I am trying to decide if I should have another c section or try for a Vbac. My firstborn was a C section after 30 hours of labor. She was face up and got stuck. At 35 weeks, I just found out my 2nd is also face up. My Dr. is fine with my trying even with her position as she can still turn facedown during labor. I just want to know if any other moms had a similar situation or had a Vbac. Are you glad you did, or did you regret it? My husband and I are giving ourselves a week to think it over before we make a decision. Our ultrasound to see how big she is will be next week also. TIA.
Girl i would try natural first
In my opinion a vaginal birth is better. My first was a c section. For my second I tried to have her vaginally but, it didn’t happen. I say try but, make sure you are well monitored. Good luck!
My last guy was face up and stuck … they vacced him for like maybe 2 minutes boom he was out… after hours of me saying i cant do this on my own like i need help … i was right … 2 pushes and it was done
I opted for a second c-section. I figured I’d stick with what I knew!
I had 1 vag 1 emergency c and then 2 scheduled c sections. I loved knowing when everything was going to happen. I knew what to expect and when it would happen. I 100% say c section
I had an emergency c with my first who was sunny side up and stuck…went on 2 have 2 successful VBACS. Always try for the vbac much easier in you and the child much healthier and if they NEED to they can c section you but if you schedule a c section you’ll never have a natural child birth for sure
My 3rd and 4th were face up VCAC’s. They both turned over in time. My first was face up and delivered face up vaginally but had to be suctioned out.
My little guy was face up and they got him turned before I started pushing. My 2 before were normal births though they turned at 39 weeks so I didnt have to have a c section prior. Whatever is going to make you feel more at ease going into it! Its your birth experience not anybody else’s
I had my son vaginal took like 36 hours and my daughter vaginal after only 5 hours. My daughter in law had 4 c sections doctor tell her since she had c section she had to keep having c sections and she wanted so bad to see what it was like vaginal. I think vaginal is better every one should experience it at least 1 time
I had 2 vbacs after my emergency c-section. For me it was the best decision. It took months for me to heal, and not be in pain after my c-section, but after my vbacs I was pretty much healed and pain free within a little over a week at most.
In the end, you need to make the choice that’s best for you, and baby. Good luck!
Wait until you go into labor. You don’t have to schedule it. If you go in and baby is face up tell them to cut you
My sister had a horrible experience with vbac it literally pulled her insides out with the baby. She couldn’t walk or sit up for about week and was in a lot of pain. Everyone’s experience is different tho. Good luck!
I choose a second c section because I knew what the process was and it was quick painful but quick I’m due December 23 with my third and final baby and I will be having another c section
Trust your gut and do what u feel most comfortable. I opted for a second csection and the dr told me he was glad I did because my uterus was so thin it would’ve ruptured during birth
I had my 4th child via VBAC and I’m so glad I tried and accomplished. With my 3 previous deliveries 2 of them I labored for 30+ hours and the 3rd was a scheduled c-section at 38 weeks resulting in my daughter being born with RDS, Respiratory Distress Syndrome. After that happened, I asked my ob-gyn about trying for a VBAC with what would be my last pregnancy and we agreed that I would labor for 10 hours and if nothing happened it would be a repeat c-section
Well, 9 hours and 49 minutes later I welcomed a 10 lbs. 6 oz healthy boy
Same here. Did vbac twice. Second labor was about 5 hours, third was less than 2! Much easier recoveries for natural deliveries.
Tried Vbac for hours until his heart rate dropped too low and cord got caught around his neck, had to have 2nd emergency c section.
I ammm soooo happy I had my vbac in may…same exact situation with my 1st baby was in labor for over 60 hours and she flipped and was in distress so had emergency c-section. I had my son in May and he was actually sunny side up as well but he came right out. It was so amazing and not as painful. My c-section was horrible.
There’s no shame in multiple csections, all that matters is a healthy babe and mama! I had two csections and I’m about a week and a half away from my third one. I was given the option for a vbac this time but decided to stick with another csection. Congratulations!
I would try V-BAC
Mine was fine after a C-Section
Recovery time was so much better
I have 5 babies and only my first was C-section. It has been 17years and the scar is still so itchy and tender some days, I won’t do it again. But I’ll be due with my 6th end of this year and vaginal is what I’m going for as the healing process is so much quicker than that of a C-section!
I think if the baby has turn face down at your next ultrasound then try for the vbac. If not I would go for the csection. You don’t want to go through labor and end up needing an emergency csection. An emergency csection is much harder on your body than a scheduled one.
Do what you feel is right in your heart. If the medical professionals say it is safe to do a VBAC go for it! Wishing you the best!!
