She’s 13 and will be with friends it’s time to cut the cord and let her start finding her way in this world
Does she haves an active phone? If so then by all means let her go… there is an app called life360… you can track her with your phone. Let’s you know where she is, when she arrived, and when she left.
I went trick-or-treating with friends as a pre-teen/teenager but it was also the 80’s
When I was her age and probably a little younger, we went out in groups with our friends but, times were different and everyone in the neighborhood knew everyone so we were pretty safe. These days, I honestly don’t know when I’d let mine go without me.
My 14 went with friends last year. But we live in a super small town so we passed them a couple times and then when the littles were done, I drove around til I found them and drive by once in each direction to make sure they were still square. And they all had cellphones.
She can go by herself, but just ask her to download an app on her phone where you can track her. I think that is a good compromise. She gets freedom and your trust, but for your peace of mind and her safety, you can still see where she is.
We have let our now 16 year old go with her friends in the same neighborhood we go with her little brothers when she was 13. She knows not to leave the neighborhood and it’s a small neighborhood.
When I was in like 6th or 7th grade I went with a friend. It was one of the last years I went trick or treating
Times are not different we just have more awareness of it xx
We always did it as a family outting… if they wanted to go by them selves they had to have a sibling or a friend and could not go no more than 3-4 houses in front… Freaks out there do t forget
My oldest and his friends(boys and girls) have been going by themselves for years now. Started at age 12, they’re 15 now. We take the little and are not far behind them, but tell them that.
As long as she’s not going alone and make sure you have a talk with her about what to do and not to do like go in to anyones house even if they know them and to take a phone if there’s any reason she needs you to come and get her like if her friends are doing anything and she feels uncomfortable
I always went with my kids when they went and my mom always was with my brother and I. It’s just safer that way
My oldest is 12 and in 6th grade. I would let him go with some friends without an adult. I would ask him to check in about every hour on his phone.
I was 13 when I was allowed for the first time
If she has a phone and is willing to turn on location/have a tracking app then I would. Especially if she knows the neighborhood well.
At this day in age with all the sex trafficking, I wouldn’t let them go on their own
I was allowed to go in our neighborhood at 12 with walkie talkies
I was going with friends since i was 9 back in 1999… Let her go.
- My son is 12 almost 13 and since he has a younger brother we all go together.
If she’s going with a group of kids, why not! Most kids have cell phones.
I’d say 12 or 13 with a cell phone so I can track and be home by certain time
I’m not letting my child go anywhere alone until she’s like 15/16. Putting her on boxing classes and self defense classes
Do you have a close relative or friend that’s a little older to go with? Like 16-20? She may want to go with them instead since they’re closer to her age but still responsible enough. She just doesn’t wanna go with you cuz ur mom🤷♀️ teenagers do that lol
kids theese day have cellphone with gps u can track where ur kid is… she 13 as long she with kids her age she be fine
I can just see this now. Dressing up and following them and when they notice you, jump in a bush
I’d let them go in a group around neighborhood if possible give them a cellphone or walkie talkies
15 for my kids but I called them every hour
I thought at 13 they were not allowed to go anymore… ?
Honestly my neice is 16 and me or my sissy still go with her
This just shows how different the world is now. My brother and I were trick or treating on our own from age 7 & 10 (I am 3 years older and was responsible for my brother while we were out). My last trip was at 14, I wasn’t even planning on collecting candy but dressed up to chaperone my brother. After two blocks, I whipped out one of the extra bags from my pocket and joined in. We walked for the whole two hours allotted by our town, then it took us 1/2 hour to get home from the last house. My brother went alone the following year, then quit. We didn’t have cell phones or tablets to keep in touch with our parents. My sons, however, were taken by hubby or myself until they were “too old” and decided to stop. But one of mine is autistic and his brother really couldn’t be left to do it on his own. Crazy how things change so fast.
With sex trafficking being so damn evident in today’s world. I would not trust it, just saying
Put a tracker on her phone and definitely follow her with out her knowing make sure your phone on vibrate and never let her find out
I have. My 2 oldest took the twins a couple of times
Never not safe with all the sex trafficking
Too young unless she’s staying in her block
Nowadays…i wouldn’t even consider it. They snatching teenagers too
Have her check in with you every hour on her phone by text
Around the neighborhood with friends should be alright.just put a traker on her phone
Downloaded the 360 app
In this day and age?! Never.
