Should I inform a possible job that I am pregnant

I have a question and was looking for other point of views. I am 25 weeks pregnant and I am trying to find work. I got a job interview at krogers. I am pretty confident that I can hide my stomach. So I am wondering if I should tell them that I’m pregnant or not.


I work at kroger and yes plz tell them

You should always tell them that you are pregnant

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Yes. You always tell an employer you’re pregnant. In some states they can fire you for not telling them as it’s Fraud. :woman_facepalming:


I would say Yes tell them . They may still hire you . Not sure how long people in the US get for maternity leave but Canada gets 18mths so if you plan to go back to work shortly after I wouldn’t think it would be a big deal .


Would it be appreciated by management or whoever has to do the scheduling, possibly. Is it probably the most ethical thing to do in order to not impact their workplace negatively by not allotting them enough time to make informed decisions around coverage, yes.

But - Legally - no … you don’t have to tell anyone you’re pregnant. I work in a place that has radiation and Requires me to be monitored at all times - if I am pregnant - that baby requires a separate tummy monitor. - but only if I declare pregnancy - and even in that field - nothing forces or requires you to declare a pregnancy.


I would recommend telling them if it might interfere with your job duties or your job duties pose any kind of risk to your pregnancy…

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No! They aren’t even allowed to ask


I would let them know better to be upfront with them long as wouldn’t affect job performance don’t see it a problem

No. Don’t tell them until after you’re hired. If you tell them now, they could choose to not hire you over “something else”.


My state is a right to work state, meaning as long as they don’t fire you for a discriminatory purpose they can fire you for any reason. I can’t recall if pregnancy discrimination is a protected class or not. Honestly you’d be best talking to a lawyer in your state about your rights as an employee and obligations.

Personally if you can hide it I would. Then tell them after you get the job. I know that sucks. But I can’t hide my pregnancy and nobody is willing to hire me. They tell me other reasons than pregnancy but I know that’s why.


I wouldn’t tell them . I never had a bad experience but you just never knwo

For me be kind of depend on what you’re doing. Are you able to do everything? They’re asking of you pick up heavy stuff get down on your knees bend over I work at a grocery store. It’s a lot of physical labor.

If they have a 90 day probationary period, and you would likely go on leave during that time, I would tell them. Otherwise, that is entirely up to you. I was hired at my hospital job at 6 months pregnant, and I was transparent when I interviewed, because I wasn’t certain I’d make my 90 days. If I was outside of that, and could perform all my job duties, I don’t know that I would today.

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No. I would recommend not telling them. That is not their business and you have every right to not disclose that. This is coming from a HR professional.

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I got a job at Kroger when I was very pregnant. I started in Dec then had him in Feb. they were amazing about it!


Hide it. Whether they have discriminatory policies in place or not they will always choose a not pregnant candidate over a pregnant one.

A lot of places say they don’t discriminate but they actually do. If you can hide it I would not tell them because they can easily say they can’t hire you for other reasons when really it’s because you’re pregnant. Once you’re hired they can’t fire you because you’re pregnant.

Most companies do not care

Silence can be “Golden”, and later if they ask why you didn’t say anything then you can just say "You didn’t ask me":laughing: unless of course they do ask, Then…straight up​:blush:

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you don’t have to tell them however if you get hired you won’t qualify for any fmla and you will ultimately have to give up your position. you can get rehired at a later date depending on your work performance .

Lying is a reason to fire u! Yes u should tell them bc if anything was to happen to u then u will want to to be the reason it happened!

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I didn’t tell my job til after my probation period was over.

Imagine if u don’t tell them & something happens… don’t be so irresponsible


Yes for health and safety

Well they can’t ask nor can they assume. I’d wouldn’t mention it. I got a job at 7 months pregnant, I never said a word about it and they didn’t ask(legally they can’t) and I got the job.


No, legally you do not have to disclose that, and I’ve seen women turned down for that reason alone (although that’s not what is put on paper or told to the woman).

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I would tell them, if you don’t get the job then it wasn’t meant to be. My sister owns a business & we hired a pregnant lady (not knowing) & she wasn’t able to perform her duties after she said she could, that made other employees have to pull her slack & it wasn’t fair to them. Start out on the right foot by being honest. Good luck!!

Don’t mention it. It’s illegal for them to use the information in hiring decisions anyway. Let them know after/if they hire you.

I had to hide my pregnancy once and then after I was hired I told them :sob:

Pfffft, I would hide it, I got hired by a company, found out 1 month in that I was pregnant so did the “right thing” and told my boss that I was possibly pregnant but wouldn’t know 100% till I saw my doc in 1 week, they fired me the next day for “being rude to coworkers”… I was still in training and didn’t talk to anyone other than my manager. ( I was office assistant so learning their computer systems and policies)…

Do not say anything until and unless you need accommodations. As long as you can do the work with reasonable accommodations, say nothing. It’s not their business. The reality is that anything you say will be used against you.


You would be silly not to tell them
Just Incase something happens at work
After a while you won’t be able to hide your baby bump

Your literally gonna be 30 weeks in a months wtaf :joy:

I had job interview I thought I might be pregnant. But I found out later I was they were ok with it.

Nope. Don’t do it. They aren’t supposed to discriminate but they will.

For insurance reasons you have to tell them your pregnant