Should I call the doctor about my baby?

Hello, I’m a first time mom and still trying to figure out whats normal and when to call the Dr.

My 9 month old son has been sick and every time he farts, the tiniest bit of poop comes out. My significant other thinks its funny and not to worry about but idk. Is it normal or should I call the Dr?

Any advice helps. Please only nice helpful answers :slightly_smiling_face:


Sounds pretty normal. Has he had any diarrhea or just soft stool? Might just be some hanging out that comes with the air pressure from the farts. I wouldn’t worry to much about it.

Babies cant control their muscles there yet. I say you have nothing to worry about. It is normal. When he has control over his muscles, it will no longer happen.

Nurses hotline, even if it’s just to give you a little piece of mind or they can let you know what other symptoms could arise just in case :blush:

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I always called when I was worried. It’s ok to worry and call your ped. That’s why they are there!

Lol my daughter is doing this now and shes 13months old. Shes getting over a little cold

Totally normal lol. Never seen a lady cross her legs to sneeze? Same principle but with urine lol.

Everytime my son farted a bit of poo came out. Like veryyyy less… most of times its stuck on him. Had to clean him 100x in the day because of this. He wasnt sick tho. It lasted couple of months. Its normal dont worry about it

My 4 month old poops a small amount every time he farts. Its normal
They have no control over those muscles yet

Lol poop coming out when he farts doesn’t sounds like anything to worry about. It’s probably just left over poop from the previous time he pooped.

lol its 100% normal. My son did that a lot to

Not something I would call the dr for.