Should I be worried about my sons speech?

Definitely get ahold of his doctor. My son is 2 and only says 5 words but he also has some other developmental delays.

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Hi I’m a preschool teacher and my advice would be speak to your pediatrician because there could be underlying reasons but children can sometimes develope at different paces it could just be he is shy or a late talker. Overall try not to worry too much unless your pediatrician says differently. You got this mama!!!


Talk to you’re pediatrician. Get him started in speech therapy.

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Yes. I would get him evaluated if he’s not using functional speech and language.

Very child is unique and learns theirs own way. Your child will speak when he needs to. Society is so hard on the milestones that everyone is forget about the child.


A lot of pediatrician dont view it as a concern until 3, but I would still push the concern with a pediatrician. My daughters speech was barely understandable and she didn’t speak really at all until 2 1/2, I fought for a speech evaluation and I am so thankful I did. My daughter finally talks and I understand her!


Hi. My daughter turned 2 at the end of May and I was worried about her speech aswell. She only had about 10 words. Took her 2 years to call me mama. I requested the speech evaluation and as part of it they did a hearing test and turned out that there was fuid in both ears and ahe had a minor hearing loss. We saw the ENT and after a month of ear drops and no improvement she got tubes in her ears. She was approved for speech and now almost 2 months after tubes her speech increased so much it’s amazing!!! I would definitely recommend to have a hearing test done on your son. Just in case! :blush:


As I agree it’s not really an issue and every child learns at their own pace, it could be a tongue tie or he may need tubes in his ears. I know a lot of speech delays and issues are cuz they aren’t hearing well. So if he’s not hearing correctly he can’t say things right. I’d be slightly concerned and look at other factors.

Talk to your pediatrician. My oldest never really talked. He could say dadda and then some babbles and thats about it. When he was about 3 he was diagnosed with autism. We got him into speech therapy and he’s been doing speech therapy at school ever since he started too. He’s come along way with his talking though sometimes it can be hard to understand him and he still has some trouble getting words out but for the most part he’s talking great. I would definitely talk to the doctor about any concerns you may have. It could be that you son is a late talker or there might be something else going on.

It will come in time. Both my older kids had speech delays try singing it bridges the gap

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My son turns 3 next month and he has been in speech therapy for about 4 months now for the same reason and has been making wonderful progress. I definitely recommend getting a recommendation from his pediatrician to be evaluated for speech therapy

I’m not a Mom, but, I didn’t speak at all until I hit 3. Still, might be a good idea to call the doc

Talk to your pediatrician and request a speech evaluation.

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You can self refer to First Steps to request a speech evaluation for your son.

Talk to your pediatrician. He can qualify for free services through Early Steps until he is 3. After the age of 3 he can be referred to Child Find. It is free services for Speech, OT and PT (there is a qualification process).

My first child talked early and clearly. My second child didn’t talk until they were three. I did worry about the second one but everything turned out just fine. Can’t hurt to ask doctor about it but it could be fine.


Bring him to his pediatrician. My son was similar and he is now in speech therapy but come to find out he also had issues with his ears and got tubes put in and he also has astigmatism in both eyes and just got glasses. We are starting to see huge improvements and he is just over 3 years old.


My 1st was 3 when she started talking but my 2nd he didn’t really till 4. Every child is different and learns at a diff pace


It helps if he is around children his age so he can copy and you adults except more from him even if you know what he wants make him ask for it

My daughter had the same issue & once she was in preschool at age 4 they did some speech therapy for maybe 3 months & she improved dramatically, now she just turned 6 & literally never stops talking :joy::joy::joy: don’t worry Mama!

