Should I drop the child support case against my ex?

If he’s on drugs he shouldn’t be around your child if he’s not working he can’t help you anyway let him and his money go you are not enabling him your looking out for your child

You drop the CS his parents may stop helping you too since they now know nothings going to happen to him. He needs to pull up his big boy pants and take responsibility… HE’S PLAYING YOU…

He needs to get a job and grow up, yes you would be enabling him so again I say no.

Do not drop it! As my attorney told my ex when he asked why should he have to pay child support for the kids since She’s moved in with someone else? “because god dammit you helped bring those kids into this world you dam well are gonna help support them” !!! For years he would be behind and I would get his tax return and he did the same thing begged me to stop the collection process told him it will stop when our last child of three turns 18. So stick to it girl.!

If he hasn’t worked in years He won’t get a stimulus check

Keep it on. My daughter’s dad was only around to try to get with me the first couple years she was born… She’s 11… Doesn’t want to be in our life unless we are together. I don’t want his $ but he is her father. And he doesn’t pay anyway so it’s his own fault and with that comes consequences.

I paod cs for years. I never asked to get it dropped or reduced. I didnt need to. I habe 5 additional children. Sure i had plenty of times i didn’t pay due to medical issues being off work my child is now 18 and I really only owe $90 and thats for adminsitrative fees not actual cs. Dont drop it. Your child needs that money. If nothing else put it up for colledge but dont give in to a drug addict.

Absolutely not.Thats your daughters money dont do it.Now once my ex was 3000 behind and sent me 2500 i sent him back 500 so he could send back to me so he wouldnt go to jail.So mayb something likecthat but dont drop it

He needs to be accountable, but whatever decision you make is yours.

He will never look out for his daughter so let the state take care of it. Don"t make it ok for him to be a deadbeat Dad.

Even if you do drop the case
He still won’t get the check .
It was taken for back payment .
An if they do another one he won’t get that either.
Or federal income tax.

Are his parents pressuring you to drop it? This decision is yours for the betterment of your child…have you sought legal counsel? Have you sought christian counsel? Somehow facebook counsel is not the answer…to me…its about what is best for your child…only you can figure it out oncecyou seek professional help to do so…just my thoughts…and truly they really dont matter…prayer up.

My daughter stopped the child support for my granddaughter only because it has been a year since they have heard from the sperm donor… the 15 dollars every 2 weeks was not worth having him in her life.

There were no strings attached to the stimulus checks. Somebody’s not telling the truth.

Don’t drop it

Keep it going

If he wants the debt gone he needs to man up and help support the child he created

He hasn’t paid in 10 years…don’t drop anything. If he actually had paid support and was in dire straits because of the pandemic maybe but, he has already proven he is a cad.

Nope don’t drop the case. I thought I was being nice by not getting child support when my son was born then his Dad got Married Bought a house and had a set of twins and also raised his wife’s daughter. While we were struggling on only my income and my son had Autism and it was very difficult. When my son was 15 I broke down and went for Child Support. He fought me every step of the way put his house in his parents name and although he was working and making money he told the court he had no job or money and wanted DNA test. 99.9%. He only had to pay 250 a month and didn’t even pay that so yes the income tax was taken from him until my son was 21. He even tried to convince me to let him sign papers to take him off as his parent. Nope that Man and his whole family abandoned my son emotionally and financially. They thought I was some foolish woman and would let it go not me and never again would they not give my son his support. I should go back and sue him for 15 years of the support he didn’t pay from the time my Son was born. I just might.

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If you been receiving monies from government for support you can’t drop it they won’t drop it out of your hands we tax payers paid it already we want our money back

No don’t drop… it’s time for him to grow up…he will spend it all on drugs

Dont give in at all, they want you to feel sorry them. You and your child need to survive. This is first. You drop the case and guess what you drop getting any help too. Been there had my custody stolen by the ex

Drop the case you will never get a dime from him. Someday he might wake up & smell the roses hopefully the grandparents will help out. Best of luck to you & your daughter.