If your asking then you have your answer
Never these days. Too many creeps and child sex trafficking
Nope She can hang out with friends at your house… a nice neighborhood bad neighborhood there are weirdos everywhere google sex offenders and see how many pop up where you live!
Follow your instincts Mumma.
Do what makes you Feel comfortable
If responsable then yes
Follow her without her knowledge.
With her friends yes… tell her if she gets split up from friends she rings you. Make sure she knows the common sense things. Where she can go and what time want her home.
I’d let her go if she is going with friends I’m sure they all have cell phones and just say stay in the neighborhood
Trick or treating this year is banned from my area my kids are devistated and 13 isn’t too old for trick or treating they r still kids not an adult why shouldn’t there’s no age limit xx
Nah girl! Let her go with her friends and you walk around with your own friends!! Keep an eye on all the kids!! Weirdos are abundant and everywhere kids are.
I think shes more then old enough to go with friends, unless those friends have given you a reason to think otherwise.
No trick or treating this year due to covid regs
We let our 13 year old go alone last year with friends. Small town so we saw her running around. She had a blast and her phone was on her. It was fine.
It depends in the neighborhood. In mine, I’ll probably let him go like 10 or 11.
But I’m not letting him go this year since there’s a pandemic.
Never the way this world is it not safe
The parents who say let her go she’ll be fine are the same ones who are on tv boo hooing cause their kids were kidnapped or killed. Halloween is a perfect time for these sex traffickers to go hunting. We don’t live in a safe world and no neighborhood is a good neighborhood anymore. Let her go with friends but you need to go with her. You don’t have to walk on top of them. But you need to go.
Yeah with the way things are today never sorry not going to happen unless their is another adult present
Let her ONLY IF she goes and stays with a group of at least six kids her age INCLUDING her.
They can be friends.
They can be cousins from nearby.
They can be other neighborhood kids.
They can be kids from church if y’all go to church.
They can be some kids from school.
But there needs to be a minimum of six kids total and they all NEED to stay together.
Any of them want to go home, they stop either where they are or at a convenient and easy to find location, call someone and they all wait until that person gets picked up.
It gets down to three of them and they want to continue, they need to call an adult.
She needs to call or text at least once an hour, preferably two, with their approximate location and they need to be home by either ten or eleven.
If she or any of them even THINK they are being followed, she is to call you and them their loved ones if for nothing else than as a deterrent.
The person leaves, y’all can hang up.
They linger and follow, they go to the nearest well lit parking lot like a shopping center or a gas station, tell y’all where exactly they are and y’all go to them and keep them on the line the entire time.
She is to go trick or treating.
If the want to hit up a haunted house, she needs to call and ask and tell you EXACTLY WHERE it is.
She is NOT to go to a party.
If anyone shows up suddenly that makes her uncomfortable, she is to call you.
If someone tries to pressure her into breaking the rules, she is to call you.
She breaks these rules, she loses out next Halloween.
Make VERY CLEAR TO HER that these precautions are NOT because you do not trust HER, but rather because Halloween is one of the nights that people most frequently go missing and especially unaccompanied minors and college students.
Go n follow without her knowledge u can never be too safe especially with young girls
My face when I read “follow her without her knowing”.
Cut the cord mama. You’ve gotta trust her to be safe and responsible on her own sometime. If she feels she’s ready then she’s ready. You could have her call you every so often just to check in if she has a phone or a friend does. She’ll be okay.
I did, but I live in a small town…and that was 17 years ago. A lot has changed.
Maybe utilize technology here. If she doesnt have her own phone give her yours or your husands (if possible) and utilize a location tracking app. Have her call/text every x amount of minutes to check in.
The world has changed a lot. But one thing that is still the same is that eventually our kids will be adults who need to know how to navigate life and practice safety out from underneath their parents watch. Short trips with safety measures in place allow them to learn those skills.
Only a few days before the most critical election. Some people are nuts. Trust your gut
I would follow behind them, tell her the rules don’t eat the cady till you get home and don’t go in any bodys house,
Let her go. Don’t follow her. Does she own a phone that she will be taking? My daughter is 12 and got invited to her first halloween party at a friend’s… I’m nervous but not nervous enough to ruin her first experience with something.
With a group fine but not too far. 13 years should be fine just make sure she has a phone.
She’s 13 and going around your neighborhood? Why not ?