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Please don’t judge your baby by others developement. If you are truly concerned have his hearing checked. Some babies develop slower or faster than others

My girl turned two this month and says mom,mama, dada, daddy, no, yeah, go, stop, give back and go away, it, Oh, see, I think every child is different but if your concerned I would definitely talk to your sons dr

I teach prek special ed in Texas. Some school districts will test for speech and other delays at this age. And definitely speak with your child’s doctor. :heart::heart::heart: You’ve got this momma!!!:raised_hands:t2:

No judgement here but did he use a paci? Ive had kids in daycare that parents continued to push/allow paci after 2nd birthday and they struggled and still struggle with speech

My middle son didn’t really talk until 3. Don’t worry

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Every child is different… Don’t let it worry you

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Have his ears checked for ear wax build up

What I was gonna say…have a hearing test done…

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Be sure he isn’t tongue tied

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My brother (35 now) didn’t talk to anyone hardly at all and my parents were worried about him too. What they didn’t realize was that he was talking full sentences to me (I’m 2 years older) and I’d just get him whatever he wanted so he didn’t HAVE to talk much lol. Now they tease him saying he talks to much. Never compare your child to another when it comes to development. He will do full sentences when he is ready. Working with kids in daycares my whole life I know well enough that every child develops at their own rate. He is already doing better than some by knowing colors and numbers! Don’t stress to much on it, you’re doing great!

I wouldn’t stress about it at 2 ,BUT only YOU know your child. If you have concerns, please talk with your pediatrician. Their are resources that can help with young kids. ie. Early Intervention.

My 16 year old was like that. Slow at walking too. He’s super smart. Like really. Don’t worry too much.

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I be worried about my sons speech?

My son is the same…. But bese fine, they eventually start talking in sentences in their own

Reading theses comments makes me hold onto to hope with my 3 year old grandson. He doesn’t talk much, a few words. But he knows baby sign language for more, all done, please & thank you etc. He goes to the fridge and gets what he wants too. He has had ear tubes, he’s been receiving speech therapy for several months 2-3 times per week but I’m not seeing that much improvement. He’s going to preschool in September and will continue with therapy so I hope he starts talking some more soon.

I have a mixture of boys and girls. I grew up hearing boys naturally begin talking slower than girls. I experienced that with my boys. There was no need for alarm at that age. Keep reading and speaking to him.:green_heart:

My daughter babbles most of the time too she will be 3 in March and counts to 5 with help on 3 and sometimes 4 they say they all learn at their own pace

Put him in speech therapy looking for a first steps program in your area

I was a speech therapist assistant. Speak to your sons pediatrician and she can refer you to a speech pathologist to have some testing done.

My son was late on speech. He wouldn’t talk much either. He was just quiet. And I didn’t know. Till when he started going to skool with my mom. He was kinda slow in learning. Now he is 4 and talks a lot more.

As long as there’s improvement, don’t worry.

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Please speak to his pediatrician, my son had some speech issues do to some hearing loss from ear infections. We did not know he had trouble hearing,just thought it was the terrible 2’s. After having tubes placed his hearing returned but we had many years of speech therapy to correct what was missed when we didn’t know. I still feel horrible about it. He is 24 now and perfect :heart:


This was my older son. He began talking more and better after we enrolled him in preschool, but he still needed speech therapy. He is just now finally able to speak clearly enough that most people can understand him (he’s also quiet, so sometimes people with hearing issues struggle with him). Speech therapists typically don’t assess them in our area until they’re 5, but I knew he needed help before that and had started working with him on my own.

Encourage him to express himself instead of “knowing” what he wants.

My youngest didnt start talking til 2 1/2 years old I took him to speech teacher and everything. And one day he started and never shut up

Yes, all children develop differently. But that being said … by 2 they should be able to form 2-3 sentences. It doesn’t hurt to get a referral for speech and LANGUAGE OT. The wait list can be extensive.
proper sounds and formation are important.

My 2 and 3 year olds are autistic, the 3 year Just started talking. My 9 year old, uh well, I was told by a Dr years ago that she could be mildly autistic, but I’m not allowed to say that! :expressionless:

I know with covid my son isn’t around many kids (he’s a year and a half) the more kid’s are around others is when they start talking the most. My son says simple words and “what did you do” when he does something wrong. They all learn at their own pace. But if you’re worried go to a speech specialist.

No need to worry yet. He’s still young. Sounds like he’s pretty smart.


