Not mom related but have a question. So I had found a tick in me almost 2 weeks ago. Now when you look up pictures of Lyme disease it shows a bullseye which I do not have but I do have small red bumps/ rash around where I found it. Should I be worried?
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If the rash is really bad get it looked at. Better safe than sorry, tick bites don’t always produce a bullseye. My boyfriend got bit a couple years ago and didn’t even know, had a horrible horrible rashy wound on his leg (thought it was a spider bite) and the LAST thing the hospital tested for was Lyme disease and that’s what it was.
However, if you got the tick out with the head you’re most likely fine
Depends on type of tick it was. Only deer ticks transfer Lyme. But ticks carry all sorts of nasty viruses best to see a Dr and get antibiotics
Untreated Lyme disease can be crippling, so see the doc ASAP just in case.