Should I kick him to the curb?

I have been with my significant other since I was 16, I am now 27 & we have 2 children together & we are not married. We haven’t been on the greatest terms lately & our arguments are always about money. He doesn’t help me pay any of the bills because he says he doesn’t make enough & has to pay his bills first, leaving me to pay for literally everything. I am only a part time employee & sometimes I don’t even make enough to cover everything on top of things we need. This has been going on for about 2 years now. I’m stuck & I don’t know what to do. I will ask him when he will be able to help financially & his response is always “not anytime soon”. I often find myself feeling annoyed that he lives here with us & doesn’t carry any of the responsibility that I have. I sometimes have to ask my parents for financial help (I hate doing this) but he will never ask his parents for help when I need it… what do I do?