All 4 of mine were natural births but my last one 4 days ago was facing the wrong way, 35hrs of labour and me screaming and begging for a c sec I managed to push him out but was very painful and traumatic for both of us. Bub had lots of bruising on his face and it’s been a hard recovery so far for me
I had a successful vbac after my first pregnancy was an emergency c section was in labor for 49 hours then baby got stressed. But my 2nd was a vbac and was great, recovery was 10x easier. Im going for my 2nd vbac in October with baby no.3!
For me, I wish I had a 2nd C Section instead of trying. My baby and I went through hellish labor, all for nothing. I ended up with a 2nd C Section anyway…
You can save this decision for later and weigh your options for what personally feels best for you and baby. No ones experiences will be entirely like yours. My story: I had an emergency csection due to losing to much blood during a placenta abruption. I lost my baby. 2 years later I got the option to have a vbac (induced) or repeat csection. At 37w4d I was told it was time to have baby so that I wouldn’t have another placenta abruption. I was told if i would induce it would be slow because baby was small and my cervix wasnt dilated. I chose repeat csection so that i wouldn’t stress baby out too much and am very thankful I did because she had a short cord, which could have meant if pulled off the uterus my rainbow could have suffered the same fate as my angel. Or my cervix wouldn’t have dilated at all and I would have ended up with a csection anyway.
I had emergency c-section with my first
With my sec had a vback and had a 3degree tear and on going problems with incontinence
I wished I had a csection with my second
I had 4 C sections… 1st time I wouldn’t dilate past a 2 after 20 hours so we did a C section. He was over 9 pounds. The other 3 I chose to have cesarean so I could choose the date and have arrangements for my older kids. My second was 10 pound baby and probly would have needed a C section anyway. My third was the only one I had any trouble with… just a slight infection after about 2 weeks at the incision.
I can’t answer the c-section/vbac question but 1st baby was born face up and I ended up with 2nd degree tear, baby number 4 was also face up but decided to turn at the very last minute during pushing stage still ended up tearing but not as bad as the first time.
My son was face up at my 40 week appointment and at 41 weeks. When he was delivered at 41 weeks and 2 days, he was face down. Baby should turn over when baby is ready to be born, so it’s not necessary to skip out trying to have a vaginal birth because of baby’s position this far from delivery.
Ive only heard good things about vbacs. If your doctor says its safe it doesnt hurt to try! I have to get my second csection in 12 days and originally wanted to do a vbac but my doctor doesnt do them and i didnt want to change doctors.
My third was an emergency c section bc she wrapped the cord and my fourth was an easy Vbac no issues.
I had a vbac with this exact position. It was hard, really hard. But she came out fine and I only needed a few stitches after. Just do all the recommendations your Dr gives you. Have them set up the c section stuff just in case. That’s what I did and even though we didn’t need the c section stuff it was reassuring to know things were ready in case I needed it.
I almost had a c-section twice (out of six pregnancies/deliveries). I’ve always thought that it was better to have them all the same way, I wouldn’t mess up two parts of my body if I didn’t have to?! I am speaking as someone who hasn’t had a c-section, obviously. Vaginal births are pretty intense and with tearing and episiotomies and such, I’d have another c-section I am pretty sure?! Best wishes to you.
I had a VBAC years ago, and in terms of recovery time & discomfort, I definitely recommend VBAC. If your baby doesn’t turn, they can always go ahead and do c-section. I couldn’t believe the difference in how I felt almost immediately after delivery vs several weeks after c-section.
I ended up having a second C-section after my first was an emergency C-section. All I can say is that a c-section without laboring is much easier to recover from. Can’t speak for the VBAC though…wish I could.
2 c-sections and then VBAC. So glad I could experience it. Not always once a c-section always a c- section
My 2nd c section was scheduled and immensely better than my first… after over 45 hours in labor. Nuts!
My practice wouldn’t do a vbac but I was happy to schedule my csection after the way I was treated the first time around. Good luck!!! Congratulations!
Go to a Chiropracticer for the baby to flip. I suggest vbac, baby! You can do it! Not every pregnancy is the same. Docs want that extra $$$ for the c-section. Good luck on whichever one you choose momma!
Baby will flip don’t worry.
When I went into labor with my first child they thought she was breech at first then realized that she was face up. They still had me deliver her vaginally. She was fine I just had to be extra careful with holding her neck because of the position she was in. As long as doctors are ok with it and you want to deliver vbac I would go for it. Best of luck to you.
I havent had a c-section but my first baby was face up, I tore and had stitches - Epidural never took. It was terrible.
2nd child I changed my doctor and hospital to the next town over. He was also face up like his brother only this time the doc turned him after my water broke. Easiest thing ever once he was flipped - epidural still didnt take that time either but it was a cake walk compared to the first.
I plan to do vbac with my 2nd. I’m due in December. I can’t offer any assistance but I’m kinda wondering the same thing.
I’ve had 2 VBACs since my c section. Glad I’ve got to experience both!!!
