Should I continue dating someone I know doesn't want kids?

Move on unless you are willing not to have kids. That’s a big deal breaker. Doesn’t matter how good of a partner they could be if they dont want the same things. If he loves you and cares about what you want he would compromise. You dont want him regretting a decision either when it involves another life and a commitment you both would have. I personally wouldn’t stay. You can build a family with someone that wants what you want too. You don’t have to settle unless you choose to. It depends on on how much you want kids and dealing with the fact you may never with partner that don’t want any. You’re choice to make. I’ve seen things happen with some relatives. A woman that wanted a baby but the husband wanted to wait until they were financially stable. She is now in her early thirties and her husband is in his mid to late 30s with no kids. She left him. Dont waste your time if that’s what you want. Weeks of being together isnt long. She was with this man 10 years.

Love how people say wow a few weeks i don’t think she means right at this moment i think shes wanting at least 1 kid of her own in the future which is normal and well honestly this is something people should discuss before wasting to much time with someone that doesn’t want the same thing as you! So those rude comes could be done without for sure anyways my opinion is you should just be up front with him and tell him how you feel if he can’t see himself ever having at least one more child in the future than you should move on cause it will never work either you will end up resenting him for being the reason you cant experience motherhood or he will end up resenting you for forcing him into having another child. Best bet is to be up front and express to him that even though you think he’s a great guy that for you not having at least one child in the future of your own is a deal breaker and if he’s a decent man he should understand without being a jerk about it. Best of luck!

I think you should find a guy that wants the same goals as you rather than settling for a guy you just met essentially


Do you want to have children? If you do, and you know he does not, you are setting both of you up for heartache if you dont break it off now.


Nope, you’ll never forgive yourself for settling. Resentment will kill things later on, and it’s better to part ways this early on. I have a kiddo from a prior relationship and I dated a guy for a year when I knew he didn’t want to be a step-dad, and it was a great year for the three of us, but at the same time, it was a year of not moving forward with our lives.


My daughter’s dad was 42 when we had her. 35 is definitely not old

His choice definitely matters. You can’t and shouldn’t try to force him but you shouldn’t also settle if that’s not what you want too. It’s only been a couple weeks you said so maybe he could change his mind in the long run, but you probably don’t want to waste your time and nothing change. I would just give it a little because it’s fresh.


I would not waste my time with anyone who didnt want the same things out of life as me.


My bf didn’t want kids after telling me he did. When we first got together at 18 he said he eventually wanted to be married with children of his own. Second year he said he didn’t want kids of his own biologically but would like to adopt. Third year he flat out said he didn’t want kids at all. That entire year we would argue constantly with me saying it was something that I knew I wanted 100% and him saying that he didn’t and then “changing his mind” when I said i didn’t know how we could be together and last if we didn’t want the same end goals. Only for him to say the next day he was 100% against having kids again. Fourth year comes and I told him that I was ready to have kids with or without him and told him I was stopping my birth control. Once he realized I was serious he got super serious and said he always wanted kids but is terrified of the thought of being a dad. We were actively trying for that entire year and currently are pregnant


His choice does matter, but so does yours. If you continue with this you could end up wasting many years and building resentment only for it to end anyway. My grandmother always tells us, “Pick someone who is equally yolked.”


Have you never watched Friends? Be Monica and dump Richard. Find your Chandler.


You can’t change anyone, ever. If you stay with him, realize you will never have children and try not to resent him. If you break up after your child bearing years, your screwed.

I’d have a straight up conversation with him and see if that’s truly how he feels, or is that his early stage of dating stock answer?
If he doesn’t feel that if he is even open to the possibility of another child or two, you should believe him and find someone that does want the same things as you.
Resentment is a relationship killer.
My husband and I each had children of our own when we met. He said he was done having children, I was content having my child and we agreed not to have more together and wait to spoil grandkids.
Fast forward to a couple of months after we got married…he started hinting that he wanted to have a baby…our little one is almost 19 months old.