I would say, tell her to check in. My parents use to let us stay out all day as long as we checked in with them and stayed in the neighborhood.
Or follow behind her and tell her you won’t confront her or embarrass her your just there in case something happens just to be safe.
Give her a phone if she doesn’t have one already, or even let her use yours if you have a house phone so she can text you or call you to check in also you can have her location.
Is this where I admit I’m 35 and have never trick or treated without my big sister to this day haha. I was 13 when my nephew was born and so always went with them and then 18 with my niece and now they are 22 and 17 and my son is 4 and we still trick or treat with my sister haha
My teenagers do not trick or treat, noone else goes without a parent. This world is too crazy
You might live in the safest neighborhood but you do not know who is in it on Halloween
The world we live in, no. I live in a very safe area, very little to no crime, but you never really know. I trust my kids and their friends, but unless 1 or 2 adults are going, it’s not happening.
I started going out alone with friends in 6th grade (10-11) yrs old…I started letting my son go out alone at the same time…but if we go to my mom’s neighborhood then I go with him…just cuz I know that area better than he does…he’s 13 now, and have no qualms about him going out with his buddies…grateful that i don’t have to do it since Halloween is usually cold and crappy out…
13 and with a group of her friends
We go out as a group… and we as in my sister and I dress up … my niece brings her friends and the mom comes as well… this day and age I trust NO BODY
When I was a kid (and even a teen) we never trick or treated without an adult. I personally probably wouldn’t let them until they were at least 16+
If she has good friends and there’s a group going no need to follow
We never went on our own. My parents always went with us. With the exception of one year when I was allowed to go with my older friend who was 16 and I was 14. With the way things are in the world rn and how crowded trick or treating can be i wouldnt trust it
That’s a big big NO! I would never let my kids, no matter the age, trick or treat on their own.
My daughter? Nvr. I let her brother take her when she was 12 and he was 14
Never…this world is not the same as it was 20 or even 10 years ago…people are crazy dont let your children go any where alone!!
She is 13, she is plenty old to go out by herself. 7th/8th grade is old. That’s like not letting her go to the mall or walk home from school.
Never lol my sons 14 and I have yet to let him go alone if he asked i would really have to think about it
Fallow her secretly!
Nope, nada, zilch… my boys are 21 and 17 now but heck no, definitely not alone wo an responsible adult. Period!!!
Personally, I think it depends on several factors; where do you live, have you looked up how close any registered sex offenders live, how often are you going to have her check in with you, and how many kids are in there group?
For me all of these answers help you make an informed decision. My kids, who are early 20’s, lived in a small town where everyone knows everyone. The type of people in our old community wouldn’t hesitate to call me on the phone to tattle if they were up to no good. I often embellished that I would even call various people around town and ask if my children were behaving. Though honestly they are all very responsible and always have been. At the end of the day, if you’re unsure of the child’s safety don’t do it!
I have never yet lol, there 17,16,8,2. We all go together.
As long as she is with her girlfriends, let her go. Have her keep her phone on her and check in. You have to let them be independent, it’s healthy!
I never did. There are to many weirdos out there. It only takes a minute for them to get snatched. I don’t let walk anywhere alone. You will make the beat choice for your baby.
I never did because I am a stay at home mom and have always had nothing better to do on Halloween night so I always went with them but if I did let them go with their friends it would probably be around the age of 14.
Hell no! Not with the way the world is today!
Iphone. Find my iphone. Done. If you overprotect her to the point that she can’t trick or treat with a group in her own neighborhood… that sounds just nuts. She is going to rebel and do what she wants if you hold her down too hard. We live on an island. My 14 year old has been riding her bike all over it for 5 years. Let go a little. I feel like y’all put so much stress on yourselves with the over parenting. Ugh. I’m so glad we grew up when we did. I would hate to have us as parents.
I still go with my kids, even though they’re older. I just hang back a little ways with another mom, so I can’t adult time and can ensure my kids are safe.
I never let them. And they decided on their own to not trick or treat. they liked to pass out candy
With friends, it’s way safer than going alone.
Mine never have, they would rather me go then be alone
I never allowed it I always go with my kids
I moved to Europe at 16 by myself. Everyone said to my parents “she’s only 16! You’re letting her go alone?” My parents response to this was “idk how you raised your kids but she will be absolutely fine. She knows what she’s doing”. Let your kid do her thing.
No!! No and definitely not!