Should I be concerned with how little my 15 month old speaks?

My son is 21 months, and he doesn’t say more than 15 words. Should I be concerned? Thanks.


No your little one will learn in their own time. My son didn’t really actually talk until he was almost 2 now he talks in small sentences he will learn more. Talk to your baby more that’ll help. Read as well and try to have him copy the words your saying.


I would ask your pediatrician about it. That seems low to me but my child is very verbal, it might not be a developmental concern.

My son was 24 month and only said no and mama, that was it! I took him to an ENT and found out he had so much fluid around his ear drums he couldn’t hear. Tubes helped drain it and he learned 9 words in the 1st two months of having them.


No! But if you do need to see his pediatrician to make sure he is doing well

My son took a while to talk well. His head start teacher helped a lot! He also had speech therapy up to first grade.

My nephew only said maybe 4 or 5 words untill he was about 4 then he wouldnt stop talking, every child is different

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No. My kid was the same way

Talk to your pediatrician about it. It could be a minor speech delay or there could also be a tongue tie, auditory issues, etc. Either way I highly recommend talking to your pediatrician about your concerns and whether or not your child needs to be evaluated by a speech therapist. My son had less than 10 words at 12 mos. He was referred to Early Intervention for speech therapy. We eventually learned that he has Childhood Apraxia of Speech. He has been in speech therapy since he was 18 mos and has made leaps and bounds.


Yes I would talk to the pediatrician

My son is 20 months and he doesn’t say many words but is very vocal…they all learn in their own time. I did check with my GP and he said not to worry just wait until he is 2 and if he is still not saying many words then to contact him again xx

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Its actually more common for boys to develop speech slower. Keep working on it, every kiddo gets it at different paces. He will get there mama!

Dont worry until he is 2. My son spoke only few words too till he was too. He started all in once at 2 and developed quickly. Now at 3 his vocabulary and speech is extraordinary😉

Maam i have 4 children all of them are different from one another .give the child time

I have a 10 year old now and he didn’t talk until he was 2. We did speech therapy and everything else and now he never shuts up :woman_shrugging:

Make an appointment with an ent. My older son when he was a baby hardly talked. The dr sent us for an evaluation thinking he was autistic. He passed that assessment, then the nurse whispered to me to go to an ent Dr. I did, and sure enough he had fluid In his ears. The dr said he’s been hearing likes he’s under water. We treated his ears, dried it all up, and was speaking sentences a few months later.

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Speak to your pediatrician. My youngest was barely speaking and is in speech therapy and even got tubes put in his ears. He just turned 3 and he’s getting better but still not quite there yet.

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Are there older siblings? Does someone speak for the child? My middle child didnt want to speak because big sister did it for him. (2 years apart) keep an eye on it, but make him use his words. Whining and pointing is easy. I mean this with kindness just a thought


My nephew kept this up for a few years. Around the age of four he was taken to see a doctor but there were no concerns. The doctor suggested we stop giving him things when he pointed to them and ask him to use his words instead. After a few months he was talking just fine. There was nothing wrong, he just didn’t want to talk and didn’t feel he had to because he could communicate with hand gestures.


My son was like your child and I was beyond paranoid about it. It was during the whole Jennifer Mcarthy era of vaccines cause autism fiasco. I took him to the doctor and he evaluated my son and told me to stop worrying. He told me my son would start talking more once he turned 2 years old and sure enough he did. He’s 14 now and totally fine. Speak with the doctor.

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My nephew is almost 2 1/2 and before like a month ago he only said about 10 words. Then one day it just clicked for him and he can almost make sentences. Some kids just don’t like to talk until they are ready I guess lol


Early intervention is so important! Every child is different. It could be as simple as he/she isn’t ready or as complicated as an underlying ear/nose/throat problem combined with High Functioning Autism. (:blue_heart:) A few surgeries and over a year of speech combined with other therapies & our 3 1/2 year old is starting to put two-three words together. We thought he just wasn’t ready…There are programs in place to help both the child and the parent. It’s ultimately your choice, but please don’t assume the child will ‘speak when they are ready’.


My twin granddaughters didn’t speak until late. We found out they needed tubes in their ears. They weren’t hearing well. After tubes their speech increased.


Research it but I’ll tell you my nephew is four and still has speech issues. And possibly add or adhd. Pronunciation mainly. My girls never had an issue. Green beans=bean greens and sorry=rossy. That is totally normal. Still a great memory and joke. Tried to correct but it was what it was and is what it is. Kids develop differently but if you’re concerned talk to ped. Always check for hearing issues. Good luck. Btw, my girls are A students at UCF and graduated with honors. So, they can say rossy and bean greens all day!

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Keep talking to them. Keep them with you when doing chores and describe what you are doing. Keep a radio on. Kids learn from their environment. Dont make it a medical issue unless you feel something is really wrong.

My daughter was like that and the doctor found out she needed tubes in her ears. Once they did that she talked nonstop and still does today. That happened when she was about 2.

Give him time. I wouldnt be too concerned just yet. When my child was at that age she wouldnt talk at all except to say momma, nana, or sissy. She had two siblings who were 5+ yearsolder than her. No one did baby talk and we always tried to encourage her. She just wouldnt do it. She didnt start talking until she was almost 3. Now shes almost 4 and never shuts up.

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I would bring it up to the doctor maybe do a hearing test.

I would speak with your pediatrician. Some kids do need more time before they talk. However, if that is not the case it’s better to get a diagnosis early. Even if it is just for done speech therapy. The earlier they are evaluated the easier it is to correct.

Get an evaluation. Catching things early on is to your childs advantage.

Yes it is wise to be concerned. There are many reasons for a delay in speech development. The first step is to discuss your concerns with the pediatrician.

Nope Ours did it too. Then about the time she turned 3 yrs she started saying all kinds of stuff

My son is 5 and some words sounds like baby babble

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It is probably perfectly fine, but do speak with your child’s pediatrician, so they can do an early autism screening. Early intervention is crucial.


Any words is a great sign that he’s probably fine… (my child had none at 21 months and wasn’t walking) Huge issues as the years past. I wouldn’t worry. :heart:

Says more than mine.
Mine will be 3 and he says his words at his pace and his way. He can say some things but no where near where “they” want him to.
I’ve noticed a MASSIVE growth in his vocabulary over time, so I’m giving him his space.

If it goes too long, then worry. Give him time. :smiling_face:

My daughter didn’t speak first 4 years then she never stopped talking

If no older siblings and don’t go to daycare probably normal but best to get hearing checked either way. If older siblings or in an environment with lots of talking often, definitely get hearing checked and if it’s good check into speech evaluation. My oldest was a some what slow talker but picked up quick once 2 my younger two both needed speech ones ears were good one had to have tubes, speech was only partially related to the hearing though.

My daughter will be 2 in December. She’s in speech therapy and still only says a handful of words. I was told they need to know 50 by age 2. We aren’t there yet…

Her hearing was rested and is fine.

All of my kids have been later talkers. Then one day they just explode with words. If you’re worried, ask your doctor.

Can be a sign of autism my grandaughter is same and has it