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You should find someone whos wants match your own. If he doesnt want kids he wont stay just bc they are born.
Edit** and you have NO right to try and froce him to be a dad if he doesnt want to be.

I’ve known a couple, the woman had a kid before they met and wanted more and he was much older and didn’t want one… idk how she got around it but they are happy without another so far. I guess she just decided that she has family anyway so it’s up to you guys to work it out together.

I am 22 weeks pregnant with my second son and feeling a life move inside of you is the most beautiful thing. It’s a gift and if it’s something you want to experience no relationship is worth missing out on that

He’s older and obviously knows what he wants so therefore why try and change him instead find a guy that has the same plans as you otherwise staying with him will just be regret and wasting both of your time and tricking him into it isn’t right so should just leave him and save your time

Leave now. I wasted 8 years old my life.

A few weeks? Umm, leave…

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If he already has kids and doesnt want more now, that’s his choice. His mind could change but that’s his way of saying he wants his life back.

27 and your still immature as fuck :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: youve only been dating a few weeks and your grilling him about kids damn. If i were him i would tell you i didnt want any kids to. Instead of a relationship you should seek out a therapist. Its disgusting you can say that you need to convince yourself his opinions matter, you dont deserve to be with him then. You must be just as crazy as you sound :face_with_raised_eyebrow: He knows his body and his life better than you do so how could you say his opinion on him having another kid doesnt matter because your baby hungry? You need help B


Huge decision to make for sure. You have to choose for yourself to give up your dream of having your own children for another person or to fall in love with someone who wants the same things in life. Your partner might be sweet, kind and loving but he has been honest with you right from the beginning that he does not want children. Time for you to be honest with yourself.

His choice does matter. Yours does, too. If you want kids in the future and he does not, then he is not the one for you and you are not the one for him. If you stay, then later down the line one of you will end up resenting the other. Either he resents you because you guys had a child that he didn’t want or you resent him because you guys never had children.

If you really want to have children, this man has told you that he’s not the one for you. Your happiness matters just as much as his does. You’ve been happy before meeting him, I promise you’ll be happy with someone else as well

Leave. It’s only been a few weeks, not that serious. My husband and I are 33 y.o. and we definitely don’t want anymore kids. So much, that he got a vasectomy. We love our kids, but 2 is enough. If someone says that they don’t want kids, they don’t want kids. Leave.

Do you want kids? If not then stay if yes then leave. Pretty simple answer… are you going to live your life full or regret when you look back not having kids?

Not going to kill you not to have kids just saying…sponsor a child overseas much better.

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If you want kids and he doesn’t well id say that would be a deal breaker. You can’t make him have more kids if he’s already made his mind up and if that would happen it would be pretty messed up. His choice does matter


If you want kids and he doesn’t. Leave. Not fair to either of you. Also saying “stay and convince myself his opinion matters to”. So you care not for his opinion.? Maybe you shoukd be single until you realize it takes 2 to make it work.


A few weeks?! Girl lol


If you want kids, then leave. Don’t waste time and get heart broken

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“convince. Myself his choice matters” ummm doesn’t it. He said he doesn’t want kids. Walk away. Find one who does. It’s been a few weeks “I like him” it’s time to let that man go and you go yours because every humans choice matters.


It’s not a nog deal if they don’t want kids

I would say it’s a deal breaker. If you really want to have children and he isn’t interested, it’ll be a constant battle. Be honest. If he’s 100% not interested in having kids and you are then it’s better to say goodbye now than be disappointed or regretful later.

You already answered your own question, in your post


I wouldn’t bank on changing him. And you don’t want him to resent you for making him have kids.

Thats a BIG life decision.

If you dont leave now will you have resentment? 99% chance the answer to that is YES.

Stay…guilt him forever because of it… not fair to him.

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My guy didn’t want kids when I met him. That changes a few years later. Here we are with two already and he wants a third lol

If your both really certain about what you want at least one of you will never be happy.

Why waste your time if you may want kids?

