When children eat dirt or cat food stuff that seems weird they are lacking in vitamin give them vitamin daily
Is the mother/dad out of the picture ?
Iron problem take to the Doctor
Good you are taking him to a doctor!!
He’ll keep doing it as long as he’s deficient
It’s usually a iron deficiency
Completely normal…gross but normal.
Maybe his iron is low…
Piccard vitamin deficeincy
This child needs to be seen by a DR. For a proper diagnosis
If they are not, speak to the parents, have them take care of their child and stay in your lane grandma! Let them parent their child . you didn’t push that kid out of your VJAYJ did you? Grandmas are not there to over ride a parents decisions. I bet you are the father’s mother!
My grandson was doing the same until he turns 2 then we noticed that he smell everything or sometimes try to taste before he eating now he’s 3.yr 9months he doesn’t anymore. He’s a bit hyper doctor advice wait until he’s 5yrs old to test him for ADHD if he still like that.
Mineral deficiency. Possibly iron deficiency
Careful. Sounds alot like pica
My Grandson did the same thing! Ended up he had extremely low iron. Please have his iron checked
Pica! My son has autism and he has to taste EVERYTHING once. And when I say everything, you name it, he tasted it
Growing up my cousin would eat dirt.
My sister did that when she was young. She’s still alive. 77years old.
I’d bet hes anemic. My pediatrician told me of a similar story. My own daughter would suck on towels constantly until her iron levels were up. Stock up on some iron rich multivitamins, the drops they prescribe are horrible
My granddaughter did this,she was low on iron. Give him flintstones chewable vitamins with extra iron.
At 18 months old they put everything in their mouths it’s all about teaching them what is supposed to and what’s not, I wouldn’t worry pay attention (not that you don’t) make sure you stop him
All these karens toddlers do these things ok there might be an underlying problem but theres no need to pick on the little boys mum!! I’m guessing some of u never played in the garden or tried to eat something you shouldn’t as a toddler/child! It’s how kids explore and discover things it does not make her a bad parent and as she said she is teking him to the Dr’s!! So all u karens can crawl back into ur boxes and close the lid
My youngest son chewed stones, dirt, dog food, coal, etc…my pediatrician put him on a multivitamin with trace minerals. Problem resolved within a few days.
Lol that’s a boy thing . My son ate dirt sand , any and everything he could put his mouth on . I personally don’t think your grandson is lacking anything just give him a few more months to a year and he’ll start learning what’s good to eat and what’s yucky
That’s a symptom of PICA, have LOs levels checked for deficiencies
Why is he allowed to do this???
It could be something called Pica which is a lack of iron. My friends daughter was the same she ate anything including pencils and the walls. I would get him assessed just to be sure but it could also be totally normal.
Vitamin deficiency? usually doctors will ask when a child doesn’t like to eat certain things. Doctor just asked me this question a few weeks ago in regards to my daughter she became a picky eater out of the blue…
My kid literally eats dig hair off the ground! Assuming he will grow out of it. Lol. He’s almost 2.
No that is normal lmao
Bring it up to his ped! There is a vitamin his body is lacking!!
Its a sign of a nutritional deficiency
My daughter did that and had lead poisoning, she had to take iron
My daughter does this and just turned 2. She’s ASD and has Pica
Make some cherio sand? by putting cherio in a food processor or blender
Kids that age will put anything n everything in their mouths… its our jobs to ensure they don’t actually eat things they shouldn’t.
My grandson is 11 months and is constantly trying to eat things…but I’m always there to make sure he doesn’t swallow anything nasty
Sounds like possible iron deficiency.
I would definitely talk to the Dr. Kids putting things in their mouths is one thing, but to be full on eating handfuls of it? That’s not right. Maybe pica? Lacking certain vitamins?
Could just be a sensory thing!
His body is lacking something, I would definitely take him to his pediatric asap
Pica Sounds like but let the Dr tell you for sure tomorrow what he/she thinks.
Totally !! 18 month get him to the vet quickly
Going to the doctor is the right step. He might just be a hungry kid but he might also be seeking nutrients he lacks due to a deficiency. The doctor will help you find out if he has a real issue.
My daughter as a 3 yo used to eat handfuls of soil (including the occasional snail), to the point where I had to flush the toilet with buckets of water. Normal flush would move the soil. GP not concerned. Grew out of it after a couple of years and has always been healthy.
All I can think about is all the animal feces that can be in sandboxes etc! Raccoons carry dangerous worms and many dogs have round worms as well as heart worms. I don’t know If humans can get heart worms but yuck!