Absolutely not
On drugs
Never paid a dime

That stimulus check doesn’t belong to him, it’s money he owes. Tell him to stop calling or he’ll have more charges against him brought.

It’s time to grow the hell up

Don’t drop the CS case. You’ll just be an enabler. If the state takes his money, so be it. You’re entitled to that money. Don’t give in. Stand your ground.

Do not drop your case if he can’t help his helpless child you do not need to in able him YOUR CHILD comes first

Would he drop it if you were suppose to be paying him? Probably not. I wouldn’t. Time for him to grow up.

Get the check and pay for his child’s needs,you as the caring parent owe her all you can give.her needs must come before his.

No do not drop it, you will just enable him more. Your case is NOT what keeps him from working. His parents know he is a loser and are not going to be angry with you, you OWE it to your daughter and his parents to try apply this pressure for him to start living right. Obviously his parents have no influence on him.

A real man would own up to his responsibilities n pay child support. He layed down with you why should you be the only one to be responsible

Do not drop it they will send you that money as back pay for his child support. If you drop it you will never see a penny from him. your daughter is still young and they need so many things at those ages.

Don’t drop it he wants that check for drugs he needs to quit being a dead beat dad and get help and be their for his daughter and his parents need to quit giving him money his parents need to do tough love with him and cut him off.anyways he could get a job he could ride the bus. Or bicycle to work u don’t need a car

I wouldn’t. What is he going to do with his stimulus check? Is he going to use it to help his daughter or is he going to use it to buy drugs? That should be your answer right there.

don’t drop it, you will regret it later. He’s a deadbeat dad and he needs to step up.

It’s a no brainer keep the pos on child support. You shouldn’t have to feel bad for him, he didn’t.

Do not drop it…maybe if he was caught up, it wouldnt be an issue. It’s his fault.

No don’t drop let him grow up that stimulus check should be hers anyway.if he’s doing drugs your just helping him get more when money should helping with what she wants

Noooo!!! Let him learn the consequences of his actions. It is not your fault he refuses to fulfill his responsibilities and you would be shortchanging yourself by dropping the case and letting him off easy.

I say don’t drop it…the government will give you money when they can…plus why should you be nice he isn’t being nice block his number

No if id money for a good lawyer i wouldve went after my ex for back support he owes for my kid but he didnt want to b a part of my sons life just sit in the bar so i just didnt want to have him in our lives to keep buggin me anyway

Do not drop anything…its time for him to grow up

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In my opinion, don’t drop it! You are going to have lots more issues with your daughter as she gets older (i have a grown daughter who’s father was not in her life). If you are able to get money at some point from her, it will be very helpful.

You know in your heart that he will use the check funds to feed his habit. Not my place to say but you asked… use any money you receive to better your daughter’s life. I know from experience that a “sperm donor” is just that and will never step up to do right by his child. I wish the best for you and your daughter :pray:t2::pray:t2:

Its really up to you.You must be feeling guilty but dont you are raising his daughter and thats not an easy job! She deserves better! What a dead beat dad!

DO NOT… Drop that charge. And I truly hope his parents back you up on this.

What’s done is done but we must watch for red flags he didn’t want to be a dad anyway he can’t pay if he’s in jail so just put in God hands

do not drop it. it’s about your child being about to do cheer or have something vs not. hes grown let him deal with it

Don’t drop it. He helped make that Baby, he should help support her! It’s called adulthood and responsibility.

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Well if he goes to jail you still won’t get any child support. So I think maybe talk to him about it since his parent’s buy most everything.

If you say he’s a drug addict that is why he wants you to drop the case so he can get that stimulus money to put into his body if you give him that money your daughter might lose a father if something bad happened. I hope not but just saying you have to think of it like that to you may be saving his life by not dropping the case

DON’T. You’ll be sorry later. I believe when your child turns 18 she can sue him for back support.
His parents didn’t do a lot for my daughter. Thank God for my folks.