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His choice does matter. Why is that even a question.
If you’re okay with not having kids with him then stay. If not then leave.


He’s probably wanting to live his life instead of reproduce over and over and start from scratch. Can’t say I blame him haha.


I didn’t want kids when I met and married my husband and he did (we both knew how the other felt). We did a lot of arguing about it honestly. I eventually changed my mind. Now I have a beautiful and smart almost 3 year old and she is the absolute best little person ever!

If he does not want more kids then respect that and end the relationship.

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Mine didn’t want another kid and I wasn’t supposed to be able to have one. We have an oops baby together who is almost 2 and it’s been a little rough at times, so yeah. Find someone who wants kids if it’s important to you.

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I’m 33 and always said I didn’t want kids after 30 because for myself I would be too old and 2 days after my 30th…bam pregnant lol. If he feels he’s too old, don’t push it. It will only push him away imo

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Few weeks and he doesn’t want kids.? Leave … find someone that shares the same interests and goals in life. If you try to change him or force a child on him in the future you’ll regret it :100:


Deal breaker. You may love him but your desire to become a mother will make you resent him. Find someone who is a better match in life


My husband got fixed after his 2nd child. About 5 years later he met me, and a year later I was pregnant.

Goes to show you life will happen no matter how much you fight it.

He was convinced he wanted no more kids. Well the little sperm won. Our son is 4 years old :joy:

Chances are he’s not gonna change his mind! If you want kids he’s not gonna be the one. I’m not so sure about leaving the relationship it’s only been a few weeks.BUT he won’t change his mind just don’t stay in it thinking you can change it. It’s unfair to both of you!!

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I would discuss having an alternate relationship dynamic and put less emphasis on being entangled with finances, housing, etc. I would make sure you are on some sort of birth control and use condoms. I would also discuss what happens if you get pregnant, how would yall deal with it. That is if you want to keep hanging out with him. If he truly doesnt want kids, he should go get a vasectomy…

Umm, leave and I don’t say that just because you want different things but mostly I say it for his sake. You clearly don’t respect his wishes as you have to “convince” yourself that his opinion matters.
Shit, I hope he sees this and dumps you first,


I mean better getting it out in the open, the earlier the better… but who knows, maybe he will change his mind, or maybe you will :woman_shrugging:

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Having no kids/limit on kids isnt a bad thing

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I’m 27 and don’t want any more kids either lol

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Move on. Dont waste anymore time when youre on 2 different pages.

Definitely a dealbreaker imho. I’ll be 27 and my bf is gonna be 35 and he knew right from the get go I wanted at least one. He has a son from a previous relationship and he wasn’t sure if he wanted more. We talked about it for a good year of our relationship and there was a point where I wasn’t sure if we would continue the relationship bc I told him that no kids was my dealbreaker. We compromised and agreed on having one together when we are ready. But if your bf doesn’t want more and he’s hard set on it, it would honestly be for the best to find someone that does want kids, out of respect for you AND him.

My best friend is in this situation MOVE ON not everyone wants kids :woman_shrugging:

Also my fiancée and I had our 1st son when he was 40 :relaxed:

When in doubt throw him out🤷


I think I was okay ugh up until, you have to convince yourself that his choice matters too… because his choice DOES matter. Two people can have opposite opinions of things, and that is their right. It’s only been a few weeks, sometimes things change. But if it doesn’t and you still want kids and he doesn’t then perhaps it’s best just to be friends.


If you want kids and he doesn’t, it boils down to are you willing to go without ever having children to be with him?

This is exactly what dating is. You went out a while and realized you have a noncompromisable view on this topic. You want kids and he doesn’t. You’re both entitled to that decision. Find somebody with your same goals and preferences in life. You shouldn’t need to compromise on the BIG decisions in life like growing a family.


My dad was 42 when I was born… after my sister was born he didn’t want anymore but here I am :joy: … but if he’s adamant that he doesn’t want anymore and you do then you’re better off finding someone who wants kids… better now than years down the line and you’re balls deep in a relationship with him.

