word sentences when he turned two and my youngest is behind now at 18 months. Every kid is different :woman_shrugging:t2: talk to her pediatrician about it and see if they think she would benefit from speech therapy. If they aren’t concerned I wouldn’t be either

All kiddos are different don’t let others make you feel like there is something wrong with her. She’s fine!!! If you’re worried about it then just read extra to her get some flash cards and maybe some learning dvds to watch with her.

As a teacher, I recommend that you get her at least evaluated. There are early intervention services that your child will be eligible for at no cost to you. It is better to err on the side of caution and have nothing be wrong then to let it go. It would hurt her in school academically and socially if you wait until she starts school.

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My son was speaking in full sentences around 1.5. He was an early talker.

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My first born was a talker, large vocabulary early on. My second born was not. She didn’t start using actual words til about 2.5yrs. Nothing wrong with her, very bright girl. Same with my 3rd born, but his was related to ear infections. Once he got tubes his speech took off.
Our 4th born wasn’t much of a talker but his speech has blossomed a lot in the last 6 months, he’ll be 3 this month.
Each kid is different. I wouldn’t worry if she’s able to communicate with you in other ways.

All children develop differently you should not stress about it but if you feel that something is wrong talk to her doctor

My son was born at 36 weeks and formed full sentences at 2. All kids are different. I’ve been told if the parents or siblings talk a lot sometimes the child will talk later because they are talked “for” if that makes sense.

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My daughter was a very early talker like talking around 1, my son wasn’t as quick he was getting there around 2, he turned two in October, he’s really good now like he’s putting sentences together and copies everything his sister and me says. My other halves daughter is like the total opposite though she’s 7 and hardly says anything now, she was struggling to actually talk at 4. So if t was my child I’d say it doesn’t hurt to seek advice from professionals.

Every child is different. I would work with her more. Maybe read more books, let her listen to learning songs and play with learning toys!

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No, some children just aren’t big talkers.

All will move at their own pace but you can help her by talking to her as much as possible. And not so much as adults talk but to where she can repeat. Example: car fast, duck yellow, go bye bye, big hug ext. My son’s understanding was good but his speech at two was slower at two, he’s three now. I started doing this and getting into books with him. Started with books that are a babies first words, animals, vehicles. After he could name most in the books we moved onto stories and he talks well now and loves books too. Wherever you go, whatever you do talk in short sentences. It’s helps💜

My son barely said 3 words by the age of 2.5. Then all of a sudden he started talking like crazy. Don’t worry.

Reed to her, every chance u have!

Every child goes at their own pace!

My son was behind as well and at the same level as your little girl at that age. He’s now five and ahead of the game! Other than working with him, I had to finally put him in daycare which got him around other kids his age all the time that were talking more. Within six months or so he had reached their level. It also depends on her though. One thing I did/do also, is if he uses wrong grammar or pronounces something wrong I help him learn the correct way by immediately correcting and having him try repeating it multiple times. Hopefully this helps.

All kiddos developer their own pace. She is barley two. Usually around 2.5 is when they become super vocal. I wouldn’t worry until she is about 3. Basic words at 2… but not convos. Tell everyone to worry about their kids and not yours she will go at her own pace.

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I have three children all three same dads all three same mam all three individuals start talking walking at there own pace i parent them all the same but yet they are different …dont fall into the trap of the book type parenting if you understand your own childs needs then two is not and age to be concerned about speech…


My son was 2 in September and he just started really talking at all only about 1/4 of what he says is clear. He mainly still just babbles.

My son ended up getting tested at 2.5 years old due to him not talking like he should he ended up being speech delayed started preschool at the age of 3 he is now 4 in his 2nd year of preschool and talks in complete sentences and is doing a lot better

Trust ur instincts. Mention it to ur doc. Mine was 36 weeks too. She spoke a bit, but mostly her own language. We spoke to her doc, doc kept checking her speech progress, then sent her to a specialist at 18 months. She had speech therapy, and we discovered why She couldnt latch on properly when she was nursing. Weak tounge muscles. Fast forward after lots of work, 11 yrs later shes perfectly fine regarding speech n all other aspects. But early intervention is best. I have people saying both ways, but my gut said she needed help. Trust ur gut mommy. Good luck. :heart:

My daughter turned 2 in october as well and i’ve heard the same “she should be talking more” “she should be putting sentences together” all that. I read a book to her at least once a day and point out stuff in the pictures and try to encourage her to talk to me about it. Also, I have started making her ask me for something she wants. If she wants some juice she has to say “want juice” because in the past I would just be able to read her clues and get the juice for her without her ever having to say a words. By making her ask for it you’re encouraging her to use her words to get what she wants. I’m really not worried about it though because all children develop differently. She started walking at 10 months and some children her age didn’t start walking until 16 months. There is such a wide time spand for them to reach milestones that I don’t worry if she doesn’t hit a milestone right at the beginning of that time spand. I think if she’s 2 1/2 or 3 and I haven’t seen any improvement I’ll reach out to her pediatrician but right now i’m just letting her grow and learn at her own pace.

