Should I let my daughter choose her haircut?

You should lead by your daughter’s example and not care what people think.

You should be empowering her to be who she is… instead of making her base her decision on what other people think.

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it’s hair … it grows back.

Let her, it’s her hair…

Honestly yes! My parents allowed my sister and I to pick our hair cuts! And honestly it’s hair it’ll grow back :slightly_smiling_face:

It will grow back you need to let your kids make Decisions it all a part of Learning making mistakes is a good thing for kids if they tease them they aren’t very good friends

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Let her pick! Give her that freedom or atleast compromise on a cut you both like

I think she will look cute, she would with any hair cut. That’s why you and Jacob are there

Hair grows back.
Mine wanted a mowhawk at 10 and I did it for her lol
Then she shaved it, and grew a pixie.
Now she’s growing it long

Ask her if she would consider doin a high cut in the back & longer bob in the front for starters. That way she can get the feel of it being short but not pixie short. If she still wants to do it aftr a month or 2 id say let her. I kno how hard it is for you cuz you love her hair & want it long. Same as myself mine is a lil past my waist. Ive always had my daughters hair long too… But she likes it just a lil longer than shoulder lenght. Mayb that way you both transion into shorter.

Let her express her own individuality and teach her that is ok .
Right now your telling her she has to mold into what society dictates , let her be a kid and have fun with her hair


I say let her, be her and express herself! My Stepdaughter who is 10 loves her shirt hair! We’ve let her choose her haircut/style for the past few years! If she doesn’t like it, it will grow back :blush:

She is 12. It is her hair. Not yours.


I let my daughter choose a short pixie cut and she has regretted every second of it for the last year. Trying to let it grow and it looks like hell and her confidence went way down. Also, she got bullied for “looking like a boy”

Should let her do it let her make her own decisions

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Yes…. Pick n choose ur battles mama. Let her express herself just imagine how beautiful she is going to look!!!

It’s her hair quit controlling her she’s 12 wtf

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I think you should let her choose. If she doesn’t like it she can go back out again and look back at it as a thing she wanted to do

It is hair! It will grow back. Support your child in whatever will make her happy(within reason obviously) the world is such a terrible place to live at times anymore!

Its her hair let her get the cut she wants before she shaves her head out of spite .

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Let her wear her hair as she wants. If she ends up getting bullied then support her without I told you so’s, and teach her a way to express her anger in a way that is not on you. Maybe enroll her in karate type class? I was incredibly shy until I took Karate, it helped my self-esteem and taught me how to get out of situations without fighting…but if I had to fight I would know how to do so with minimum harm.

I would let her cut it, but not that short at first. Then if she is happy, kids are not picking on her, let her get a pixie. Jmo


Pixie cuts for me are a bit too grown up for a child in my own opinion.

Let her choose then teach her how to handle bullies. Life’s gonna happen so prepare her


I always let my daughter do whatever she wants to her hair. It is hers and not mine. Why teach her that she needs to care what bullies think? They don’t deserve that power.

She’s only 12. Your her mom. You do what you think is best. Untill she’s 18 and moved out you make the decisions. That’s how I was raised and will
Raise mine.

Maybe sit and talk with her about why you think it’s not best right now . And if she still persist then maybe do it … like I said it’s up to you as her mon

This is the age where they are exploring who they are and want to try different things. At 12 my daughter wanted multicoloured hair so we did it. It’s hair it grid back. It has nothing to do with anyone else

Support whatever she wants its hair my dear it will grow back.

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My kid did the same thing she cut her hair into a pixi she got teased and bullied her hair grew back out she got over it

My son picks his own hair cuts and he is 6.

There are apps available so people can try hairstyles without the commitment. Maybe you can check the style (and others) out together and see if there is one you both agree on. If she has her heart set on it, be as supportive as you can. If she does end up being upset with comments from others, she’s going to need you.

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Pixie cuts are in style again.

I get what the parent is saying she will have to be a therapist and a cheerleader whether this haircut ships or sinks. Personally I wouldn’t do it, I understand it’s her hair but she’s a minor. I would say no and smooth over with some good old ice cream mom :heart:

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My daughter is 10 and recently cut her hair super short too and everyone loves it and so does she. It’s just hair it will grow back :slightly_smiling_face: she needs to be able to experiment with things she likes and being able to choose things for herself :slightly_smiling_face:

If your so hesitant about it get a pic of her photo shop it to hair cut let her see herself with it like that 1st

Find a pixie cut wig. She gets bullied or don’t like it can come off

Get her a pixie cut wig to see how she looks


I refused to cut my daughters hair. She didn’t ask either but my husband waned to get a hair cut. It was a struggle with tangeIs .I refused until now that she is 6 I took her for layers and thining same length because she loves her long her and it was a life saver it’s so much better now

Pick your battles. Hair is hair. It grows. But there are more important things to learn about choices. You need to let her learn how to choose. So when she gets older her choices will be good ones and you can trust her choices.


