Should I be conerned if my baby kicks a lot?

Dear mums,
I’m at 29+5 and I feel like my child moves too much. Is it a good sign or I have to be worried? I have constant UTI so I’m afraid he is suffering from it.


Don’t believe there is such a thing as them moving too much.
This is my second pregnancy and this time around she’s moving a lot more than her sister did. All babies are different.


If he’s moving a lot, that’s a good thing! Don’t worry, momma! :blush:


My girl is doing the Olympics as I type this. It’s pretty normal when I’m relaxing to feel her. If I’m up and moving around she’s still as a rock lol

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I talked to my doctors because I thought my son moved too much and they more or less laughed at me and said they don’t worry about moving too much lol


Movement is what you want. Gonna drive you crazy lol but totally worth it

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… what…?

You WANT lots of movement, sorry you’re uncomfortable. You should find peace of mind knowing that’s a sign of a healthy baby.


Movement means the baby is doing really good I am 24 weeks and My little mr bean Is very active so active that techs have a hard time keeping him still because he is so active they told me its a good thing that he is active its just harder to measure him when he being active

Be worried when theres no movement at all

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I had alot of UTI while I was pregnant with my first son…drink lots of water and cranberry juice. Movement from baby is always good

My boy has been crazy active and that’s a good sign!!! I wouldn’t worry, I would worry if you didn’t feel movements

I’m 37 weeks, and have always wondered this. She moves all day long all night long. Now… and for the last month I’ve had ultrasounds every week to make sure shes moving like shes supposed to. As moms we worry about everything. And even tho some days you wonder if you’ll ever get any comfort its totally worth it :heart:

That’s great mama I know its beginning to get slightly painful but that’s excellent

Mine moved all the time up until I had my c section. If they aren’t moving is when you should worry. And a UTI can’t harm the baby. No worries.

Love love love feeling my baby move

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Movement is good. My son moves all day everyday lol I love it

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Never a bad thing if baby moves too much my son moves constantly your cervix creates a mucus plug which is formed to prevent any bacteria or infection from getting to the uterus :slight_smile: baby is fine

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Im carrying my 3rd and since 15wks i could my little soccer player moving lol. Hes always moving, its a good thing im told to be worried if he doesn’t.
My first 2 moved a great deal too… This one is just bit more wild

Im 37 weeks with a boy who moves non stop lol

Oooh honey. Moving is a good thing! It’s great! Mine was moving and grooving all the time while inside, and as soon as she realized she could move her body, she has been moving and grooving!
Talk to your dr about the UTI. You will most likely get medication and the medication will not effect your baby. I had the same problem!

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I swear my son didn’t stop moving the entire time I was pregnant and now he bounces off the walls he literally still is ALWAYS on the move​:woman_facepalming:t2::joy::joy::woman_shrugging:t2:

I don’t think the uti can hurt the baby. If I’m right I’m pretty sure that why you have a mucus plug so nothing gets to the baby. & as for moving every pregnancy is different no ones the same. My daughter barley moved now my son NEVER STOPS MOVING!!!

I had UTIs alot during my first ptegnancy too. Baby was fine. Movement is a good sign.

The only time a UTI can harm the baby is if it goes untreated. Lots of movement is a good sign :blush: enjoy it cause youll miss it once baby is out lol