My oldest didn’t not really start talking until he was 3 he said a few words and that was it. He is now 16 and super smart and never shuts up lol. She will talk when she is ready!!

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Every kid is different my son wouldn’t say much at 2 but now he’s 7 and is talking A LOT.

All kids do things & reach milestones differently.I have 7 kids & my son was the 6th one born …seems all of us "talked " for him which in hindsight was hindering his speech .He sure caught up & alls been well !:blush::blush::blush::blush:

She’s 2. She’s not supposed to recite War and Peace.

Just read to her and talk to her. If her pediatrician thinks there’s an issue they’ll say so.

Every child develops differently. I would encourage her by reading and watching learning videos on YouTube. My 3 year old loves going to our local library and loves books. I believe that is why she had an easier time developing sentences and talking. We also sing songs, like her ABCs and we count when we are on car rides.

Albert einstein didnt speak till he was 5 and look how smart he was I wouldn’t worry

We just started speech therapy for my 2yo in similar situation. It’s free through the state. Check out early intervention in your area. They’ll help you figure that out.

Just have basic tests done, interact through play. I used small dry erase board with a few magnets to tell simple story about my son…then it was his turn. His speech was fine, we were working on grief at age 3, dad died. Font Don’t force.

Read to her and talk to her as much as you can but other than that she will talk more when she’s ready. All kid’s move at their own speed, and they all do different thing’s at different times.

Every child.goes at their own pace my son was beyond advance for his age so im.not help.however I’d your childs dr to see if they’re concerned

I have 2 kids that have had speech delays. Get ahold of you intervention program near you for testing. Help me grow is what it called around here. Speech therapy is an amazing thing and a he younger the better. My son did even have that many works at 2. By 5 they had him all caught up.

Once my son hit 1 he started talking just words. Then around 1 1/2 he started talking a lot & with more sentences. He was born at 35 weeks. But he does have an older brother & cousins he’s always around , so that could have played a factor in why he’s talking so much now.

My son was born at 33 weeks and hit all of his milestones on time, if not early.

As long as her hearing doesn’t seem to be affected I wouldn’t worry. Maybe try music and kid song videos.

Normally the catch up a little a nursery but if they dont speak to gp and get seen by speech therapist

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This is driving me crazy all these posts about moms who think their kids are behind it’s not like they are born walking and talking every kid learns and develops at their own pace. You are doing a fantastic job and btw my kid finally pooped in the toilet today she will be 4 in March :hugs::hugs::hugs:


Mine talked and she hasn’t shut up since

Each child is different… some talk quicker than others, some start walking quicker than others… each child has their own unique quality… I wouldn’t worry at all… also if u speak 2 languages at home that could confuse them and delay fluent speech. Enjoy your kids learning experience and try not to stress… x


he is probably just fine my grandson didnt talk much until he was 2 and they took the bink away from him and now you cant keep him quiet…some kids will come around on their own time

My youngest was a slow talker. Had a handful of words here and then and then suddenly he just woke up one morning and started talking in complete sentences. If you’re really concerned bring it up to Dr, but I think if you just give them time they’ll catch up

My baby girl was born at 36 weeks also. Emergency csection. Anyways she is now 3yrs old and in speech therapy. I thought the same thing I went to tons of doctors and they all said she will learn at her own pace it takes time. Then the last doctor we saw said well she is three now and now it’s an issue. So she is in speech therapy. I also have a ton of speech and learning videos from YouTube downloaded and wow has it made a world of difference. She is still struggling but finally saying things and that’s all that matters. If your worried talk to your doc and see about speech therapy, most insurance covers speech.

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My daughter was 2 in October as well. She was born at 32 weeks. She was behind for the longest time. She didn’t even say mama for the longest time.
She passed her 18m assessment and they did a re check after her 2nd birthday. They are looking for them to be putting 2 words together.

My 2 yr old is well beyond but she has a 6 yr old brother and 4 yr old sister, I don’t think my eldest started really talking till he was about 2 1/2 and my middle one was 3 cos big brother did all her talking for her until he got a cold and sore throat

My daughter is about to turn 3 and barely started talking in sentences. I think you still have plenty of time

my girl didn’t talk until 2 1/2. She’s above average for everything 14 years later.

Every kid is different, my first talked early, my second just babbled and now at 3 is saying things clear and has a huge vocabulary and my 3rd only says no. :joy:

My daughter is going to be for in May and all I’ve ever heard from people is how she should be talking more then she does and it’s giving me concerns but kids learn at their own rate I mean even Albert Einstein didn’t talk to he was 4 years old so don’t worry about it everybody does things in their own time just let her be her and let her learn at her own pace

If you’re pediatrician isn’t worried neither should you!!! Too many people think oh your kid should be doing this Bc this or that… so annoying people are so quick to jump the gun…

Our daughter is 2.5 speaks like crazy and my nephew is 2.5 and barely speaks and he’s just fine :person_tipping_hand:t2:every kid is different