I don’t like to be ruthless and inhuman. My customer owed a lot in child support. He never sees his tax refund let alone his stimulus check. He is hurting but he admits to his mistakes of owing too much but he has accepted it and he is working (part time). Sometimes, you have to live and learn and man up to this. No. When you drop the case, means you’re cutting him loose to his financial obligations towards his kid. I wouldn’t do it. Sorry. I wish you guys well.

Do not drop the case. Its not your fault he wont support her. Your child needs that money more than he does.

They dont suspend the license immediately. He had to have gone a long period of time without paying before that happened. Dont drop it.

Don’t drop it. When he starts getting disability for his drug use, they will garnish it and you will start getting some of your money back. Even after your child is an adult. I did.

Keep things the way they are. Seems he has been given handouts all his life. He has to sink before he swims.

How is he going to get the stimulus check back??? Didn’t they give it to you for back child support?? I wouldn’t drop it. It belongs to your daughter.

All cases are different and it is truly up to you to do best for your family.

This being said what you are saying… I would not… but there are always more too the story

This is mine… My hubby and I have 4 kids. He took off on me. I took him for support. He left the area quitting his job. He lost the new one. Wasn’t happy where he was now and missed our kids. He came back got his old job back that paid more. I could have took him for money. He had to wait until they started all the new workers. By this time he was out of work for about 3 months. I got a letter stating they were going to take his driver’s license. A few days later we were talking about kids school and him seeing them. He asked about dropping it so he had away to keep his driver’s license so he could have a way to get to work. I thought about it for a while. I made a agreement with him that he had to help with kids and I would stop it. Because if he didn’t drive he didn’t work. He would see the kids because he couldn’t which is the most important thing. So I stopped it. I was told at anytime I want to start it again I can but I can’t get anything of the back support. He has been helping me with anything I need with our kids. It worked great for me. Everyone is different.

No do not drop it. Having been a single parent I started getting cs after they turned 20 when he got ss. He asks me still to drop. Said no you bent over backwards to give 2nd wife 600 a month for 2 boys and I get 200 for 2; nope not going to happen. Still years behind

Don’t fall for his pity story. He needs to grow up and accept responsibility for,his child and his own life.

Do not drop the case it doesn’t prevent him from getting a job he is just using that as an excuse for not getting a job

Don’t drop the case you need to send him a message and make him understand that it’s his job to be a father not his parents job good luck

They will still take it for back support. Don’t do it.

Don’t drop the child support, government doing that. Whoever owes , not getting a stimulus check.

I would say it’s better to get along with your ex because u have a child with him… teach that child to love
Instead of hate… that child will grow to be a better person… do unto others as you would want done unto you… good luck

Do not drop that case! Your situation sounds a lot like mine years ago.

Hard to say but personaly I would not, his parents need to stop enabling him let him hit rock bottom so he will get help and turn his life around.

In most States you can’t drop the case. The State will pursue it.

Do not drop it!!! My sons dad took till my son was 13 to get his head out of his ass but now my son is 20 and his dad is still paying and prob will till he dies he’s back 50,000. But is somewhat still in his sons life so that’s a positive

Even if you did drop it and he did get the stimulus back. He would just use it for drugs if he is an addict. Make to
Where the money goes straight the kid and drop the case after that.

No! He is her father and should support her. Would you ask if you could just drop being her mom because it’s hard to support her? No you wouldn’t. Why should he just get to stop having the responsibility of supporting his child because he thinks it’s too hard for him?

No you shouldn’t drop it. It’s not about him or you. It’s about your daughter and her getting what she deserves and what he is responsible for. You both created the child. He may not think so but he owes her. If he doesn’t pay and goes to jail that’s his fault. Don’t do it.

When you sleep with a lazy no good for nothing bum what did you expect?he will never ever change. Time to realize he has always been this way and will not change. Stop the call case only after he agrees to never see his child, not even at moms or dads. He cares nothing about her and never will but he loves the money and care his parents give. If she’s at grandparents then he can not be.