Thats a good reason to end a relationship. It will be harder in a few years when you hate him for ruining your hope and dreams of having more kids

my fiance is 36 and we are to have our 2nd child in august. that is not old at all, if anything that is the prime time for a man to have a baby. but if he truly doesnt want kids im sure he would make up any reason. i am 28 and will be 29 when baby is born.

When I met my husband almost 8 years ago he was divorced with 2 kids and in a group conversation he made the comment he’d never get married again or have anymore children!! He was very clear and very firm. A few months later we started dating and I assumed it wouldn’t go very far because I knew he didn’t want anymore children and I did because I didn’t have any and wanted them SO badly. Without discussing anything on the matter, just enjoying being together…I ended up pregnant (I was thrilled but terrified thinking I would be raising this baby alone) turns out he was compassionate and excited…7 years later we are celebrating our 6 years of marriage this April and we just had our 4th baby in December.
We didn’t plan or try to control anything, we just let life happen. Obviously not everything works out how we anticipate, sometimes it’s better, sometimes worse. Granted your boyfriend doesn’t have to carry a baby or give birth but I turned 35 in October and gave birth in December and I was definitely too old (my husband is 36) and it’s taking its toll on us😂

I hope all works out for you💞

WDYM “convince myself that his choice matters too”? :flushed:
His choice DOES matter! I think you need to reevaluate your views on other people’s feelings before you decide to have a child.


Leave. You’ll regret it someday.

Um honey HIS choice does matter 100%!!! You have no say in that. How would you like it if your choice was taken away?!? You wouldn’t. So find someone who has the same life goals. That’s not something small at all.

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The ladies who say your guy didn’t want kids either, my ex husband was the same. And we had two beautiful children together, however we were much younger and not 35. Now being 35, I get it if he doesn’t want kids at this point. I would move on, spending more time with him will make harder to move on. If it is meant to be he will have a change of heart and come back. If he doesn’t, hopefully you find a guy who wants kids! I seem to find all the ones who want kids and I want to be done, my tubes are tied.


Hes being honest. Respect that.


It depends on how great he is and how badly you want a baby. If he is as great as you say he is, then he’ll recognize what you need/want and both of you can reach a meeting of the minds. Whatever you do, don’t trick him!

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If you want different things and they are really life changing, you should move on and tell him why.

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“convince myself his choice matters”??? Wait, what?
One, just leave, he deserves better than someone who has to “convince themselves” that his choices matter.
Two, if you don’t have the empathy to already believe that other people’s choices matter, don’t have kids.


My husband has kids but i didnt and i wanted children he didnt want anymore something i was ok with i love my step kids and i have nephews and nieces for days well we got married and a year later welcomed our baby girl :grin: if you truely want kids you cant force him but id express to him its something you truely want btw im about to be 27 my husband is turning 34 he says he is to old also :joy::joy:

His choice does matter too. If you can’t come to an agreement you should break it off. Your choice matters and his choice matters. You should respect others choices as well, even if you don’t have the same outlook on having more children. It’s ok to find someone else who wants children. Its okay to have your preference. It’s also okay for him not to want any more children and that be his preference. Just my opinion.


When you say "i have to convince myself his choice matters too " it’s sounds like your ganna try no matter what . also of its only been a couple of weeks of dating I think you sound a tad bit crazy . what if in 5 years you decide you dont kids or what if he decides he does . people can change their minds but they have to be willing to change it not have someone persuade them .

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“Convince myself his choices matter too”?!:woman_facepalming:t2: girl leave that poor man alone and stay single until you change that selfish mentality.

?? If hes done having kids dont press it on him or “convince your self his opinion matters too” his opinion DOES matter. And frankly you’re selfish to stay with him if you’re the only one who wants kids.

If you want more kids and he’s not down for that either accept that or move on.

“Find a way to convince myself his choice matters too”
You are a horrible, selfish person and I hope he leaves your ass high and dry!