Should I let my 15-year-old wear her halloween costume even though her dad disapproves?

needing advice on how to proceed with this before i lose my mind. my daughter chose her halloween costume and its the “girl” version of freddy kreuger…my husband saw it and immediately started freaking out and she she wasnt wearing the fish nets that came with it…shes really upset now bc she was very excited about this costume but he isnt budging…shes 15 years old…what do i do


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I let my 15-year-old wear her halloween costume even though her dad disapproves?

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If it’s the fishnets that are causing the issues use black tights, black leggings, etc. there’s how many options. And for fun they could cut them up (appropriately) together to make it look Freddyish


These female versions are more geared toward adults most are mini dresses and fishnets of some sort so yes it’s too much for a 15 year old. Leggings are a great option with boots should look nice!


Judging things your daughter chooses for herself to wear is damaging to her image of herself as an adult. Let her make her own decision. Dad choosing tells her to listen to males opinions :pensive:


If the fish nets are the only issue- get plain black leggings.


Wow so many people saying who cares what dad thinks. Don’t ask him to ever parent on your terms then. You’re supposed to raise your children together find a f’ing compromise don’t teach your children to disrespect their other parent!!! FFS


Red leggings under the fishnets. Boom.:exploding_head:


Respect his wishes as you would hope he’d respect yours.


Parents need to have a conversation about what’s appropriate for her outfits, without the child able to hear. At 15 she should be able to choose her outfits as long as all the bits are appropriately covered it sounds like he’s sexualizing the fishnets.


Tell her 15 is to old girl trick n treating


I get how the fishnets could be a thing. I agree with the other posters red tights under the fishnets would make it much more age appropriate.


So wear leggings. 15yo doesn’t need to wear fishnets…


I would sit them both down and try to find a middle ground. It’s not fair to just dismiss his concerns; he’s her parent, too. Imagine how upset you’d be if the roles were reversed.


Maybe it can be tweaked so dad is more comfortable with it. It’s worth a shot


My daughter is 12 and wearing the female Freddy Krueger costume. She wears fishnets all the time too. She’s wearing knee high combat boots with her costume.


Have her put on tan tights or leggings under and then the fish nets. One it makes dad comfortable and two it’s always cold here for Halloween lol


Compromise? Find out what he’s upset about and work with him to make him feel better. I can understand since a lot of female costumes are very revealing. As much as I want to say she should wear whatever she likes i see a lot of female costumes remind me of lingerie.


With today’s society let’s go old school and listen to dad. She is only 15! Father’s always try to protect their daughters!


Many of those costumes are meant for adult women who are (typically) going to bars or adult parties.
They’re meant to be sexy and they’re meant show a lot of skin.
They’re meant to draw attention.
And the fishnets don’t need to be worn to do that.

If dad doesn’t usually get bent out of shape over her clothes or costumes, then it’s important to take his opinion into consideration. Listen to his specific concerns and see if there’s a way to tweak the costume so it’s more age appropriate.
Like wearing leggings underneath the skirt as others have suggested.


I personally wouldn’t go for the fishnet if I had a teenage daughter. However if I were in this position I would make a compromise with dad. You let her know you all decided together it would be better this way…i.e black cut up leggings(not to extreme), red leggings underneath the fishnet would really compliment the Freddy look I think. Parent together.


If it’s not showing anything or too revealing I don’t see why she can’t wear it. :person_shrugging:


You approved it and it’s a costume. She’s 15 fishnets are just a form of nylons and jr high students are wearing them everyday so sorry dad needs to chill. It’s Halloween not a career choice


If it’s the dress I’m thinking of, I don’t think it’s bad for 15. Maybe talk with dad about which part he doesn’t like and then change it up. If it’s the bust then she could wear a black sports bra underneath so that cleavage isn’t visible through the little cut in the dress. If he thinks it’s too short she could wear tights underneath. I’d just see if he’d compromise because she picked it out and probably really loves it. Most girls at 15 try to look more “grown up” and less like a little kid. Now if you offer ways to help and dad is still saying no then I’d say he’s just being stubborn and I’d let her wear it.

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She’s probably thinking the fishnets are sassy and wants to wear them. An alternative would be letting her wear tights that cover more skin but you can let her place a few rips in them to meet her half way.

Well I would say it depends… How short is it on her? How revealing is it across her bust? All the Freddy Krueger costume I have seen for females are aimed towards adult females as a sexy female Krueger. So I guess those are the issues I would look at first as to why he is adamant about her not wearing it and see if there can be a compromise made

Just use leggings instead. He doesn’t want her wearing a shirt skirt and fishnets… easy compromise :grin: you are never too old to dress up and have fun BUT for some reason they always make costumes “sexy”… sexy nurse, sexy cop, sexy witch… :woman_facepalming: if she truly is just wanting to be spooky your kid won’t have an issue with compromise BUT if she is losing her mind over the whole thing then she is trying to follow her friend’s lead, and that’s not always a good thing. Just keep things at an even compromise and change the outfit just a bit to keep everyone happy, if the daughter isn’t going to be happy with the compromise then she just doesn’t get to dress up. Her dad wants her to be more modest. That’s understandable because he knows how young boys think and behave. He is just wanting her safe.

