Should I get a membrane sweep?

I am 38+3. 3cm dilated 70%effaced and shes at a -3 position. I got offered to do a membrane sweep at my next appt. Any tips? Should I go for it? Any advice from someone who experienced it??


I had no issues from getting it done but I had needed to be induced anyway

Just let nature take its course naturally!

I did it a week before induction, and by Saturday I was in labor from walking around. Had no issues with it!

I had it done with my daughter at 38 and it was fine I gave birth two days later

It’s not a guarantee to work, but it can help you make progress as far as dilation and such anyways. I had it done both of my pregnancies; first ended up in induction, second I went into labor a little over 24 hours after my sweep. I’m not sure I can say the sweep did the trick because I’d been in early labor for 2 weeks as is. Lol they are uncomfortable and slightly painful, spotting/light bleeding is normal after, cramps/light contractions at first as well.

I had it done with my 2nd and she came that night/early morning.

I had it done, pretty sure it didn’t work. He came a day early. Membrane sweep isn’t pleasant though

I did with my last one then walked around a few stores and was in labor lol

I had my cervix stretched with my younger one now that hirts

I had it done with my second pregnancy and I started having contractions a couple hours later and was in the hospital and then I had it done with my last pregnancy and had contractions a couple hrs later and they lasted a couple hrs and then stopped. It didn’t hurt, I wasn’t crampy it didn’t hurt to pee, no nothing. Just brings on your contractions

Nah. Baby will come when she wants to!

Its not always painful, I’ve had it done twice and didn’t feel it. Once at 39 weeks, and once at 38. I went into labor within 48 hours both times.

It’s not worth it to be honest. It’s super uncomfortable and sometimes it doesn’t even do anything to get things going! I had two done with my second born and it didn’t do anything!


Had it done at 37 weeks because he was my 4th baby, possibly 9 pounds and I wanted a VBAC. It’s not the most comfortable thing but it wasn’t awful and I had him 7 hours later. Trust your gut and if your dr is ok with it then it will be ok.

It was uncomfortable and painful, but it did help speed up the delivery process for me.

It’s incredibly painful and it doesn’t work a lot of the time. I’d pass.

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Honestly unless your body is about to pop into labor already it’s not going to help. I had similar numbers as you for my oldest and had 3 done. He came on his own on his due date.

Youngest they did was them aggressively bc we already knew baby would be big and no dice. Went into labor the night before my induction.

If you do it wear a pantyliner in case of any bleeding.

It won’t hurt if u do if it wasn’t safe then a doctor wouldn’t offer it

I did because my blood pressure was high the day of my appointment. I didn’t feel a thing and went into labor same day.

It’s not guaranteed to work (didn’t work for me)
It made me very sore, and bleed.

I am a yes. Had it done and had both babies the next night. I don’t remember it hurting. Uncomfortable yes. I went home and had sex :laughing:

No! It will hurt and make you cramp every time you pee. I hated it and never let it happen again. Oh, I bled a bit too.


No. Just allow your body to move at the rate it knows it should. You’re not late. Unless there’s a medical reason you shouldn’t be carrying to 40w and need to induce asap.


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I got it done with my 3rd baby. It was really uncomfortable, but I’m also not good with pain of any kind :joy:
I got it done 2:15pm by 3/4 I wasn’t feeling the best almost like I was sick. I felt a bit crampy, by 1130pm I started contracting, 1230 we were in our way to hospital by 3 baby was here.
I would like to mention baby didn’t like it, he turned but was still head down which caused the cord to wrap around his neck and almost resulted in an emergency section :melting_face: if I can avoid it this time round I’m going to lol