A few days ago I cut my hand really bad when doing dishes…i have been bandaging it and letting it air out at night when I am sleeping…this morning…i woke up to my dog licking my cut and now i am worried that I will have a horrible infeciton…i cleaned it out again but i have anxiety over somthing bad happening…what should I do?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I be worried about my dog licking a cut on my hand? - Mamas Uncut
I wouldn’t worry about it. If you’re worried, washing it with antibacterial soap and putting on neosporin will help prevent infection.
It’s probably fine. Just continue keeping it clean and watch for signs of infection (redness, soreness, swelling) and see a dr if any of the signs develop
Surprisingly dogs licking wounds help them heal
Not exactly sure but I’ve heard its actually really good for open wounds!!
It will help it heal faster
Clean it wipe some alcohol on it you be fine.
My dog licks my pimples on my face sometimes & it’s so weird cause they start going away acouple days after she tries to nibble them
i mean it wouldnt hurt to avoid it in the off change it could lead to an infection. I cant say it is bad or not but a cut is an easy entrance for bacteria to enter the body and if you can avoid that why not try lol
Dogs do that and so do cats. I’m pretty sure they have a good Bacteria that helps fight infections. Like constantly like their own wounds too
Some of y’all are actually stupid…
It’s possible but not very likely you would get an infection from this, especially since you cleaned it again. Dog mouths aren’t exactly clean but they’re not like Komodo dragons or something, lol. Just watch it, try not to stress out about it.
Cat mouths, on the other hand, are notorious cesspits. If you ever get a cat bite, you should get antibiotics right away. They almost always get infected.
Dog saliva can carry all sorts of bacteria. It is not beneficial to human skin or wounds, maybe antibacterial to their own wounds but I would definitely keep an eye on it. Likely, it’s not going to cause any change but it could if your dog may have gotten into something yucky lately or been licking/eating something with bacterial levels.
Dogs have clean mouths don’t worry about that.they clean their own wounds and heal just fine.
Believe it or not dogs mouths are cleaner than humans and have antibacterial enzymes in their saliva called lactoferrin which can help heal wounds faster. As well as opiorphin which can relieve pain lol. I know this because i used to groom dogs and got bit by them quite a bit!!
Dogs have good bacteria but cats do not
Your dog is helping you out
That’s how they heal their wounds, so the are trying to heal yours
Dogs will heal them!
Dogs are healers they heal their own sores I had a Rat terrier she would fight me to lick my sores she would pull my scabs off an two days they would be almost healed
Dump some peroxide on it. It’ll be fine.
They eat their own crap but yes proceed
Honestly my dog has licked open cuts on me several times, nothing bad has ever come from it. They’re natural healers too, just saying.
I’ve had a cut and ASKED a pup to come over and heal it I swear they will get it GONE
they’re just trying to heal you:smiling_face:
Clean your wound and bandage it. Dogs mouths are NOT clean, I’ve been a Dog Trainer for 19 years and the whole “their mouths are cleaner than our crap” is a garbage. Both our mouths are bacteria dumpsters.
they’re saliva has healing properties. Wake up and join the real world have you been living under a rock?
Watch out for hair growth… u might even start barking… if u start chasing ur tail I’d go to the Dr just to get checked out… jk… pretty sure u will be OK tho…
Wash it. Youll be fine
Dogs have been licking wounds since I was little and that’s a very long time and no one ever died, stop the drama kids
You’ll be fine. Just keep the area clean.
It’ll be okay.
Just put a little WINDEX on it, LOL!
My dad had HORRIBLE road rash and his dog licked it and it healed up so quickly! I was like Nope, but he swore by it and I know dogs lick them selves to heal wounds so I’d just clean it and say you should be ok
I freak out about the same stuff. Just keep it clean and you’ll be okay.
Really the dog licked ur cut. You will be fine just keep it clean and u will be fine
Just be sure to keep cleaning it. Pup was trying to help you heal
My Grandma always made our dogs lick our cuts and l am still here
Keep it clean and keep an eye on it. Any sign of infection make an appointment and antibiotics will do the trick. You’ll be okay either way.
It will actually heal quicker
Dog saliva is cleaner than humans. As long as your dog doesn’t have rabies or any other known disease you will be fine.
They say dogs saliva heals cuts.
I think it’s nasty for the dog lol
But it does heal it faster.
You are better off being bitten by a dog than another human. Our mouths are filthier than theirs.
I take it you don’t let your dog lick your face either. Our dogs give kisses to anyone who holds still long enough.
Dogs mouths are cleaner than humans . You’ll be fine
Dogs mouth is cleaner than yours
Ull be fine I call my puppy a healer I factured my ankle in March he’s been taking care of my ankle since then I refused physiotherapy he will even lick our cuts to but their mouth is suppose to be cleaner
Unfortunately ìt can cause an infection clean the wound with peroxide pat dry put antibiotic ointment and bandage change it every morning and evening leave bandage on at night
Y’all are wrong and gross dogs lick their own butts and eat
and you believe this
You will be fine ,just continue cleaning it and keeping it bandaged.