My mom and dad always let me wear whatever for Halloween, (within reason). I feel like you should tell dad to just take a breath! You can always use other types of tights or leggings instead of fishnets!

Remind him that her body is not his possession. BUT!! As a 15 year old, make sure it’s not too revealing of a costume. If it’s not showing her butt cheeks when she bends over, the fishnets should be a non-issue. If so, have her wear black workout shorts under the bottoms, over here fishnets.

I was 15 and I wore fishnets and my parents knew about it. Have her wear shorts underneath if you all are so concerned about it.


First off you’re her mother not her friend. Secondly if your husband disapproves of the costume then no you don’t let her wear it because if you say yes even though he said no then that’s going to set a bad example for your daughter. You and your husband need to parent together & be on a united front. You should also sit down with your husband & ask him why he doesn’t approve of the costume. Although if it’s the costume I am thinking of I can completely understand why he would disapprove. He is probably just being a protective father. I mean she is 15 not 21. Also he should himself explain to your daughter why he disapproves.

If she’s 15 and you believe she’s responsible let her wear it. My mom would’ve let me wear it at 15


Wat about put the fishnets over a pair of coloured leggings adds warmth and safety all at once ,

Add tights under the fishnets!! White would look great!

If dad said no he’s probably thinking about what other boys/ men/ creepy men are thinking be safe hope Halloween night it’s-20 with snow lol sorry

Sit him down and ask him what about it he doesn’t like. If it’s the dress is it to short? Show cleavage? Shirt and leggings underneath it. Jacket over it. Have ideas to fix issues before you have the conversation.

Yeah, you should definitely respect his opinion. You can find plain black pannyhose or something as a compromise. If roles were reversed you’d be mad you were ignored.

Maybe wear leggings and cut them up a bit?

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I agree with Abi Deuger!! Fishnets with red leggings underneath !!


Black tights or leggings I think. :thinking:

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Not only is this coming from a man’s point of view that know how men think… he is her father! She is a CHILD !

Also, can we remember Freddy Kreuger was a child molester? Why are they making a sexy female Freddy costume to begin with? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Maybe swap out the fishnets for some leggings . ?

Dads opinion should definitely matter. Meet in the middle and do leggings or something.


He’s mad that she isn’t wearing them?!? Lol my husband and I would substitute fishnet stockings for shorts any day​:joy::rofl:

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You could get a skin tone Cammy to wear underneath it

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Compromise. I’m with dad on the fishnets😂

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I’m thinking it’s the fishnets themselves (being too sexy?) that make him uncomfortable. Compromise. Go to Walmart/target or kohls and get her tights (black, brown, deep green) then cut them up some at the shin and knee.
They even have these Freddy Kruger ones.

It’s Halloween let her . Of she’s been allowed and you are 9k with it. Sets an unhealthy Precedent to let her father veto it.

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I let my 16 yro wear what she wants to wear can’t control the every move dang sure wish i could tho

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Would he be happier if she wore ripped black jeans over the fishnets?

I’d switch out the fishnets for leggings :woman_shrugging:

He’s being obtuse. I’d let her wear what she wants and he can kick rocks.

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Let her wear it it’s Halloween

The ones with fishnets are ADULT costumes, 15 is not an adult

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Dad sounds like he’s sexualizing a child’s fishnet costume piece… is it very short with fishnets? Or is it the fishnets themselves?

Make her look the least sexy in it like not best bra buy a size bigger than needed. Black leggings… compromise

I’d rather my child be open with me and me go half way and is come together and decide things so they feel like they have that option she was 14 and wanted her nose done I said okay only if these things happen
Now at 16 wants her belly done okay only if these things happen she wants to wear belly shirts okay only if you get a job and buy them she did just that want shorts that cut ur butt cheeks off that’s you’re choice but I won’t pay for them I better earn that money and buy that crap

I wouldn’t let my daughter dress proctative in any way. Everyone will say “don’t sexualize children”. The fact is someone will sexualize her. Wether it’s another 15yo boy or a 60yo pervert or a sex trafficker.

Sounds like her dad’s creepily sexualizing her body

What about letting her wear normal black stockings or maybe let her wear the fishnets over the stockings.
maybe sit them both down and let them talk it out while you meditate just in saw things get heated.

What is wrong with fish nets? Good lord it’s a costume.

Let her wear it!! If you approved, and bought it, then let her express herself. Sounds like he needs to lighten up!! She is 15, as you said, and she’s growing up, not a lil child anymore.

I understand fishnets being off limits. She’s 15.
Get leggings, and rip them up a little

Why does it honestly matter :unamused: he’s making it seem like she’s wearing it every day to school :woman_facepalming: ITS ONE DAY A YEAR LET THE KID DRESS HOW SHE WANTS :tipping_hand_woman:

As long as it’s not sluty it should be fine whit what 15yo are wearing now there’s nothing wrong with it

Unless its sexualizing her, I see no reason why he should disapprove


There’s no such thing as too old to trick or treat as others have mentioned. As for the costume, it’s about parenting together and having a unified front. I would compromise with black tights.