I’m going through the exact same thing with my little boy. He will be 3 next Monday and he can only say what your little one can say too! He babbles alot. I’ve been very worried but my health visitor doesn’t seem to be worried but I have managed to get him into speech therapy in September so I’m hoping that’s going to help. In the mean time I’ve been getting my little boy to watch speech therapy for toddlers on YouTube while he eats his breakfast and lunch and thats been really helping. I’ve also had his hearing checked and that’s been fine. Hope this helps! Xx

Ok, so I’ve been through this. By age 2 they should be putting 2 words together. My son would say things like “oh no” I can’t really remember all the 2 word phases but it was considered jargon. He wasn’t saying things like “want cookie” etc. His pediatrician referred him to a speech therapist. He took speech for 2 years. After he was taking speech I found out from talking with so many others that it’s fairly common. He didn’t have any developmental delays. Just needed a little help.

Have him evaluated and put into speech therapy.
My little boy had the same problem as yours and hes around the same age.
In January he was saying a few words and not very clearly. Paid zero attention when we spoke and couldn’t get him to parrot words back to us at all ever.
Had him evaluated and his pediatrician set up speech therapy back in January. He only goes once a week for 30 minutes unless they tell you otherwise. They also worked on attention span and eye contact.
Now in July, he is speaking in 2-3 word phrases. He speaks super clear now and will say stuff I ask him to now. He knows over 15 difference animals and at least 20+ items and can name them all. He knows his basic colors, counts to 3, can kinda say ABCDE. Knows what movie is which and some of the characters names. All the family members like Aunt, Memaw, NayNay, Poppa, Momma, Daddy, and Gigi and funny enough knows their real names too except me and Daddy.
I asked him today to say Sybil (family friend) and he said it perfectly!
He pays attention more and behaves much better now…but when hes bad hes real bad but it’s usually cause I don’t know what hes saying or wants to tell me ‘No!’ as I ask him to not stick his fork into an electrical socket lol

But yeah, go for speech! Its awesome!!! Plus the place he goes has a playground and the therapy room is full of play stuff for the therapists to use to work with the kids. Plus it’s a nice 30 minute break every Monday (for us monday is the best day lol)

My son was exactly the same and I was so worried. But he’s 7 now and never stops talking :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: he eventually just started talking more clear at his own pace and never had to have speech therapy or anything!

My daughter is 4 in January and still babbles , cant string a sentence together, cant count , cant read , cant write but she has also been recently diagnosed autistic , shes starting speech therapy soon xx

My daughter barely spoke till after her third birthday… was the same, little things she’d say, but she’d mostly point at the things she’d want. She’s 5 next month and doesn’t stop talking now :sweat_smile: kids develop at different times, and it can take longer with only children aswell… Mention it to nursery or doctors if you’re still concerned though:) better safe than sorry

Dont compare him to other kids because it might just be his pace is a little different and that’s ok too but if your worried definitely talk to your pediatrician :sparkling_heart: I had 2 children with developmental speech delays and I had them evaluated and placed in a special preschool program starting at 3 years old- by the time they were in the 2nd grade both were discharged from all special education services and are 10 and 11 now and THRIVING in their regular classes right along with their peers :raised_hands: if your child is delayed then early intervention is key and it works absolute wonders! That said he might not be delayed at all just might not have real interest in saying things yet :slight_smile:


Dont worry… he’s developing at his own pace and there’s nothing to be worried about. My daughter is the same… she’s almost 4 now and has just recently started talking in full sentences. But she understands and learns more complicated things quicker than most kids her age. So dont worry… ur kid is amazing :kissing_heart::two_hearts:

Your sòn is perfect Mum . Enjoy his baby talk,its not going to happen in a few years. Not everyone is the same. It is about raising confident adults. My granddaughter is 2 and a bit . Speaks a little . We don’t care .