It’s her hair, let her decide. If it bothers you, suggest doing the short cut over the summer. And if she loves it keep it. My daughter did it when she was ten, loved at first, then decide it was not for her.

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I love her confidence, let her no she can express her feelings, she can not go around blame people in life… let her get it, don’t come home messy with me baby if you decide you don’t like it let grow back it’s hair.

Yes let her but search out a good stylist so she gets a good cut and they can show her how to properly fix it…

Let her cut, color, shave it… whatever she wants! She’s only a kid once!


My daughter was 14 and wanted to have her head shaved but leave the top a little longer. She had really long, beautiful, blonde hair down to her waist. We looked at pictures and I let her do it. She hated it after doing it, but I let her make the decision. Her stepmom hated it and was mad cause I let her. I told her it will grow back. She is letting it grow back out. She’s almost 16 now. If she’s hates it or loves either way it won’t hurt anything to let her do it.

I believe if you can’t learn by my words then learn by your experience. Now be prepared to make it a teachable moment.

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When it comes to my kids hair, if they ask me for kore then a month then I feel they really want it and let them do it, if they change their mind after a week then they obviously didn’t want it

People giving her shit over HER daughters hair “it’s her hair not yours” “she’s 12 stop controlling” that’s the reason kids are the way they are now cos parents have zero control over them, cos they let them do what the hell they like!! As long as my child lives under my roof she don’t over step my boundaries and she lives to my rules simple.

After that rant…. Is it a drastic change from what she has now? If so maybe look on Pinterest with her at some hair styles and see what sort of style she going for before jumping in with the pixie cut, but if it what she’s set on and you agree too then it is only hair and it will grow back.

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Let her do as she wishes with her hair.


Let her do what she wants! It is her body! Let her cut her hair!!! It will give her so much independence and self confidence!!! DO NOT CONTROL THE CHOICES SHE HAS OVER HER BODY!!!


If she is being bullied why are ya not at school taking care of that situation???


Just let her cut it. You’re doing more damage than you think by trying to control her in every way. She’s 12 let her express herself in some way!


Let her cut her hair. She’s 12 years old and it’s her body. Her hair. It grows back if she doesn’t like it. Also kids want to feel like they’re in control of something when things in their lives are off the railing. Make sure you keep open dialog about what’s going on in her life because telling her no will just make her do things behind your back knowing you’d tell her no.

Yes let her get the cut

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As a mom of 4 and a hairstylist for 40 yrs I say She is 12 and in control of her hair and body if she is washing it and styling it herself than compromise let her go shorter she probly wants what most of her friends are getting these days! It will grow back!

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Let her. Teach her to have confidence in her choices and she will learn from them if they turn out to be mistakes. That’s why you are there to guide her through those hiccups. Haircuts are nothing in comparison to what’s to come as she matures. She will be fine. I’ve been through this with my daughter. Teach her that her voice matters above everyone else’s.

My 10 year old has been going shorter and shorter every hair cut she has gotten.
I was against it at first (I have butt-length hair)
But then I thought…why? Its HER hair. She went with a bob last time, and as of 2 days ago she has a pixie cut. I am not a fan, but she likes it and thats all that matters.

I allowed my 10 year old to pick her own and she is iffy but it looks so good on her I was worried and such it’s only hair it grows back mind you she had long long curly hair I was soooo proud of her hair she was born bald… peach fuzz only i cried to see 10 years of hair growth cut off but she’s got a new confidence about her now! Something I’ll keep letting her do.

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You are the mother and it is your job to guide and protect your child…go with your gut…its usually right…but eventually you will let her do her own thing within reason like not being permanent but suggest high school for that

Yes. Let her do it. Or she will do it herself and it will be a mess. Pixies are in style.

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Let her get the hair cut besides it’ll grow back if she doesn’t like it

i would let her do it .

You’re letting bullies etc run your child life. Exactly what we try and teach our kids not to do. Let her. And if someone tries to bully her teach her how to be strong and be herself. And shoot that bully down with quick whitt and show she doesnt care about their thoughts about her.


she is at a age where she should be allowed choices. At the same time talk to her about concerns. Be open to discussing bullies as she will have to deal with this all through life. Let her know that as parents she cant take it out on you but let her vent

I let my son who is 5 choose how he wanted to wear his hair. At the end of the day he is the one who needs that confidence to have his hair the way he likes it. He just cut his hair today after growing it out for a year and a half. Hair grows back. As long as he’s confident and likes the way he looks I’m all for it

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Go gradually… fins a hair stylist that will take that time with her to gradually go to that short of a cut!

Let her ! Before before she cuts it explain to her that she has to live with it if she doesn’t like it and you don’t want to hear that she doesn’t like it tell her it’s her choice

Have her cut her hair a little every time until she gets to that point. That way no shock to her and the kids she goes to school with

Restricting a childs creativity and expression simply bc u think theyre gonna get bullied is shit parenting
Let her have her hair however she wants and maybe actually teach her how to cope with people being nasty to her instead of teaching her to hide herself. If u say no simply bc YOU think shes gonna get bullied all ur teaching her is tht she shouldnt express herself unless everyone else approves.

