Should I let my ex-husbands family stay in our kids lives?

No, since they aren’t actively involved there is no reason to continue it. Be different if they saw them regularly and talked to them more because there would be a bond but 1 or 2 phone calls a year isnt anything

If that’s all the effort they put in, I would just remove all contact


I wouldn’t prevent it unless they’re toxic. That one call every so often might make them feel like at least someone on his side cares.


I know there is many different situations and I am in this situation with some of mine and I am still their grand and great grand and I still love them and want to be a part of their life so unless they are abusive keep them in their lives if they want kids can’t have too many people that love them

Ya all are assholes. Im adopted and I’d vote for letting the family see them esp if theres no abuse problems. The kid doesnt care if you like his family or not and eventually youll be resented for acting like he comes from such shit they shouldnt even be around him.

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Let them , why be petty and selfish. Also what is a few phone calls a year going to do !?

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Allow your children to choose. :two_hearts:

When the children are older and have questions let them decide.


If they have willingly been in their lives so far than yes. It’s not their fault he’s a deadbeat. And if your kids know them than let them continue to know them.

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Let them weed themselves out. You dont need to push them away they will do it themselves if they don’t care about the children.

Reading these comments make me so sad that there are so many deadbeat loser “fathers” :frowning: