Should I start giving my 8 month old a pacifier? She used it the first few days of her life and then didn’t like it anymore. She’s been crying and crying and crying and I’m just overwhelmed at this point.
Offer her a small lovey or stuffed animal for comfort. Try a teething chew to see if that helps
I wouldn’t why start a habit , that sometimes is like pulling teeth to break .
Camilia drops for teething
Don’t force it back if doesn’t want it. it will be hard to break if teething find baby Orajel or something or teething ring
Give it to her if she wants it.
There’s nothing wrong with a pacifier.
Don’t let anyone make you feel guilty for it.
It won’t hurt her.
Hang in there mama. Some days are harder than others but remember this too shall pass.
I wouldn’t start that habit at 8 months old. Most likely, she is teething. Just invest in some teething toys. Baby Orajel will also help and you can alternate Tylenol and Motrin for pain.
No, turn on some music, rub her temples
Is she teething? Maybe that’s why she’s crying
My 7 month old had never had or wanted a binky, she was breastfed and I was her binky. I got septic mastitis that required surgery and a 2 week hospital stay so she had to immediately go to a bottle and formula (she had never taken a bottle either)
We gave her a binky, she only used it till she was 1, but it brought back the comfort she was missing from the boob and helped immensely. I say Try it! They can be really helpful
You can try, my last daughter didn’t use one, she is my only thumb sucker she has a little unicorn with a blanket that she loves and takes everywhere. I think she started liking that thing about 6 to 8 months. See if there is something she likes and wants to have with her, check for teeth coming in too. My first and last kids got cranky and cried for no reason when their teeth were coming in. Good luck momma:grin:
I’d say try it, there’s a chance she won’t like it anyways and if she does hopefully you’ll get a break! It may be a bit harder to take from her because you are giving to her when some people start to take them away, but honestly who cares. My son had his till he was two and his teeth are fine and so is he
I would say no. But i personally don’t like them for my babies. Do what works for you tho
I say no because why start a habit that’s hard to break over something that could be solved by a teether or something else? Look deeper than just the cries hope all is well
Maybe some teething toys
If it works for you and little one, do it
I would say no… start a habit you’ll have to break…
Mama, only you can decide that. You’re the 1 dealing with her constant crying. If her needs are met & she just cries it’s probably because she hasn’t learned to self calm yet. A paci can help her.