Should I cancel my daughters birthday party?

I’m so sad. My daughter’s birthday party with her friends is Saturday at 3pm, but this afternoon (Thursday) she started throwing up every 30 minutes. How long does this typically last for a 5 year old? No fever or diarrhea (at least not yet). I will be beyond bummed, and so will she, if we have to cancel her party. When should I call it by if she’s not feeling better?


She probably has a 24 hour bug and will feel fine by Saturday BUT if she does she’s gonna be contagious for about a week and can still get everyone sick at the party. My little JUST had the 24 hr bug a week or so ago, she got it from her cousin and she had felt fine and hadn’t thrown up in 4 days by the time my daughter was around her and she still caught it.

I would reschedule it. You don’t want to risk other kids getting sick & if you tell her you’ll do it later it might soften the blow


It only lasted for about a day for my son, but other people in the household could become sick too.

It will last probably like a day , but everyone close to her might get it , even if she is good by Saturday she can pass it on to other kids , and that will not be cool .
I will not take that risk .
Do not cancel the party just tell her that you will postpone it for 1-2 weeks.
Get her a little cake so you can still sing happy birthday on her birthday day .


Cancel, chances are other people within household will become sick too

I would cancel. I know she will be bummed out but not worth getting some one else sick.


Just reschedule it my love. You don’t want to get all heither kids sick. Everyone will understand especially if you say she’s throwing up.

Reschedule don’t risk getting others sick I understand that’s it’s a child’s party however you could have it not know spread it around and infect dozens of people

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My girls had this lasted about 24 hours

It’s extremely contagious and she will be shedding the virus for around 3 weeks so careful handwashing after poops. Bleach everything you can! door handles, anything that came into contact with her. Regular household cleaners won’t kill it.