Should I be concerned that my grandson likes eating sand and dirt?

Hi, there; my grandson is 18 months old and is eating a lot of dirt and sand and anything he can get his hands on …I’m not talking a taste of this and that, but hand fulls of dirt and sand …he will eat leaves, sticks, stones, fluff anything … does he lack in something? And yes, we are going to Dr tomorrow…


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I be concerned that my grandson likes eating sand and dirt?

Sounds like possible pica

Might be PICA, talk to his pediatrician


It’s called pika and it is caused by a vitamin deficiency


Yes, that is concerning it could cause health issues. Definitely talk to pediatrician and monitor/limit access things he us eating

Sounds like a mineral defintionsioncy

Might not be pica could be a sensory thing. A lot of kids get sensory through thier mouth. I have a nephew who is textile deficient and would alway put things in his mouth because so much sensory is through the mouth. He is 18 now and a senior in high school who plays football.

Ok well this child is 18mo and if one is not showing him what is good to eat or bad than I think someone needs parenting classes. He is still a baby. I can see if he was older than I would be more concerned. I wonder why this has not been brought up with his pediatrician. Unless he has not been taken regularly :thinking:

Prador-Willi Syndrome?

All kids do is try to put everything in their mouth at that age due to teething


Watch monsters inside me lol

Yeah he has some type of deficiency, good idea to get him to the doctor’s :+1: I hope they can give you an answer of exactly what’s going on.

He might be lacking Iron.


Pika is caused from low iron being Anemic… my daughter had a issue chewing on wood she still today tries to eat things her iron was super low and it was caused from drinking alot of milk

My mother always said let them. It’s an iron deficiency. Take him to the doctor

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Iron deficiency my daughter used to do the Same thing


When did this turn into a children’s page? I’m not even trying to be smart, I have just seen a lot of pregnancy, child posts/questions lately…


My child is turning 2 and eats dirt all day long. He has been tested for everything and the Dr. Has said some kids just like dirt🙃

Lots and kids do this. They should grow out of this by 2. Some kids do it because of teething and some it’s their way of exploring things. Never a bad idea to check for deficiencies just in case but at 18months I wouldn’t be overly worried if that is the only concern.

My daughter did this, but eventually grew out of it. Hers was mostly paper of every kind, styrofoam, anything squishy. To this day though, I occasionally catch her trying to eat soft napkins. She’s now 8. My boyfriend’s daughter ate dirt until she was like 12, though.

He might have an iron deficiency, but anything passed that isn’t something to worry about. Normal young boy stuff.

Pica, it’s along the lines of iron. One of the reasons pregnant women and women with low iron eat ice.


Probably low iron, calcium, Vitamin D

It could be what’s called Pika. My two year old has it. It’s a impulse to eat things. He’s been eating dirt since he was about 10 months old. We have a vitamin regime that definitely helps but he’ll still eat dirt… Like straight up lick a rock, dip it into dirt like it’s a fun dip and eat it :flushed::person_shrugging:. It doesn’t hurt him to eat dirt but I try to limit the amount he eats and I make sure it’s as “clean” of dirt as possible. :laughing::person_facepalming:

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I be concerned that my grandson likes eating sand and dirt?

Sounds like be is needing the minerals or something. Ask your Dr what he could be lacking.


I wouldn’t be concerned, when i was a kid we used to eat mud pies and some kids ate worms, all part of being a kid.


He’s lacking some type of mineral. Just like some pregnant women eat cornstarch (pica). Talk to his doctor so they can run a blood test.


My niece did this, along with eating other things, and it was called pica I believe.

His body is needing the minerals in it. Went through this with one of mine.


Could be pica, get advice from your dr. GoodLuck


Sounds like me when i had PICA

Iron levels need to be checked. My daughter did this and she ended up having low iron.

I would be concerned. There are many parasites in dirt and sand from animals going to the bathroom on it

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Iron. I would guess his body is craving iron.


My daughter is 15 months. And me 3rd child… they all go through phases of eating weird stuff…but she for the most part is past eating sand… but she will drink out of rain puddles. But if he’s 18 months and eating a lot… I would definitely bring it up to the dr. Could be perfectly normal tho… toddlers do all sorts of strange things

Iron and zinc deficiency


He could have anemia, it’s called PICA.


All toddlers experience the ORAL stage.i would replace the sand with food.he may be teething.supervise him closely.they are very fast.


Take it to the doctor they need to do blood work sometimes they eat dirt because they miss a mineral ,can be magnesium,iron and few more ,dirt have parasites


Pediatrician for sure this is a condition some ppl have and hes very young. But you hear about eating cotton and dirt all sorts of odd things baby diaper filling. Definitely a good move going to the pediatrician. Could also just be a toddler going through a weird thing but I’d keep him from sand and dirt as of now until he is seen and you are given answers.

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I remember doing this as a child… My boys did it to and they have always been healthy kids.

I use to eat mud pies with sal bugs for sprinkles I thought they were the best thing ever.

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So I kinda think that it could be related to sensory processing disorders, my children were the same they ate everything that was not food and when types of food especially soft foods were given to them they would refuse to eat it. All of my children have OCD and anxiety but this is the extreme end of it for me. All of my children suffered no harm eating odd things good luck and I hope you find answers

Yes, he is a mineral or something. They say if children do this to see your pediatrician immediately.

