Should I let my 15 year old see an R rated movie?

My sons dad wants our son to go see an R rated movie with his new girlfrined and I am unsure how I feel about it…our son is 15 years old but has kind of been sheltered and I just think its an inappropriate way to meet a girl…what shoudl I do?


15 years old? Sheltered or not he already knows more then what you think he knows lol


I’m 55 Years old and I am a Christian. I can honestly say that everything movies TV songs they really are deep kind of dark negativity. for children is subliminal messaging And I definitely believe the devil is behind it all. If you had asked me 20 years ago that I thought that I am thinking now after seeing what is happening to our world and getting closer to God and reading my Bible, you can just see all of the subliminal messaging this Lil Nas X he is in hiding anything he’s dressed like a devil. He’s got 666 all over the place is you know in these kids? Young ones are being warped into that so for a parent I think it’s something you really have to think and pray about just my opinion. God bless.


What movie is it? What are the reasons sighted for the R-rating?


I’m taking my son to see a R rated movie on the 11th :woman_shrugging:. I don’t see a problem with it. They see and hear far worse on YouTube Netflix Hulu and around their friends and school. Stop trying to shelter him because if you keep sheltering him I guarantee it when he gets 18+ and see what real life stuff is he’s going to be in a shock trust me. I get it he’s your son and you consider him your little boy still but you have to eventually let lose and not keeping to shelter him as hard as it is especially since it’s a movie.

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If ur that concerned go watch it before he does. Atleast then u will no what he’s going to see


Children are having to do active shooter drills in school and see violence on the streets and in the news.
For me it would depend on why it’s rated R.


Let the boy see the damn movie. My dad was just like that when I was growing up. I can 100% say any negativity I’ve seen or experienced, has not come from seeing a movie. It’s absurd…

They see them all the time on TV and phone

I’m confused…it’s your son’s new gf or his dad’s new gf🤦‍♀️


Honestly, my kids were born watching R rated movies. Everyone parents differently. It’s not up to a bunch of strangers on the internet. He is your kid, your rules. :woman_shrugging:

Hell no, why do you even need to ask the question, get a backbone woman!

It’s his time
He can do what he feels right .
You can express your feelings
And that’s all.
Some R movies aren’t that bad.
You should go to the schools in middle School
They say worest and see alot

I let my 12 year old see violent night with his best friend and father who is also a grade seven teacher. My son loved it but that’s my kid. He wanted to see it because the actor was from stranger things.

He’s probably googling much worse

My 4 year old daughter’s favorite movie is IT… (a rated R movie where pennywise the clown eats children). :joy: a 15 year old should be fine. If it’s rated R for swearing, let the kid see the movie. the only reason I wouldn’t if it’s really raunchy or extreme nudity/sexual

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I’m sure at 15 sheltered or not , he knows more then you think, does he go to public school. Shelters kids have a way of sneaking around and figureing stuff out for themselves.

He’s 15 let him see the movie!

:rofl::rofl::rofl: your kidding right? Let him watch whatever he wants. Jesus…over protective much

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He’s going with his dad. I’m sure he sees and hears a bunch of kids at school say cuss words or talk about drugs and sex ect .

I say let your son decide if he’s interested in the movie and he wants to go let him, if he’s not let him say no.

Find out why it’s rated R and then take it from there…


I don’t think anyone can tell you what’s right for your family. Personally my 15 year old has been able to watch r rated for some time, we don’t really shelter him much because he’s going to learn/see/hear things from other people and at school anyways… that being said if you aren’t comfortable with him seeing it that’s up to you. also some r rates are rated that way for different reasons… is it gore? Sex? Drugs? Swearing? Not all R are the same

Is it a horror / scary movie ? I mean my kids have been watching those movies since they were 8 or 9. They like them.


I’m guessing it’s cocaine bear. Which is 18A for drugs, swearing, and violence regarding the bear being aggressive/attacking people . Honestly , at 15 none of that is ‘new’ to them no matter how sheltered you think he is. They talk about drugs in class and with other kids, violent animal attacks aren’t unheard of nor is violence among people, swearing is also prevalent among teens. It’s mainly a gross humour movie that lots of teens will watch and want to watch. If he wanted to see it with his friends would you object?

I feel like maybe there’s a chance this is more about the new girlfriend. The dad is probably thinking it’s a funny movie and low pressure way to meet someone and have something to talk about after.

Assuming he wants to go; I’d take a big breath, understand that none of the concepts are new to a teenager and let him go. Maybe even hit the dollar store and grab some chocolate for him to sneak in , and ask him how it was after.

I know as moms it’s our duty to protect our kiddos , but please don’t let him miss a fun experience because you feel uncomfortable about the girlfriend.

The silver lining of this situation is that you have a coparent that is thinking about a low pressure way to introduce two people he cares about and he communicated his idea to you. That is not the worst coparent you could have.

It’s s that It’s actually really nice that he even told you about it, as he is also the kiddos parent and can take him to a rated R movie without your consent.

Big breath mama, he’ll be okay, and as an adult he’ll remember you being there and supporting him with his other parent .

By “sheltered” do you mean you keep him in a box? Because if he goes to school, and has friends, he’s not as “shetered” as you think.

Aren’t 90% of all movies in theaters R rated? What else are they going to see, a Disney cartoon?

He’s 15yo with a GF he’s not that sheltered. You may think he is but he isn’t.

I think it depends on the movie and why it is R rated

He’s 15, not 5.
Good grief!

Depends on the movie. I’d watch if first or ask friends who have seen it if they’d let their kids watch it.

You should mind your own business. If it’s dad’s time with him he gets to make those decisions. I’m sure it’s not a porn so he will be fine

My kids watch R rated movies with me :woman_shrugging:t2:

He isn’t meeting her this way for one. They already met. Does your son actually want to see this movie or does his dad want him too?

Depends why it’s rated R. To me GTA5 is rated R but, I would let a 15 Y.O play it because I have also researched and played the game myself.

Research the movie. What is it about, what is the trailer like, go watch it yourself first and then see how you feel about it.