I went scheduled section. My 2nd was face up and I ended up going into labor 6 days before I was scheduled. The back labor was awful.
I had an emergency c section with my first after 32 hours ( I pushed for three but he was too big). For my second they closely monitored her size and I ended up having my waters broken at 38 weeks to induce labour as I was already 5cm dilated. I had a VBAC with my second and it was the best decision I ever made. I felt 100 times better than my c section and was up and showered within the hour after labour. I would encourage you to try but also prepare yourself that if it doesn’t happen then the c section may be the best and safest option.
I had twins via C-section then my other son via C-section. Then had my daughter VBAC after 2 C-sections. Then I was able to do VBAC with my other daughter except she broke my water at 33wks and they wanted to keep her in there longer bc she was so early. So 2 days later I had to have a c-section again. I was sad. I hate the recovery time. Give yourself the chance to try VBAC you will love the experience. You already know worse case scenario=C-section.
I am in this same boat right now. Due in November and honestly its so nerve racking.
To me of you can have a chance of doing a vbac ill do it I had 3 c sections and if I get pregnant again ill get another c section the way the doctor cut me the first time is the reason why I cant have a vbac it sucks but its safety for me and my baby
I had an emergency c-section with my first and a VBAC with my second and I’ll tell u the recovery is a lot less painful I was up walking around the next morning but when I had my c-section I couldn’t even pull my self out of bed the next day without being in pain.
I had three c-sections and then two vbacs. It’s possible. The recovery is so much faster when you’re not cut open
C section. So many vbacs fail. I know I’ll just have another c section and not go through the torture again
I think it’s case by case scenario, my sister had to have csections but she tried vbac and still had to have a csection. One friend actually got to go through with it, she said she preferred the C-section because it was quick, no labor, etc. The epidural failed her like it did me, so I don’t blame her. Either way it’s rough but vaginal does have less healing time. Either way there is some pains afterwards so it just depends on what you’re comfortable with. I’ve had 2 completely natural and during the second labor those contractions were back to back for 20 hours and I wanted a csection after the second but they denied me since it was still going smoothly but just know both are painful. There is no pain free way to give birth, whether it be during or after wards
Never had a C section, but did have a sunny side up baby and it was the most god awful pain I’ve even experienced in my life! My epidural worked great until he was coming out and the pain was so tremendous.
C section! Way easier especially when it’s scheduled!!!
Just try! Nothing wrong with seeing if its possible
I’ve had a VBAC, although I was very worried about the possible complications, think about who the doctor is too. My two children are about 4+ years apart, first was an emergency c-section due to sepsis and entirely lasted a good 16 hours or so. Second child took a good 24 hour day before I got to pushing and delivering by VBAC.
It had its complications, such as the cord being wrapped around the neck and meconium being released while still in the womb, the OB did a fantastic job untangling him I’ve been told by the father, which he is astounded by how he managed to work our child out of it so smoothly. I did not face anything out of the “normal” for going through with it, as you go through labor keep asking the doctor whether it’s still a good idea, they can always rearrange to the needs in the moment. My original OB didnt delivering either, and she was opposed to the idea, playing it safe was her thought. My deliverer though didnt really seem to think it wasn’t a good idea, and I had never seen or met him until that day. The healing process of both seemed pretty fair between the two for me.
I had 4 vaginal and my 5th was a c-section. I’m due in February with baby #6. Hoping to try a VBAC☺️ I wish you lots of luck
1st ended in emergency c-section so I opted fr a planned c-section with my second.
If you have the option definitely try for vbac. The recovery is way better and mu 2nd c-section was way more painful than the first. The risks involved are also way lower than a c-section.
My first was a Csection (Emergency). The second one… Dr didn’t give me a choice because it was risky
I delivered my girl face up, it can be done without complications! 8lbs 11oz.
There is a risk your tailbone can break when baby is delivered face up.Mine was very sore afterwards but did not break.
Go for a consol your docters will let you know if your a good candidate for it I’m going to have my second b-vac in January i would never volunteer to be cut open again healing was so much faster labor went vary smooth and my births was only 22 month’s apart!
I had my 1st 2 c section and last 2 vbac and I would choose vbac any day
I had the same situation. I ended up choosing a c section for my second even though I was going to go vbac because I went to my last appointment and he still didn’t change positions, I wasn’t dilated, nor effaced. I don’t regret my decision, he was a 9lb baby and had the cord wrapped around his neck three times.
I’ve had 2 children face up and naturally birthed. I have a tilted uterus.
I think you should try for a vbac. No harm in it. If it does work then you will have at least tried. I have had an emergency csection and an induced vbac. I believe anything is possible.
My firstborn was born face down. My second was born face up. I don’t think how they’re faced has anything to do with it, just that they’re head down.
Definitely try vaginal birth.i had a csection with my 1st and had had vaginal with the other 2. Great experience
What is vbac never heard of it??