My 18 month old doesn’t talk just babbles and repeats a lot of it. I know she’s younger but just thought I’d mention. She has been referred for possible ASD as she failed her 18m check, I had asked a health visitor to come out because I had concerns and she done it for us. However 2 is still very young. I apparently at 2 was speaking fluently but I have had family members not speak properly until age 3. I wouldn’t worry but if your daughter has the 2 year check anytime soon then you can air your concerns then. x

My youngest son didn’t talk until he was almost 3 its okay

My first girl was talking at 16 months. Like, talking so well I almost regretted teaching her to talk. Lol Full, adult-like conversations. My second girl, 7 years later, won’t talk to save her life! She can talk and knows a ton of words but she won’t do it. I’m betting that your little one knows more than she lets on because you know what every grunt, cry, and moan means. She doesn’t need words for you to understand her. Encourage her to use words to express what she wants. We stopped acknowledging the grunts and whines after my little decided to swallow a barrette and couldn’t tell us. She has been using her words more and realized she can get what she wants/needs faster than grunting. Good luck.

I asked my dr. That and she asked told me to stop talking for her and quit handing her stuff that she had no need to talk.

She needs tested for speech asap. Should be putting small sentences together. My grandson is 20 months old and says MAYBE 10 words and they just had him tested at dr’s recommendation. He did accomplish most milestones extremely early but they said he needs speech. That’s the only thing he’s behind on. My daughter had wondered if he was autistic but he’s not. She has been learning and teaching him sign language tho.

When she has something to say she will. You may be helping her communicate without words through actions and signals. If she is a happy child do not worry about it. If she gets frustrated check with your local school so they can test her. Also get her hearing checked

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All kids are different. My daughter started talking at 6 most old but my son really didn’t talk good til he was 3.

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NO!!! My dtr was late on everything and my mom was all worried she wasn’t talking much @ 2 well she’s 12 now and hasn’t stopped. Give her a chance

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Full sentences by 2.5 was normal for my kids. All kids are different! Read to her a lot, that helps…10 books a day or so. Take an hour a day and work with her, you will see progress :blush:

My daughter didn’t talk much til 2. She had a few words but not many. She was hearing Spanish and English regularly so she was deciding what to use when is what the pediatrician said. Now at 4.5 I can’t get her to stop talking. Lmao. And she uses Spanglish regularly. Lol

Voice your concerns to her pediatrician.

Every child is different and develops at there own speed. Mine didnt talk much till he was like 2.5 now that he just turned 3 he is talking in full sentences. We stopped baby talking. And shes 2 give her time she will talk when she wants to my daughter didnt start till she was closer to 4 now that she is 15 she wont stop. it will happen when she is ready

Hollie McMillan thread read

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36 weeks is premature but my neo said that a 36 week baby should be caught up by 12 to 18 months and if still behind to seek early intervention

No … They start talking at 3 and theyll wake up one day amd just have a conversation out of no where

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My little boy turned 2 in november and can talk about the same and was born at 39 weeks. He just recently started being able to talk a little more clear. He mainly says yep nope mama daddy sissy and baby cup tea blanket night night. That’s about it clearly. Some just progress differently :heartpulse:

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There’s nothing wrong with seeking an eval from early intervention. Our old pediatrician dismissed us over similar concerns. Turns out my son couldn’t hear us because of fluid in his ears and that’s why he wasn’t talking. Our speech therapist actually suggested that his adenoids were causing the problem and she was correct. Once they were removed his speech exploded

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2 years ks typically whsn they start forming a sentence of 3-4 words

Mine was six weeks early he just turned 2 on sunday and doesnt say any words fluently its hard to understand what he says lol

I would be a lil bit worried of her speach is minimal maybe consider taking her to a pediatrician and having her assessed i know it’s not easy bit I would be worried if my lil one was behind

My child is about the same, he will be 2 tomorrow. My son did 99% of his milstones really early but suprised me literly last night he said more then 10 new words in sentences. It will come when it comes, if she is saying that many words and saying 10 all the time, she obviously can talk, maybe start working with her more, sounding out words, with pictures. Also, let her tell you what she wants, dont just let her point or whine and expect you to know all the time. Tell her you have to tell me in a very fun uplifting/encouraging voice. If she watches any tv, word word, super why and videos like that help. But dont let her be glued to the tv all day or thats not good for her either. I just pretty much learned new things to do with my son to help in and after a while, like i said, he just all of a sudden started saying more in sentences, instead of just juice it was I want juice pwease . if your really really concerned talk to your doctor

Every kid is differnt

I was super worried, at 2.5 my son had about 10 words in his vocabulary but around 3 he just started being a chatty kathy and hasnt stopped since. My doctor told me we would keep an eye on it and when he turned 3 would assess if speech therapy was necessary. It wasnt hahaha.

All kids are different. 50 words at 2 is fine. If there was concern take her to health visitor or GP. But I wouldn’t have been worried with that.

(Mother of 6. One who talked fluently by 2 and one who is non verbal at almost 4. The others were on track/average like your daughter)