Now Christie how old was you an all your crazy do’s growing up?

She’s 12….she can’t decide on her haircut? :open_mouth::pensive:


Let her do it!!! I just went though this with my 9yo. I was a little worried too, but you can’t let other people’s reactions dictate your life.
Our stylist suggested going shorter but not full on pixie at 1st. Then she said if she’s comfortable with it and wants the pixie cut, come back and she’d do it. That’s exactly what happened.
My daughter loves it.

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My 14 year old niece shaved her head and that was the happiest she has ever been

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It is only hair and even if the haircut is a mistake, she should be given the chance to make it. Kids need to be “allowed” to fail sometimes
This decision does not have permanent consequences as hair grows back. And it is a great way to demonstrate self expression and individuality!


It’ll grow back. Let her cut it :slightly_smiling_face: i think every girl should go for a pixie atleast once.


Nothing wrong with Pixie Cuts. Easy and freeing.


Yes. If you choose your hairstyle then she should be able to.


She’s 12 yes let her be her. By telling her well kids gonna make fun of you yr really telling her society chooses how you look and what you wear


I let my daughter choose her hair cut she is 12 and chose a pixie cut. I was hesitant but she loves it and I don’t have to get on her as often about hair care. In the end it is just hair it will grow back.


Yes of course nothing crazy

My daughter turns 10 in November and she’s been bugging me since last year to cut her hair, but I refuse to. It’s never been cut, it’s so beautiful and it flows right down to her tail bone. I’ve told her when she’s 16 then she can decide weather she wants to cut it or not.

Her choice. People learn from their choices. Maybe suggest just going a little shorter at a time.

If she does get upset use the opportunity to talk to her about her emotions. Maybe she doesn’t feel she can talk to you.


Nope. When I was 12 I begged my mom to let me cut my hair and looking back I always tell my mom why did you let me do that. I was being a bratty kid and just wanted my way. If anything go gradual.

My pixie was and is my favorite haircut ever! I had my first one at around 6 or 7, and as a very tender headed gild, it was amazing…and I looked pretty darn cute in it too. Lol.

It’s sad that you won’t let her decide her own hair cut.


It is just hair, pick your battles mom. It is not like she is asking to go out on a date, or if she can smoke, or is doing drugs or something.

Allow her to make decisions for herself and focus on teaching her how to express her feelings in a healthy way rather than trying to shelter her from the meanness of others.

Let her do what she wants with her hair and if she gets bullied then punch the bullies mother. The more you try to control her the more she will hate you and do things behind your back.
Just make sure if she wants to dye her hair to go to a professional, home dye jobs can be horrendous

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My daughter has had pixie cut done I let her choose

My daughter is 6 and she picks her own hair cut now I’m waiting for 11 or 12 for super short hair but this is her hair now

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Do it. If she don’t like it, very she won’t ask again. She is old enough to at least make that decision

My kids have always chosen thier own haircuts, let her choose her own

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Mg daughter has been choosing her hair style since she was 6…its hair as long as it isn’t insane…of course at 12 she should be able to choose her own my daughter was dying her hair at 12 they went today with my mom to get hair dyed and cut for school idk what my daughter even looks like right now cause I am at work but it’s her hair

My daughter wanted bangs an I told her she wouldn’t like it but she said she wanted them so this momma cut her some bangs an guess what she didn’t like it but she chose she really wanted them… But they grew back.

Pixie cut and a baseball bat should allow her to live her best life. Good to learn not to care what other people think at a young age in my opinion.

I allow my daughter to do what she wants with her hair. She is 12

Let her do it. Just make sure she understands she has to deal with any consequences

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Uh hmm… this doesn’t sound like a very stable mother response… “she’ll take it out on me and her dad I know her I know this will happen” yikes…

I say let her get the hair cut she wants. And teach her, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but im rubber yoir glue your nasty words bounce of me and stick to you!” But I also believe that she shouldn’t be afraid to express herself bc of what other people might think. Besides she will probably look cuter with the pixie then most of the boys with buzz cuts. OR start her off with like a hair cut like rapunzel so a short bob vs a pixie offer it as a happy medium. And if she likes short hair and wants it shorter then go from there…

The fact that you’re more worried about her “taking it out on you and her dad” is worrisome. That shouldn’t be the issue. She’s 12, most girls get bullied in their life no matter how popular they are, or what they look like! Let her choose, it’s her hair. Don’t worry so much about her treating you & your spouse negatively if she’s being bullied. Be there for her, and support her in what she wants to look like. Rise her up, don’t break her down. Teach her not to care what others think, and to believe she’s beautiful no matter what her hair looks like!

I let my 9 year old cut off 14inched& she loves it!

It’s just hair. It will grow back