18 months old put everything in there mouth. That’s why they need to be watched and not allowed to eat those things


Everyone acting like this kid has something horribly wrong with him. It’s normal for an 18 month old to put anything they can get their hands on into their mouths. :roll_eyes::rofl:
Be firm. Tell him NO! It’s normal. He’s a TODDLER.


Could be a deficiency…could also be normal toddler behaviour. Their first instinct is to put things in their mouth. Could be teething and chomping on things is bringing him relief.
Choking hazard would be a concern for sticks etc.
Having said that, I ate sand and mud, little pebbles…and school glue.
50 years later I’m still here :joy::joy:

Get his iron checked

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Pica your blessed that your checking early


Why do you let him is more of the question :thinking:


You should not be here asking those questions. You have enough evidence to drive you to the doctors office.

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He needs to see a doc.

If your going to the doc then why ask here if u handled it?

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I have read of pregnant women eating soil. There body is craving a nutrient in it.


That is exactly what’s happening with my son, but I knew better.i never let him out of my sight. And every time he tries to pick up sand or stones I slap his hands so that he will know that it’s not for putting into his mouth…

Iron deficiency possibly? Or just a brat like my kid was but he was only 11 months lol

build the immune system

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I have read that a child will eat what they crave because they lack something mostly minerals. But this may be pragmatic & need professional advice!

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Believe it or not, it is completely normal, even after all the tests finding nothing wrong, some kids just like dirt! :rofl:


Why Do Toddlers Eat Dirt? - Being The Parent don’t worry until…

So many judgemental comments, why yall even here :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:. Can be totally normal! Could also be a deficiency. Or something more serious, smart to take him to the doctor. And I understand being anxious and wanting to ask other mothers experiences.


Redirect him to other activities like chalking, bubbles, etc and teachthat sand/dirt does not go near mouth. They do not know instinctually not to put those things in their mouth,

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Heck I ate dog food with my dog, sure I’m no help :laughing:

It sounds like PICA.


It’s iron deficiency


Maybe he’s needs iron?

My son would eat toilet paper at that age. After the doctor visit, it turned out to be an Iron deficiency.

I think its normal because he is a little boy. In this period, kids eat what they get at the front.
If you can far your grandson from sand and dirt, I think he won’t eat it anymore.

Anyway, you are going doctor tomorrow. Hopefully doctor will give you a great solution.

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He’s still to young I believe to be diagnosed with PICA

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Get him checked by a paediatrician, sounds like pica

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I be concerned that my grandson likes eating sand and dirt?

He sounds like a toddler to me. :person_shrugging:


Sounds like pica! Could also just be curiosity. My son tried to eat gravel and rocks any time we were around them


I would say Prader-Willi or whatever it’s called. It starts around 2 years old and hes a year and a half so it’s worth mentioning to his doctor if you’re already going


ask to have his iron checked :slightly_smiling_face:
my 1st was eating random stuff like hard cover books/paper & chalk. his iron was low. :upside_down_face:


:joy::joy: sounds normal. My cousin ate snails :person_shrugging:


Little dirt don’t hurt


I’d be worried he’ll get worms.


Sounds like a toddler but if it’s obsessive/or eats anything it may be Pica. Please check with your pediatrician :heart:


My little cousin ate a pinch of dirt from about 2 till 21 lol not all the time but she craved it and Idk what it is called but she’s fine now and about 24 lol

My son ate sand and play dough

I mean toddlers put a lot of things in their mouths but that sounds a bit excessive… I hope your pediatrician gives you some answers. :purple_heart:

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When my daughter was small, she would eat pure mid

Normal… likes the texture & curious

He could be lacking Iron however sounds Normal to me…

My child…still eats sand. Sometimes chalk. Not all the time. But it happens

If it’s a constant thing and obsessive then I’d be concerned because he may have a deficiency. Otherwise a little dirt don’t hurt. It actually helps their immune system in the long run! :smiling_face:

Mine literally eats the diaper off her butt. At the end of the day she looks like she is wearing a loin cloth… That’s a toddler for ya

He may need iron! Check and ask his pediatrician to run some blood test

My son ate paper when he was a baby :joy:
We had to hide anything and everything that was made from paper or similar, including books and cardboard boxes. And of course, he’d poop it all out lol
Your grandson will be fine :sweat_smile:

More than likely lacking in iron.

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My son ate chunks of concrete, he is my wild child there was no reason other than being curious and wild

Could be normal and just a toddler thing. But could be also pica, low iron, or any medical condition. I would definately talk to doctor and have kiddo checked out and screened for testing and genetic testing to find more underlying causes it may be.


When this happens it may be because your child is lacking on vitamin or minerals.

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My grandson did this with sand, dirt and rocks etc. He is 3 now and has grown out of doing that.

Could be something called Pica causing him to eat that.

My two-year-old has really bad pica. This is the same thing she does. Her pediatrician has done lots of blood work to check vitamin levels and other stuff. But everything’s came back fine. So, we just correct her whenever she tries to do it.

Kids can and do eat everything at times, but, when it’s excessive or dangerous amounts, There’s actually a medical condition that causes it. I’d ask for him to be tested.