I would be more concerned if animals are playing in the sand it can cause pin worms in kids a little dirt never hurt anyone but eating handfuls of dirt and sand is not good for them
My brother would sit in the middle of a flower bed with a spoon & eat dirt. Never hurt him. He eventually grew out of it
Christian loved snails also Hiske. Slime on his face telling the tail made me ill but he’s a very healthy adult.
Could be a deficiency, Could be pica, Could be a kid being a kid. If it’s concerning you, definitely take him to a doctor for tests. My cousins and I ate mud pies and drank from a hose and we’ve all survived so far.
Yes, as you say a bit here it there is normal handfuls is not normal he/she needs to be evaluated by an MD
My Nan in England always said “You have to eat a peck of dirt before you die”. It’s an old saying.
He might have PICA my son has it he’s 10 now but has been doing this since he was an enfant . Pica is an eating disorder in which a person eats things not usually considered food. Young kids often put non-food items (like grass or toys) in their mouths because they’re curious about the world around them. But kids with pica (PIE-kuh) go beyond that.
Good you’re going to a dr. There is a syndrome called Pica that could be developing and should be caught. There are a couple other things but Pica sounds the closest. I’ll pray for him
My granddaughter would eat bark of trees an we found out she was lacking nutrients.
Good morning a everything good fi goose good fi ganda so plz take the child to the doctor n plz keep the child away from these stuff as much as possible everybody immune system is different run to the doctor
My grandsons sister has started eating ceramic ornaments , literally ate the ears off her ceramic teddy, ceramic unicorn and had started on her mums amethyst geode ??
My grand daughter loved the salty beach sand when she was a little baby about 9 mo old.
Not really but it may not kill him of course. But I don’t think I would really. Not say it’s ok. My ain’t was 6 years older than me and most days she would play with her best friend William Hatfield. She would feed h dirt not sure she ate any but my dad made her stop feeding it to him.
They say god created dirt ,dirt don’t hurt.but yes doc is a good way to find out…I have 6 kids and only my 3 youngest one did the dirt thing as well.
Coal was my favorite and kerosene it’s a wunder I didn’t blow up. I am 75 now but often wunder what would have happened if someone had lit a match when I sneezed!!
My granddaughter chomps on ice constantly she was lack of Iron
That’s a curious age! Probably nothing to worry about unless he keeps doing it as he gets older and after correction. Consult with pediatrician as mentioned because there can be imbalance in minerals and pica syndrome that can cause this.
My daughter ate dirt but it was only builders sand not just any kind of dirt
He is lacking something in his diet. Ask your doctor.
He could be iron deficient. I ate grass and dirt as a child and its because I had low iron. He could also have Pica. I belive that is what it is called
Some flintstones vitamins.
When horses do this they need iron magnesium and calcium.
May be lacking minerals or something. Dr will do test to find out
I’d say maybe your lacking cooking skills!? note the laughter! Throw in a little morter and he could build his own safe room! again, note the laughter !!I’m kidding!lov kids,he’ll be healthy as a horse! Hope ur good with a little humor
By the way great to hear he is spending time outside!
My toddler used to like to eat ants, she said they tickled😜
Yes call the dr sounds like he is a pica eater
My son did this and his daughter did this. No issues.
It won’t hurt him. He’s lacking something. It’s normal.
Yes he needs doctor and urgently
Mine licked shoes! Always found him chewing a shoe! My daughter still thinks it’s OK to lick a picnic table or a railing. Just kids are gross x
Nutrition, he is getting nutrition that his body is missing
It tastes good but don’t let him eat too much!!!
I know your not talking about me
Very young to make a judgment. Talk to.pediatrician.
Could be just lack of supervision.
I ate dirt the entire time I was pregnant… he needs iron.
Keep him away from the stuff he puts in his mouth. Get rid of sand box if u have one
If you watch him he won’t be able to get to it!!
Eating dirt(pica) can be tied to iron deficiency as well as other things. Doctor will figure it out. When I saw a hematologist the first thing he asked was if I ate dirt or chewed ice cubes. I looked at him like he was nuts and said No but he said that since I was severely anemic that is not uncommon. Go figure. Good luck and you will get answers.
He has a dirty mouth !
Hope there is an answer for you!!!
I think he lacks iron
Sounds like iron deficiency
As long as it’s not his main meal
Did u ever ask him why ???
Low iron will cause this as well