Hi, I’m a 3rd time mom and I’m currently 17 weeks pregnant and I’m high risk and on progesterone pills and I’ve only seen my doctor 2 times every 4 weeks and with my 2nd child I was seen more frequently and I have yet had my anatomy scan done but they did do the nipt testing…should I try to find a new OB? 
You’re being seen regularly and getting testing, so what’s wrong?
Seems normal. And anatomy scan is typically a 20 week thing. You seem to be unreasonable. Unless something is wrong why do you need it early or see dr more often?
All of my pregnancies have been high risk and they do not see you more than once a month until you are past 24 weeks. That is very normal. The anatomy scan can be done between 18 and 22 weeks.
Unless something is super wrong, why do you need to be seen more often? Do you just have a stash of cash that you’re willing to part with or something? 
I’m going off what you posted only so I know I don’t have all the details. 3rd pregnancy 32wks here. If you don’t like the OB in general or feel like they do not listen to your requests switch. No one will advocate for you, you need to bring up your concerns to the OB so they know you are uncomfortable with the care you’re receiving.
My OB communicated how often my appointments would be at my first appointment(monthly for 3, every two weeks, then weekly after 35wks) and that I can call any time with concerns. I was worried about some spotting one morning and they had me in office, checked vitals etc, and did an ultrasound to confirm no issues with the placenta. No questions asked just happy to make sure baby was okay.
They way I read “2 times every 4 weeks” is you see your doctor every other week how often are you wanting to see the doctor? Can you ask your doctor to schedule you weekly or more often than 2x in 4weeks? You should be able to call day or night if anything concerning happens or if you are concerned about dosages of medications or symptoms you have.
Is there anything at the appointment they do that you’re wanting done more often? My appointments seem like we just do blood pressure, fetal tones, and urine. Personally weekly appointments are hard packing up the big siblings and having them sit when seeing the dr is such a short visit. Maybe discussing with Dr you can come up with plans of how to help you feel more at ease in between appointments.
All three of my anatomy scans were done at 20 weeks no sooner so baby was large enough to see all structures clearly. By that count you still have three weeks. If you have concerns about baby bring them up to your doctor and I’m sure you can find common ground. Good OBs will work with you, if not look into others.
Good luck! Hope you and your OB can get on the same page or you can find one that can support you in what you are wanting for this pregnancy.
I usually say yes…mine was very uncommunactive with me with some issues I had. I actually technically had two and they both were. I suggest you do but to peoples point, thats not that long between appoitnments at that stage,are you asking to be seen more often, for a reason or need more communication between the ultrasound and their appointments?
Anatomy scans happen around 20w even high risk. Sounds like you’re bring seen normal amount. You’ll more likely be seen more later on. But I have placenta abruptions so all they really watch is my blood pressure and I can do a lot of that at home.
possibly. I’d be careful on those meds too if your having a boy… look it up. be safe
That’s a normal amount of visits. Both mine were high risk and I even went on bed rest for a month with my first.
You won’t see doctor more than 1x a month on average until the last 2-3 months.
Anatomy scans were at 20w for both mine, which is pretty standard. Yeah some doctors do it earlier but not all of them.