Do. Not. Compare. Your. Child. To. Others. I learned that awhile back. My 10 year old was speaking full sentences at 1.5, my 3 year old is just really starting to talk A LOT. I had my doctor tell me to put her in speech therapy at 2 years old because she wasn’t talking enough. I did not do that. I started picking up on the reading every night and pointing out random objects and making her say them back to me. Don’t stress about it. Kids learn and grow at their own pace. I’d say, just keep reading as much as possible with your little one and stay consistent with keeping their little brain working and you’ll be fine. It’ll happen one day out f no where and you won’t remember a time when they were quiet. Lmao. Good luck :smiling_face:


I would only be worried about him forming habits that are hard to break as far as sounding out words incorrectly. My son was in speech from 2-5 and it did nothing but help him. Speech can only help improve his speech. I would say definitely put him in speech therapy now and hopefully it’ll improve by the time he starts school. They’ll likely only see him once a week.

My 2 year old son knows very few words and babbles ALOT. We are going to be more concerned around 3. Maybe get him into speech so he will be ready for school!

My now 5 year old didn’t talk at all until he was 3.5 years old. He is still super hard to understand, but he’s getting there. He has been in speech therapy since he was 2. It’s called early intervention here

All children develop differently. But if you are worried, you can locate your school districts Parents as Teachers and they can evaluate your child and set him up with speech if needed. It is usually free, and the parents as teachers program is very beneficial. :blush:

My daughter is 30 months & she had lots of words when she was 1 and up until 18-20 months, now she just sounds out the words with her mouth closed- like a humming noise! She understands everything and points at everything she wants, she loves music and her hearing is perfect, it is very worrying as the speech therapist says we need to try more ‘one word’ approaches with her like ‘book’ etc, which we’ve been doing all the time! I hope the speech will come back for her again!

Does anyone else’s kid watch cartoons a lot? We’re cutting back on screen time lately and it’s still not encouraging her to open her mouth to talk instead of humming the words!

My grandsons have all been slow to talk. The middle (5 yo) started speach therapy at 3. The oldest (6 yo) will start this year. The youngest just turned 2, so they aren’t worried about him yet. You can go thru your local school system to see about testing him to see if he needs special help. Where I live the child has to be 3 to be tested.

When in doubt take him for an evaluation at speech therapy. My kid has been in speech therapy since he was 22 months, he is 5. If he has a issue the better you start the better off they will be.

Each child developes at their own pace. If you want though, you could try explaining to him to get his thoughts together before he talks. It comes out as babbling bc the words aren’t there and the thoughts aren’t fully processed. He knows what he wants to say, just doesn’t have the words yet. Slow and steady wins the race here. Tell him to slow down, and try to communicate clearly. Also try going over words with him. Things that are descriptive, and words that convey emotion bc a lot of times, kids tell you about what they saw and how it made them feel. If they have the words to go with the feeling it makes story time from a 3 yo much more fun.

I am a nationally certified speech-language pathologist. I have linked developmental norms for speech and language from the American Speech-Language and Hearing Association. It sounds like he has a speech-language delay. I would definitely talk to your pediatrician about being evaluated through your state’s early intervention program. Most of these programs age out at 3, but if he can get evaluated prior to his birthday, they can help with writing a treatment plan and transitioning him to enroll early into a preschool program to receive speech-language services once he turns 3. These early intervention services are free to you. Your pediatrician can also recommend private therapists in your area, which are often covered by insurance. Please don’t listen to those that say “they will talk when they are ready/in their own time”. While this may be true for some, there could be another component that could be causing the delay, such as a conductive hearing loss (especially if he has had frequent ear infections/fluid on the ears). There is a reason you have concerns and I would definitely follow up to rule out any underlying etiology. Research shows that children who receive early intervention services have the best outcomes as opposed to those that did not receive services until later. Good luck mama! Please feel free to dm me if you have any further questions

Kids go at their own pace but it could be a speech delay. My son was the same way. my niece is close to his age shes a bit younger than him and she spoke more clearly than my son could. His doctor said it was just a speech delay and the more we worked with him the better he got he still has some issues forming sentences correctly but he’s improving with speech therapy.

i was told with my kids, and now with my grandkids… if they have older siblings that will ( and not by you asking) speak for them, … they will not talk much… try one on one time with books, even while driving ask him what the item is at a stop light or sign. even sing silly songs with him that have works he can do … just doesnt alot… mine youngest grandson whom lives with me sings silly songs like blue light blue blue light… where is a blue light… or even red light turn green i want to go…

Every child is different, all learn at their own pace.