It sounds as if he’s a dual diagnosis I would start there

If he had paid it and not got behind he would of got it. His fault for not paying

No! He’s irresponsible! Maybe he’ll learn from this! Why would you deny what she deserves?

No i wouldn’t. The child is just as much his responsibility.

This is what I told my ex “this is your flesh and blood and you will pay till the day he turns 18 or the day you die which ever comes first. I don’t care if it’s a penny a week.If he paid it to begin with he would have kept his license

If he is on drugs, time in jail will clear his body and mind of all drugs. As a retired drug and alcohol counselor, I heard many times, “Jail saved my life”

Do not drop the case. He could get a job but won’t because he would not get a full check

No ! It’s not his parents place to raise his daughter !! We laughed when we knew my daughter ex wasn’t getting one !! Her husband now just adopted her 2 kids !! The ex didn’t even fight it !!!

No dropping the case it’s his child he needs to step up and be a dad

Just running it thru your mind shows your big heart. My opinion only, don’t drop anything. He’ll find money for anything he wants, let him find a dollar for his daughter. My husband married me when we were 16. He can be an ass, but he has always taken care of us.

Nope he should of taken responsibility before he got into this situation why should you not get what your daughter deserves

I know where your coming from I also had to make this decision BUT think what would he do with the money buy drugs booze so by taking it your really helping him. Maybe keeping him from overdose driving drunk or just throwing away money that your daughter could use for college.

No. He is still required to pay back support

Dont drop it’s his place not his parents it’s better for him to go to jail and be safe than on street not knowing if hes going to OD

NO DO NOT DROP IT. He fathered the baby its his responsibility too! That baby needs stuff!

Don’t drop it I’ve got a 21 year old granddaughter and her dad or grandparents have never helped 1 bit I asked him to help her get a car so I wouldn’t have to take her every where and the loser blocked me he also blocked her . They need to start being responsible if not let him set in jail

He is where HE put himself, not you. Do not back down or you lose any chance of getting help for your daughter! She comes first.

No! He needs to pay it. Speaking from a child that’s father never paid a dime and a mother who worked her butt off to take care of 4 children. Do not drop it

Do not drop it.if he is doing drugs that’s what he would use the money for.Your child needs it more than he does for sure

Don’t drop it. That is his responsibility too. He needs to grow up

So you’re going to drop the child support so that he can get the stimulus money to spend on DRUGS? UNBELIEVABLE

If he was on schedule they wouldn’t have taken it!!!

no, he wants the stimulus check for drugs. just keep moving on.

As you say he hasn’t helped you or given you money. At this stage do you really see that changing? I don’t think at this point it will. Also I doubt he would get the simulus check back that should have already been given to you. Secondly if you receive help from his parents and they still help him then by dropping it you give him the chance he claims he needs to get a job so let him go get a job. Tell him he has 1 year to get a job and willingly start paying you. If not just go file against him again. You look good to his parents for giving him a chance, he has a chance to show he can grow up, and best case your daughter has a working dad. Worse case he doesn’t get a job which shows his parents he will never grow up and maybe they will stop enabling him and you file again and he loses his license and it’s on him not you. Especially if you file for food stamps the government goes after him not you so your not the bad guy in anyone’s eyes. Because you can be sure it will come out later to your daughter that he couldn’t work because of you. And this course shows everyone his date is his own fault

No way!! You will probably never get a dime out of him but let him go to jail. She is his responsibility also.

I would not drop it. But you have to do what’s best for you and your daughter. If he’s not paying anyway…then peace in your life might be all you can ever get.

No his child his responsibility not his parents that’s not fair to your daughter and so what if he goes to jail he should not get a stimulus if hes not worked

Do NOT drop the case! He’s guilting you cuz he sure wasn’t worried before!

Why would you even think about dropping it? You are right, you will be enabling him! Stand up for yourself and your daughter!