Let her express herself… I grew both my girls hair out for years, hated when my mom cut mine when I was young!!
When the oldest was 11 she wanted it shoulder length most that had ever been cut was 1" trims… she donated 24" of hair!! I cried like a baby she loved it and it was back to her butt again in no time!
The youngest always wants it trimmed to mid back, again past her butt first haircut, she’s more into colors so I just did this for her today!! With a few little thin streaks on the side!
Here for the comments. My 9 yo is asking for the same.
Um…she is old enough to decide how she wants it.That’s pretty cruel of you to even come to FB an wonder what you should do. Better Parenting is what you need.
Let her express herself through a hair cut of her choice. Her hair. It’s not like you’re letting her make all life decisions at 12.
Yes! I believe she’s old enough to choose her own person
Yessss mom let her pick her style she has to wear
Try the look out with a wig over the weekend.
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what is the problem?if she likes it teach her to stand up to bullies they can not be allowed to rule you,r lives.
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Hair grows back , let her do it and work through it, builds stamina and a learning lesson
My mom let us do what we wanted to, to our hair, once we hit 16.
Hair grows just be glad it’s not a tattoo
You cant live your life defined by what others think of you.
You’re not gonna stop the bullying… nobody ever will… what we change is how we respond. Let her get the cut. It’ll grow back. But she’s gotta be strong for the criticism she’ll receive from haters.
Yes, take her to a wig store and if she tries on a style she really likes then she is ready to get the hair cut and deal with any flake she gets
If she does not like it she will know that is not the style for her.
she knows what she wants! my advice is look for a place where they teach self defense! It’s just my way of thinking!
She’s 12 let go a little n give her what she wants. She’s not asking g for cash just a haircut…let her have it. Hair grows back.
Yes I would let her choose how to have her hair. It shows she has autonomy over her body and could contribute towards her feeling able to make decisions right for her without having to consider external opinions. Maybe advise her to sit on it for a few weeks and if she does still want it and hasn’t grown out of the idea, then to go for it. It isn’t something permanent like a tattoo and she will learn about what she likes and dislikes about her look for in the future xx
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I think she should be able to have the style she likes after all it will grow back. Some times we have to be careful what we wish for and if she doesn’t like it she will learn to be patient with her decision making next time. It’s only a hair style and a cute one at that. It could be a a lot worse! I hope it all works out!
My daughter got her pixie cut in 7th grade and I was really scared. I tried to persuade her not to do it. Well - It came out absolutely beautiful and makes her features striking. I could not see her any other way now. She does all kinds of things with her short cuts and plays with the length. She highlights it and has also gone platinum blonde which is now her signature look. At 18 she is a confident woman and everyone comments on her hair. She is absolutely gorgeous! I will say - the haircut cut down on the dating scene since many of the boys assumed she was not interested . This made for some very easy high school years for me and her father. She did not care as she is very mature for her age.
It’s only hair and it grows back. You said she takes things out on you and your husband? Well if she does this, it’s her choice and she will have to stand by her decisions. You tell her you don’t want to hear a word about it! She should never be allowed to take it out on you and your husband!
Kids have to learn they make good choices and bad ones. We have to all live with our choices!
I know you want to protect her because she’s been bullied before. If kids are going to bully her, it could happen no matter what! That has to be dealt with.
If and when she sorry about her choice, you then say you need to really think about big decisions.
Good luck! Parenting is not for the weak of heart! Hardest job ever!
Teach her not to care about what others feel about her appearance its her hair no one should have control over that not even parents
At 12 I believe she’s old enough to make a haircut choice on her own
Let her choose. She is old enough to decide how she wants her hair to look and such. I always say my daughter can be free to express herself as long as it’s not hurting her or anyone else. As far as being bullied- tell her she is beautiful no matter how she looks. Teach her to be confident in herself and people will love her for who she is.
12 is definitely an age where she should be allowed to express who she is & start to find her own self as a person.
Si many girls look the same these days. I think a pixie cut would show your daughter to be the one who wanted to be different and stand out from the crowd. Be joyful for this…
I let my daughter get the haircut she was wanting. Kids call her names at school for it, but she understands that those kids don’t have manners and acceptance for others so she chooses to ignore the hate they speak.
i let my own daughter pick her hair style within reason
Support your daughters decisions! If this will help her in her confidance than back her up! She will be graduating sooner than you know and this is the base you build on.
I was 12 or 13 in 1961 or 62 and cut my own hair. I wanted a pixie but it was in style then. The boo boos grew out.
I let my child choose their hair cut. They have tried pixie cut, shaved head, mohawk and now they are sporting a wolf cut.
Take her to a store that sells wigs and try on a pixie cut wig. If she likes it, then let her have her hair cut.
Yes, hair grows back fast just let her do it.
First thing came to mind about this is the key word of “Bulling” . Fix that problem first and then help her build her self esteem to love herself. Otherwise bulling will just make it worse.
You made the mistake in the first place by not saying what you mean and meaning what you say and now she uses that against you! Who is the adult here? You taught her how to get what she wants eventually!
My 10 year old has had an undercut for the last 2 years…. It boosted her self esteem and confidence… it grows back, to hell with the haters… take her somewhere nice and they will gush over her and keep telling her how amazing it looks
Its hair it grows let her do what she wants !
So what’s wrong with the hair cut. It’s just a hair cut. Don’t push your ideas about the hair cut off on her.
Why do you allow her to do this to you,You are the Mom are,t you?
At 12 yes that child should be choosing their own hairstyle. Controlling a child’s style like hair past the age of 10 is just not right.
Klart hon tar ut vad som händer på er, ni är ju tryggheten i hennes liv,
Yes. It’s her hair and she takes care of it.
so within reason i would let her express herself at least a little
Yes let her pick her hair cut.
I didn’t even read the rest of the question because yes. It’s her body.
Yes it’s just hair
I only insist its clean
She needs to find her style
Let her do it! It will grow back.
don’t take what she says personal she’s becoming a teenager
Let her choose her haircut just not her sexual identity
Use your own judgement your the mom:hugs:
Of course let her choose and decide
It’s just hair! It will grow back
Yes! It’s hair. It grows back.
Of course. It’s her body. Her hair. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
What did she think of it? Was she happy?