My best advice I can give you is use your head and take him to his pediatrician. They would definitely know if he was delayed and if you should be worried. If they are then follow the advice of a licensed professional.

My son is 3 and can only say 10 words. He know some sign language and will bring me to what he wants to show me

My grandson didn’t talk until he was 3. Now he never stops talking and is very bright. Don’t worry

Mine barely said anything then she turned 5 and hasnt stopped talking since… ever child developes different.

No need to worry my daughter who is now 5 just started talking right… they talk when they want just like the potty train when they want… no need to worry until school… what can help is head start and usually they can start at age 3

Hes a child. Don’t compare him to others. He will talk and do what he needs in his own time.

He is a boy! He will talk more when he is ready, then you will wish he was a bit more quiet! Relax mama.

My son absolutely refused to talk until he was almost 4. He babbled, pointed, and grunted. His Dr diagnosed him with The Lazy Boy Syndrome. He has an older sister who would talk for him, so he didn’t need to talk. I was told to just leave him alone. He did go to speech therapy for about 1 1/2 years to fix a couple of sounds he mispronounced. (It’s free through the public school system. Just ask his teacher to sign him up when he starts K5). That was years ago. He’s now 22. He graduated high school in the top 10% and 5 different honor society cords. Got a full academic scholarship to college where he just graduated with double majors and suma cum laude in both majors. Have his Dr evaluate him if that will ease your mind. If he has no other issues, I’m sure he’s fine. :+1:

consult with your pediatrician :white_heart:

Never compare children as each are far different. My son is almost 4 and still not talking fully. Kids will talk in their own time

All three of my children who are now in their 50s said there are so funny and when they got in the kindergarten they were getting speech therapy which I don’t think they need it because apparently my sisters have my little sisters have the same deal believe me it sounds like your kid is OK my oldest grandson didn’t really talk much until he was three I thought something was wrong with him but he is now 30 and he never shuts his mouth and he’s very right and so he’s a singer and musician

Please see your doctor or health visitor, not FB… X

have his hearing checked?

My son didn’t speak at all until he was over a year and half old, I queried this and was always told he’s fine it’ll come, then at 2 when he spoke we couldn’t understand much of what he said so we went to speech therapy and they said he’s fine and I was not happy with this so kept on at his health visitor but she said it’ll come n kept brushing me off, then at 3 when he started nursery and I heard other children his age talk I was even more concerned and spoke to his nursery they agreed and we fought so hard to get him help and seen he got sent for hearing tests incase that was the cause but all clear so he was referred for speech therapy but due to waiting lists he had to wait a year (primary 1) then due to covid he has had to wait another year and is now 5 (just going into primary 2) and his speech has improved but nowhere near where it should be and I just wish when I was asking for it someone listened as it’s defo affecting him at school so keep fighting and don’t listen to the ones who say oh it’ll come :roll_eyes:xx

Every child is different, my daughter didn’t speak till after she turned 3 and started preschool and now does not stop talking :blush: if you are that concerned though I would definitely speak to your Dr. and see what they recommend…

After doing a full hearing screen on my son who is 2 and discovering no hearing problems we started seeing a speech therapist for his delays. Take him in and make sure there’s not an underlying hearing issue causing the speech delay.

I had one that started full sentences by 20 months (she’s 21 now and hasn’t shut up since) My youngest didn’t start full Antananarivo until 3… they’re all different

I would take him to an ENT,( ear nose and throat) doctor. Just to be on the safe side

I’d definitely speak to your doctor, even if just for peace of mind. My son was similar. He had help from Speech and Language team, and his speech came quickly.

My 2 year old nephew can tell his mom that seven times six is forty two