Contrary to popular belief, a dogs mouth still carries a solid amount of bacteria. You should not let your dog lick your cut.
Um. The dog was licking your hand bc you had a booboo and he was trying to make it better and give you kisses.
If you’re that worried, you can either call your doctor or just wash your hand with soap and water. Hope your hand heals!
Well…im 64 and my dogs have always licked my wounds.
As long as your dog healthy and up to date with their inoculations dont stress.
It’s not a komodo dragon
For everyone saying a dogs mouth is cleaner than a humans, stop. I clean dog’s teeth at work and I promise you do not want any dog licking your cut.
You don’t need to let cuts air out. Skin heals better in a lubricated environment. Keep cleaning and bandaging and look for signs of infection. Good luck!
seriously? call a doctor? what the heck
It’s quite alright. No worries.
Your dogs mouth is cleaner than our own mouth.
Just wash and clean with peroxide and apply an antibiotic ointment and re bandage.
Anxiety Stress & Panic Attack Support will be a much nicer crowd. I have horrible health anxiety as well, and I understand how concerning things like this can be. I suggest joining and speaking with like minded people about this type of stuff. Besides that, I think you’ll be ok dear. Just keep it clean and apply some neosporin or something similar. hugs
It can totally cause an infection. The old wives tale about a dog’s mouth being cleaner than a humans is completely false. All mouths hold bacteria. But as long as you are keeping it clean you should be fine. Just watch it for any signs of infections.
Keep an eye on it. Despite many people telling you dogs mouths are cleaner than humans dogs mouth carry bacteria that easily causes infections in humans. Years ago my fully vaccinated puppy was playing with my child and nipped his ear. It got infected despite the Dr giving him antibiotics the day it happened and he ended up having to be admitted to the hospital for 3 days with IV antibiotics. He almost had to his ear cut off. Definitely keep a close eye on it.
Dont worry. Just keep it clean… it’ll be fine…
He will heal it believe me
Ya you should be, some guy lost his limbs from the same thing. Wrap it up the right way! Dogs lick their butts for crying out loud
Just FYI a dog’s mouth is cleaner when it comes to the bacteria usually found in a human’s mouth…they have a plethora of their own BAD bacteria
It will help it lmao
OMG. now your going to grow 2 more legs and a tail… Your fine in his mind hes cleaning it. Nothing to worry about unless you start barking
I read about this rare thing where somethin in the dogs saliva has got into a cut or scrape and the owner gets infected. Limbs turn colors. All limbs have been amputated in each story ive read on it. Of course everybody here is gonna claim this is silly cuz its so rare BUT it has happened. Why risk it. Lol
When I was a kid that was penicillin
Clean it with PEROXIDE THEN SOAP AND WATER. Keep an eye on it.
I don’t know but in my 71 years I’ve always heard that dogs licking wounds makes them heal faster. Now you hear otherwise. For your peace of mind, consult a doctor or call the ER. Also never fed a dog anything but table scraps; now they say don’t.
They say a dog’s mouth is cleaner than most. People is
As long as you wash it. There is actually a rare bacteria that can be transmitted that way and be very serious. Its Rare and if you clean and And put antibiotic cream on it he will most likely be fine. Watch out for redness or swelling
I read somewhere that dogs have an enzyme in their saliva that has healing properties — that’s why they lick their own injuries. So your pup is just trying to help!
Keep an eye on it. My dad got a huge gash on his leg and the dog licked it every night. Never got infected and healed in like a week.
I mean I’ve licked my dogs wounds and they turned out fine…
Kidding… Hahahahaha
I know someone that their dog licked their cut and she had to have all 4 extremities amputated. It’s a real concern
You’re fine as long as you recleaned it
Dogs saliva will help. It has some type of healing agent.
Better cut your hand off:rofl:
Just cut your hand completely off, problem solved !!!
Your dog is trying to heal you
Clean it then dress it… bandage … and don’t let the dog lick at it
As a kid,my dad will let our dog lick us kids scab.
Clean it you’ll be fine. Little splash of alcohol will help
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Dogs do have a healing enzyme (surprisingly. I Googled to conform lol) in their saliva, and apparently us humans do too. You should be fine, just keep it clean and dry.
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Certain proteins in dog saliva called histatins can defend against infection, and research has shown that there are other beneficial chemicals in a dog’s saliva that can help protect cuts from infection.
Dogs do that to heal it I heard my whole life
I’ve always heard dogs mouths are cleaner than humans mouths. Dogs lick their wounds to heal them. You’ll be fine. Clean & keep dry.
Y’all be asking some of the stupidest questions when Google is literally right there.
Nope…when I was growing up if we (my siblings) an I got a scrap my mom would say let the dog lick it…
Find something else to worry about. You can’t do anything about it now. It will either get infected or it won’t get infected. Wait and see.
Should be fine but “airing it out” actually slows the healing process. Put some antibiotic ointment or Vaseline on it and bandage it
Just keep cleaning it you’ll be fine.
Actually the dog likely helped it.